Inspirational Movie Wall-E

March 17th, 2009

wall-eI have become a sucker for animated films and for all of you who have children, you know what I mean. I catch myself saying things that normally a man wouldn’t say, such as, “I’ve got to go potty!” So now I am addicted to animated movies, Wii, and several other activities that pertain to having three little girls.

I just barely found the opportunity to watch the movie Wall-E. What a great flick with some great messages about companionship and responsibility. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, I may ruin it for you. The earth becomes very polluted and the population was given the option to leave earth on a spaceship while it was being cleaned up. Well, Wall-E was one of the robots created to clean the earth and over time, ended up being the only one left.

He ends up finding his way to the spaceship that contained all the children’s children’s children’s children of the ones who left the earth so many years before while following a robot sent to earth to discover signs of life. Well, over the years the people on this ship had become so robot and technology dependent that they grew fat, very fat. None of them even walked and they all floated around on these hovering chairs all the time with a TV screen in front of their faces. They were all so fat and so consumed with what was right in front of their face that everything else around them was non-existent. Once this screen was turned off, by Wall-E of course, they could see a universe of possibilities and then starting to truly enjoy life. They started walking and taking action.

The best line of the entire movie, at least for me, came from the captain of this spaceship. Back in the beginning years of this spaceship, the man in charge put the ship on autopilot and programmed it to keep all the inhabitants of the earth in space indefinitely because the earth was unsuitable to sustain life. Well, Wall-E’s little robot friend discovered life on earth and in order to return to earth, the captain had to put this plant into a sensor that would activate the ships return sequence. Well, the captain and this Auto Pilot robot ended up into an argument. The robots job was to make sure the humans survived. That was its mission.

The captain then said the line, “I don’t want to survive. I want to live!”

T0 just survive would be a waste of life. To truly live and experience all that life has to offer is our true nature. Take some time today and think of what “Living your Life” truly means to you. Where are you at? What are you doing? Who are you with? If you are not currently doing it, what in the heck are you waiting for?

Life is short. Very short! Enjoy the journey. Don’t end up at the end of it wishing you would have!

Elephants in Zoo Die Early!

March 16th, 2009

elephantsSince our move from Pinetop to Payson Arizona we have been able to enjoy a few quick trips down to the Phoenix area. Where it would take 3 hours from Pinetop it now is only an hour away and so these few quick trips happen a little more often. This past Saturday we decided to do a quick trip to the Phoenix Zoo. So we packed the kids in the car and took off.

The Zoo was pretty packed when we got there. We actually drove around for 25 minutes before we finally found a spot, and guess where it was? It was right up front!! That’s the law of attraction in the works right there!

The kids had a blast. Animals, Kennel Corn and Snow Cones make up for a great time when you have children. It was cool to see the excitement on their faces. I asked them what their favorite part was and you won’t believe what they told me. When we were looking at the Rhinos, one of them decides to let go of nearly 50 lbs of dung and urine no further than 20 feet from us. So yeah, that was their favorite part!

The point of my post is not to tell you of the great time we had but to speak about Elephants. Here is an interesting fact that you all may not be aware of: Elephants in captivity die 20 years sooner than those that live in the wild! Elephants in the wild will travel nearly 25 miles a day where animals in captivity don’t. Now the biggest killer of Elephants in captivity is their feet. Zoo keepers are constantly cleaning and taking special care of their feet because they don’t have the opportunity to wear down the bottoms of their feet while in captivity while those that live in the wild have little trouble at all. Elephants in the wild will normally live up to around 80 years old.

You know, I think there is a little more to it. The professionals blame these early deaths on foot trouble and that may be part of the issue, but let me throw this idea out there. The elephants natural home involves a seven letter word, “Freedom!” They go from traveling 25 miles a day in the open to maybe just 5 miles of the same old cage. Even if they were born in captivity, it still runs through their veins. They are animals that were created to be free and to roam in their domain. How would that feel to know you were capable of more, yet, you were being constrained or held back from what should be natural?

It is amazing to see the growth in the people I assist every day in this business. Especially when they are coming from a place of captivity. If we all truly understood what we were capable of, the world would be a very different place!

I would be interested to know the average life expectancy of a person that works in a cubicle for an employer for his entire life versus an entrepreneur who travels frequently and has complete control over his time. I bet the stats are somewhat similar. I know for sure which of those two people would experience the most joy in life.

You see, there are different forms of captivity. When you take a look at an Elephant in the zoo, one might think, “Wow, now that’s captivity!” On the other hand, is being cooped up in a job any different. It’s basically a lighter form of house arrest. We can call it ‘commercial arrest’. After you are finished doing your time, you are allowed to go home for a few hours for relaxation, but, you had better be back the next day to do it all over again. What sounds enticing about that?

My advice: Make absolute certain that you are living your life as freely as you possibly can. You will be happier, you will experience more joy and you will live longer. And I sure hope it doesn’t take a trip to the zoo to help you realize that!

The Most Dangerous Jobs

March 13th, 2009

So I have often wondered what the most dangerous jobs would be. I would think that working on a nuclear bomb would be there, hazardous waste treatment, the military, test pilot,  Grand Canyon telephone repair man. They are all right up there…..but I had no idea that working in a cubicle would be just as dangerous. Think about it! What happens to a free animal when caged up? They flip out right?

You have to check out this video! I cracked up the first time I watched this. Go ahead, stay in your current job. Just know, you might become the next victim of Job Dementia and absolutely lose it!!

[youtube width=”400″ height=”350″][/youtube]

Inspirational Quotes from Braveheart

March 12th, 2009

Quotes from BraveheartAs you all know I am a huge movie watcher. I don’t really care for TV shows but love the movies. BraveHeart! What a great movie with a great message. Yeah, I know that a ton of people had to die to get this great message across, but even past all the blood and gore in the movie, it had a great plot. The plot of freedom. It shows how average people become great and accomplish great things. Where there is a will, there is a way and where there is passion, many will follow.

