Sick and Tired Enough?

April 22nd, 2009

sickandtiredSimple question: What will it take for you to start living the life you know you deserve? You know, it’s funny to me to see some of the people that contact me regarding my business, because when their circumstance, their job or their business is not going smoothly, they are eager to make a change. But just as soon as their job has one good day, they are willing to throw it all away and stay in their comfort zone. Even if it has had a past experience of going south frequently. It just doesn’t matter any more because everything is fine now. Forget about what will most likely happen again probably in the very near future, they’re fine right now. Where’s the vision in that? Where’s the fulfillment in living a life that you despise 99.9% of the time because it is comfortable or predictable?

So what does it take for someone like that to change what they are doing and do something different? I can tell you this much, I can’t make people change their lives. I can’t take their call, hear how poorly things are going, tell them to change it and have them do exactly as I say. To tell you the truth, I won’t do that. I am not here to live their life for them.

The only way that someone will change, is when they are not only sick and tired of what they are going through, but when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. That’d the breaking point. From that point, there is no choice, because the only option for that person now is to change. So they take initiative, nearly being compelled by the natural order of things.

Now, true success and sense of accomplishment comes when someone decides to change before they get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Why? By the time that person reaches the point of having no choice, of being sick and tired, their ability to think positively is far gone. Their ability to be proactive has been forced upon them. Their financial resources are in the negative. All of these things are now acting against them along side the thing that made their lives so miserable in the first place. It becomes nearly impossible to move forward with any kind of momentum at that point. Then again, if that person is a fighter, when backed into a corner may lash out with all the energy and ambition in the world. But most people, will just submit and accept their failure to act by staying sick and tired.

So act before it gets too late to act. Act when you are first prompted to do so. Don’t sit around waiting for things to get worse, because you know they will, especially  if they have already. Part of taking control of your life is doing it while you still have a choice!

Think Outside the Box

April 20th, 2009

think-outside-the-boxThinking outside of the box has become a very popular phrase. Corporate America has adopted the phrase in an attempt to increase productivity from employees. Entrepreneurs use it to inspire creativity and uniqueness. It seems to have a pretty nice effect. People actually start to thing larger and bigger than before as if they were automatically given permission to do so. I mean, the results are in the positive, but I can’t help but think, was there ever a box to begin with or did we all just sort of create our own box. Or maybe our so called created “box” was created by other people and we just automatically or gradually assumed it as our own?

First off, let’s define the box. The box is some sort of mental boundary. I mean, picture yourself living in a box. You can only see as far as the box allows you to, right? The box is the block that prevents your method of operation or your vision to expand. So the concept of thinking outside of the box is all about getting outside of your comfort zone. It’s about thinking differently, bigger or better. It’s about getting results that you never thought were possible.

So what’s up with the box? Understanding the box is the first step to progress. The box, was created by our own self belief and contains what we believe is possible to achieve. So, we created this so called box of limitations, or adopted someone elses box or beliefs of what is possible and made them our own. Living in a box would leave no room for growth. Limitations would be and are expected and accepted.

The fact is, there is no box. The box resides within your own mind. If you think about it, fear is the same concept. Fear isn’t some kind of huge monster staring down at you when you are about to go skydiving. It’s a mental condition. It is created by our minds and is a limiting belief. Just the same, it’s obvious that we don’t all walk around in cardboard boxes. It’s all just a mental state we all choose to operate in.

The truth is, we as powerful, spiritual beings are capable of anything. The sky is not the limit, there is no limit. Think of what it is that you want to do. Stretch your belief of what is possible because your understanding of what is possible is your only limit. Increase your understanding and you increase your potential. Understand though, you are capable or becoming anything you desire to become. Millionaire, Billionaire, Astronaut, Pilot, Entrepreneur? Take your pick! All it takes is a belief that it can be done, focused consistent action, and you. There is no box!

Do You Enjoy the News?

April 16th, 2009

news_updateDo you really truly enjoy the news? Do you sit there on your couch at 10pm or tune in on the radio on your way to work? Is it important to you?

