I wish I would have started a home based business!

May 16th, 2007

You know, how many people can really look back on their life a few years from now and say they they truly have lived a life without regrets. The one thing that I fear the most is to reach that day and say…..I wish I had done this or I should have done that. No regrets! That is the creed that Amy and I live by. We are not operating on fear or safety. We operate out of pure passion and a love for what we do and who we are.

There are those who work for a living…..and those who work to live their life. Work should be a bi-product of living your life. Making money should be a bi-product of doing what you are passionate about. I am passionate about this business and the individuals who I am able to assist.

Make the choice today to live your life the way you want to live it so that when you reach that day, and reflect on your life, you can truly say that you have lived a life with absolutely no regrets!

Sales Professionals: The contest is on!

May 14th, 2007

The contest is on everyone. Now is the time to get involved in this business. From now until August is the summer showdown contest. The associate who makes the most sales of our flagship product, will be awarded a brand new Range Rover Sport. No questions asked. And I’ll tell you what, I am tracking it. I am running with the runners. If it happens to be someone else winning the Rover over me, they will have to have worked their tails off because I am going to make it as difficult as possible for them.

There are also other prizes involved as well. If you make 12 sales before the cut-off date, you are put into the drawing for a 60″ Plasma TV. If you reach 8 sales you are in the drawing for a digital video camera and luggage. If you make 4 sales you are in a drawing for one of 4 brand new apple cell phones. Very hard to get and brand new on the market. But seriously, when it all comes down to it, you can make a fortune in this business with only a handfull of sales. It doesn’t take thousands of sales to be successful here. It just takes a few. The person who wins the Range Rover will have made so much money that they will be able to purchase 10 of them. The cost of a Rover will be chump change. Check this business out and I will show you.

Become a Doctor or a Network Marketer?

May 14th, 2007

How much really can you say about working from home. I mean, the home based business model has been around for decades and has created more self made millionaires in the last decade than any other single industry. What is there to know about those who work from home and why they do it and what their mentality is? Those who work at home really enjoy a lifestyle that maybe 3% of most people enjoy. There is a huge gap between the conventional way of earning a living and the work from home way of creating a life.

The industry of Network Marketing is huge and will continue to be on the rise for years to come. In most instances, if you work from home, you are in Network Marketing. Very few entrepreneurs are able to enjoy the luxuries of working from the comfort of a home office. I believe that we have yet to see a fraction of what the industry will become within a very short period of time. Direct Sales is a business model that is very common in Network Marketing. It’s ingenious. What it has done is cut out the middle man and provided a direct income stream for the persons involved. Instead of dealing with all the costs involved in retail sales, instead, you put that into your bank account. We will see more and more people transition from corporate positions, small business owners, and so forth, into a home based business of their choosing.

If given the choice to become a doctor or a network marketer……the answer would be simple. Become a network marketer if, and only if, you are committed, goal oriented, and passionate about your success. If you do not possess those attributes then you might as well stay at your job. Most people who become rich do it through hard work. It wasn’t handed to them in a bread basket. They had to learn a skill, get good at that skill, and be persistent at what they were good at. Becoming successful often requires risk. If there is no risk involved then the degree of success is limited. There must be risk. Thus, those who are willing to take risks and act out of passion rather than fear, are rewarded greatly for their desires.

I can’t even begin to name all of the benefits that are attached to working from home. The list goes on and on, of which, I will name a few. You are able to set your own schedule. Plan around your life versus planning around your work. Enjoy more family time and be part of your childrens lives. You will be amazed at what you miss out on while working away from home. The income potential in Network Marketing is amazing. I mean flat out outrageously amazing. When you think of a lucrative business, maybe real estate comes to mind. But how many homes do you have to show before you finally make that big commission. In this home based business, you make the same amount with only a fraction of the time invested. A home based business allows you the opportunity to be in complete control of how much you make. Most work from home businesses are completely mobile as well, which means, you might as well take a trip to the beach and work there. I am speaking of complete freedom through a business that not only provides the vehicle to obtain the income, but the products to achieve the mind-frame that will take you there.