Inspirational Quotes from Braveheart

How many of you who are in your current job would like to tell your boss or employer something like this: “Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse.” -William Wallace

I was once told by an well respected colleague of mine that most people only really get one shot, maybe two, to make something great of themselves. When facing that one opportunity, and having turned it down, you may never get another chance. William Wallace says it best, “Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!”

Don’t be caught years from now wishing that you would have taken that one chance to do something great with your life. Don’t wait to live. Living is for now, not for later. Don’t just sit around on the couch with a false sense of security just because you have a job or a steady paycheck. I once read that most people die at age 30 and are dead men walking for the other 60. “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” -William Wallace

When you think about freedom, what does that mean? Does it mean living in America and being able to go here and there, from state to state, worship as you may, have the right to bear arms and the freedom of speech? I love and enjoy those freedoms, but still, Dad’s are away from home ten to 12 hours a day just to kiss their kids goodnight and in some cases, the mother also. Their children are being raised by someone else that is paid to just watch them instead of nurturing them and teaching them how to be great. In trade for food and shelter they sacrifice their family time and their freedom! There is so much to live for, to enjoy and to experience and working my life away for someone else is not my idea of freedom.

“It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom.” -William Wallace

“Because” is an Excuse!

March 11th, 2009

noexcusesAs I study different people and look at the results they are having in their life I notice that a lot of their success or failure stems from their language. You may not think so but by adjusting your language, in your mind and that which comes out of your mouth, can make a huge difference in your results. I know you have all heard of the phrase, “Do as I say not as I do!” That is the dumbest phrase! If those words have come out of your mouth before, your life may not be going as smoothly as it could, and you know what? It’s all your fault.

The correct phrase is “Do as I do!” Surprisingly, most people do as they say and you can see a pattern in people’s speech that will determine what they do. There are so many words that can be switched around or not used at all. For this post, I am going to call attention to the word “because.”

“Because” most of the time, is an excuse word. I can’t go to the store because……

Quick story: I assist people is creating wealth from home right? Well, occasionally I will speak with people who have huge income goals. They want to make millions and want it to happen right now. I present to them a business that has 7 figure income potential. The cost to get started is very minimal compared to the income they will make. Now tell me if you have ever heard this line: “I can’t get started because…..I have no money, I am living paycheck to paycheck, all my income goes to bills, I can’t afford to!” It all starts with “I can’t because.” Having no money is just an excuse. If they really wanted to get started and if they really wanted their millions, a small start up fee would not deter them in any way.

By using “because” in a negative way just means that you have only made a choice. You have chosen to be a victim of your circumstance and are allowing something else effect your choices. Money issues, sickness, schedules, school, friends, family, time, etc…they are all the same. Anything can get in the way of you achieving success. My goals include my family and friends because I allow them to be included in a certain way and still have control over that. The same applies to everything else.

Take a look at your vocabulary. Do you use the word “because” a lot? Is is being used as an excuse or is it empowering?

Empowering: “I am successful because I chose to be, or I did this or I did that.” That is positive and is used in a way that I can control. It’s not used selfishly if you are deserving. Credit is due.

Not Empowering: “I am successful because the stock market turned for the better, or luck came my way, or I won the lottery.” Those are all things you have no control over.

Excuse: “We lost the game because John missed that shot. I can’t make millions because I can’t afford to start a business. I am broke and unemployed because of the economy. I can’t market on the internet because I don’t know how!” All of these are ways “because” can aid in your excuses.

Take an inventory on your vocabulary and use words to empower yourself and I promise you that you will see a tremendous difference in your life.

Stop settling and start living! No excuses!

You Deserve What You Want!

March 9th, 2009

Now before I get into this post I want you all to think of what you want the absolute most in your life. Really think about it now, don’t just make something up. Get vivid about it. Get so clear that you can actually picture yourself in possession of that thing. How does it feel? Are you already in possession of the things you want the most or are they something you have yet to obtain? Maybe you are already in possession of a few things you want but not all of them.

One of the biggest road blocks between a person and their ultimate desires is deservability and directly connected to that is self worth. Most people, even though they desire something so greatly, still don’t really believe they will ever be in possession of it. The reasons may vary but the biggest one is the fact that they feel undeserving or unworthy of that object. Let’s use money as an example. Most people who feel undeserving of money have the impression that others are more deserving of it than they are. “Donald Trump deserves all of his money because, just look at him. He has everything together. He is a man of power and deserves his wealth.” Hogwash!

They only reason Donald Trump has more money than any of you right now is because he deserves it. Why does he deserve that money? He deserves every penny of what he has earned because he was willing to stick his neck out on the line and take huge risks when others were not! He deserves all that he has because he took the action to create it instead of sitting around thinking that others were more deserving than he was. It’s not a selfish thing, it’s an ambitious thing. He’s not trying to take all the money away from everyone else. He understands that there is enough money for everyone to have a ton of it and knows that every penny he will ever make is currently in the hands of someone else or has not yet been made and unless he takes action, it will remain in their hands.

He deserves it just as much as you deserve it and are worth receiving it. If you are dirt poor, sit around on the couch all day, are unemployed, never miss a showing of CSI, never pick a book to read or never take the intitiative to change your situation, you deserve your poor state. Accept the fact that you have created your reality because you deserve what you accept. It is all simply because you either didn’t take action or are taking the wrong action.  The only thing that seperates the rich from the poor is mindset. Change your thoughts, change your world. Truly believe that you deserve all that you desire in this life because you do, if you will but take the risks and the actions to achieve them!

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