So, if you choose to be a doctor, I commend you for your heart and commitment to serving others. The world needs you. If you have chosen the path of a Network Marketer, strap on your seat belt because you are about to experience what life is truly about.

Do you work to make a living?

May 10th, 2007

You know, there are many reasons why people work. Most people in this world work to make a good, honest living. They work by the sweat of their brow to pay those bills, maintain a good family life and provide for their children. Most people who work for a living look forward to the the big hand on the twelve and the little hand on the 5, because that means they are done with their labors for the day and can have a few hours of freedom. They look forward to the two weeks of paid vacation they may get for the year, but really, while on vacation know that they still have that job waiting for them upon their return.

Every person has the same 24 hours in a day. What you do with those hours is completely up to you. There are approximately 8,760 hours in a year. That is all you get. That is all I get and what everyone gets. Now, about 2600 of those hours, for the person who works to make a living, are spent slaving away toward someone else’s dream. About 2100 of those hours are spent sleeping. So that leaves roughly 3000 hours in which to fit a ton of other things into like, bathing, toilet time, eating, shopping, hobbies, etc. That is not a lot of time, do the math.

I always speak of the 3% of people who work for a different reason than that of the majority of population. The 3% I speak of, work to live their life. Work is a by-product of living their lives. These are the ones that spend 1000 hours a year or less working because they know what it truly means to live their dreams. If you are still working a job, you are working to make a living. You have no idea what it truly means to absolutely live your life. If you have ever seen the movie “Gladiator,” on there was a quote that has taken much more meaning to me recently. Maximus had a priest who said, “Sometimes we do what we want to…….the rest of the time, we do what we have to.” For the “three percenters,” Most the time we do what we want to, and the rest of the time, do what we choose to. You never have to do anything that you do not choose to do.

Make the choice today to work for the sole reason of living your life. One day, you will look back on your life and have regrets…..regrets that you didn’t follow your heart and live the life you have always imagined, unless you choose to change that now. Live a life of no regrets!

My name is David Allred, and I have created my work at home business to a successful money making machine, and I will teach you how to obtain the lifestyle of prosperity and abundance you are seeking. If you have time for a 30 minute presentation call, I can teach you how this work from home business opportunity can earn you more money in a month then you normally make in an entire year!

Work from Home……why not?

May 4th, 2007

“Work from home” is a phrase that has taken interest in many ambitious entrepreneur minded individuals throughout the world. The ability to make money working from the comfort of your own home is tremendous. No commute, no boss and the ability to set your own hours. You will find millions, even billions of listings on the internet regarding this key phrase. What is so special or even enticing about working from home? Why have so many people throughout the world abandoned their current corporate jobs and small businesses to start a home based business?


To understand business in general, and more important, the home based business, you must understand what network marketing is and also what networking is. Most “work from home” opportunities are network marketing, meaning, they thrive on new independent distributors getting started. Direct Sales and MLM are two known types of network marketing and vary considerably in their compensation and business structures. MLM opportunities are set up to benefit the people at the top while Direct Sales gives everyone an equal opportunity to generate the same amount of income regardless of time with the company.


All business, whether traditional or “work from home” oriented, are network marketing in some sense. They all require networking. Referrals, word of mouth, reputation and return on investment are all factors in all business types. To work from home actually gives you more leverage on your time due to the fact that you completely eliminate most of the regular stresses of a traditional business.


I have been able to work from home for the past few years as an entrepreneur. The fact that I have complete control over how much income I make and how much I work is priceless to me, and countless others. Coming from a place of both working a job and also running a small, “traditional” style business, I have been on both sides of the table. I have experienced business in the “work from home” scenario as well as out in public. The benefits of working from home are comparable to none.


To compare the “work from home” businesses to other styles, let’s use franchising as an example. In order to get started in a franchise, there is a considerable up-front investment that is required. McDonalds requires your net worth to be at least one million with half of that in liquid assets. Then, to get involved in their franchise you must pay out half a million to a million dollars to get going. On top of the investment, your income potential is still very limited and therefore you must purchase multiple locations to clear a 6-figure plus income. On top of that, you have just bought yourself a job that requires your full time attention and leaves you very little free time. You have employees and overhead to deal with, locations and stores to manage, and really miss out on a lot of what living a financially independent life has to offer.


Imagine the possibility to work from home 3-4 hours a day, only four days a week, with virtually an unlimited income. What would you do with all the extra time you normally wasted while working for someone else or dealing with unnecessary business mechanics? To work from home allows you the freedom to take up hobbies that you may not have had the time for, travel the world with your whole family, start multiple streams of income or just relax and enjoy the freedom. Who wouldn’t say yes to that?


As an independent distributor, not only do I run my own successful enterprise, I also help others to work from home and to start on a path of complete freedom and prosperity. I am involved in a Direct Sales opportunity that involves the Personal Development industry. If you have seen Oprah and many of the talk shows lately, they have been speaking of a movie called, “The Secret.” The Law of Attraction is not a new concept in this business but it is just barely becoming known to the general public. Every successful individual in time has done some sort of personal development to improve their way of thinking.


Work from home and enjoy the benefits of being self-employed and the ability to be in complete control of your day and your level of income. Direct Sales has created more self-made millionaires in the past decade than any other single industry. It is simple, but lucrative. The world has not yet understood the true potential of the “work from home” business model. This business is revolutionizing the “work from home” industry and is heading a title wave of success that is sweeping through the Direct Sales and Personal Development industries. So many people have had such phenomenal success as they work from home but, I believe that we haven’t even seen a fraction of what is to come.

Procrastination is an enemy to Success!

May 2nd, 2007

I want to share with you an excerpt from “The richest man in Babylon” written by George S. Clason. It is a story that will demonstrate the title to this article, but also show you that the successful make decisions quickly. To be successful means to be a person of action always. Most of the time, your gut feeling is right.

“Returning from the city one evening after a disheartening ten days’ journey in search of camels, i was much angered to find the gates of the city closed and locked. While my slaves spread our tent for the night, which we looked to spend with little food and no water, I was approached by an elderly farmer who, like ourselves, found himself locked outside.”

” ‘Honored sir,’ ” he addressed me, ” ‘from thy appearance, I do judge thee to be a buyer. If this be so, much would I like to sell to thee the most excellent flock of sheep just driven up. Alas, my good wife lay very sick with the fever. I must return with all my haste. By thou my sheep that I and my slaves may mount our camels and travel back without delay.’ ”

“So dark it was that I could not see his flock, but from the bleating I did know that it must be large. Having wasted ten days searching for camels I could not find, I was glad to bargain with him. In his anxiety, he did set a most reasonable price. I accepted, well knowing my slaves could drive the flock through the city gates in the morning and sell at a substantial profit.”

“The bargain concluded, I called my slaves to bring the torches that we might count the flock which the farmer declared to contain nine hundred. I shall not burden you, my friends, with a description of our difficulty in attempting to count so many thirsty, restless, milling sheep. It proved to be an impossible task. Therefore, I bluntly informed the farmer I would count them in at daylight and pay him then.”

” ‘Please, most honorable sir,’ ” he pleaded, ” ‘pay me but two-thirds of the price tonight that I may be on my way. I will leave my most intelligent and educated slave to assist to make the count in the morning. He is trustworthy and to him thou canst pay the balance.’ ”

“But I was stubborn and refused to make payment that night. Next morning, before I awoke, the city gates opened and four buyers rushed out in search of flocks. They were most eager and willing to pay high prices because the city was threatened with seige, and food was not plentiful. Nearly three times the price at which he offered the flock to me did the old farmer receive for it. Thus was rare good luck allowed to escape.”

And there you have it. I don’t believe that it was good luck. It was the effort the buyer put forth to find the camels that attracted the good deal, but he failed to act on it. In order to have success, one must learn to make decisions quickly. Opportunity comes and goes very quickly at times, and if you are not committed to action, then procrastination and missed opportunities become more familiar to you.

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