I sure hope not, and I will tell you why. The news is designed for the masses. If you think about it, what are the masses doing right now? They are in panic over how horrible the economy supposedly is. Why are they that way? It’s all because the news tells it to them over and over again.

Why are people terrified to go out by themselves, to get on a plane or to buy a home? It’s because the media, or the news is telling them that it is dangerous, the market is crashing or there is some crazed maniac in the world. Thus, they acquire a fear. This fear is caused by a constant, consistent watching of or listening to the news.

We all know, if you repeat something over and over again, you get really good at it. Practice your jump shot over and over again, you will become great at shooting. It goes the opposite way just as easy. Practice being negative over and over again and you will become very negative. Practice listening to or watching the news over and over again and you will start to believe everything they tell you. It doesn’t matter if what they are saying is accurate, it just matters that you hear it every day. When you hear about a recession, bankruptcies and foreclosures happening all over the world, what does that do to your mindset. It puts you in a place of fear. Not just you but everyone else in the world that chooses to listen to or watch it.

I’ll tell you what, if you have ever wanted to be just like everyone else, sit there and watch the news. Because your mindset will be the same as theirs, terrified to take any sort of action.

If there is any advice I can give you now, limit your exposure to the news that has nothing to do with you. Unless you are looking for causes to donate to or assist with, you don’t deserve to know. When someone across the globe dies from a car accident, you do not deserve to know. Bad stuff happens. Dwelling on it will never move the world forward in a positive direction. Talking about a recession, a murder, a bankrupt mall owner, or whatever else over and over again, will never improve anything in YOUR life. Separate yourself from it all. Devote your time to causes that truly deserve your attention.

Take a look at Yahoos news titles. Are they always positive in nature? Most of the time they are not. 70% or more of all the titles you read there have to do with something negative about someone or something. I await the day when 90% of all titles are positive, uplifting and inspiring in nature. What will the world be like then?

The fact: the masses love the negativity. People thrive on it, are glued to it and are addicted to it. And it sucks them and they have no idea how they themselves became so negative. It is through small doses of consistent negativity.

So, how do we change this? How to we take a society that has always thrived on negativity, almost since the beginning of time, and teach them to be positive and self productive instead of negative and self destructive?

We do it by small doses of positivity, inspiration and motivation consistently. The same that created the monster will also destroy it. It all starts with you. What will you choose to allow into your mind today? I guess the question to ask yourself is ‘Will it serve you?’

Inspirational Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean

April 15th, 2009

piratecompassWhat is it that you desire the most in your life? I know, it’s a loaded question right? Do you even know what it is that you desire most? Maybe it’s not just one main thing, and that’s alright! But can you at least point out one thing, place, situation, person or status that you feel the strongest about? Now that you have that in your mind, how do you get there? Where is the compass or the instruction manual?

I made mention of the compass used by Jack Sparrow in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean and how it constantly points the way to the thing that Jack, or whoever holds the compass, desires the most. There is no set direction or true north. It only points one way, and that way can change, depending on your thoughts and desires. Notice that the compass stops working when Jack is torn between two desires. The course or direction isn’t as clear as before, as the compass is now sporadic. The compass will only point the way to a certain desire, or the strongest desire.

The same is true for you and I. Our thoughts are our compass and our actions steer us in the direction of our truest desires. When our concentration is focused on obtaining that desire, our actions fall into accordance and achieve that desire. When our focus is on multiple desires, one not being more important than the other, our thoughts and actions are split, scattered and not as concentrated as they should be. What happens then? One or more of our desires is not getting enough attention and will not come to fruition. As an example, when I hear of people that have multiple businesses as they strive to produce multiple streams of income, I have to think of this scenario. Either one or all of those businesses is lacking attention and will suffer. For those of you who have more than one child, you know what if feels like when they are all at your heels trying to get your attention. Your mind just wants to shut down. The same applies to these businesses, you just can’t give them all the attention they all deserve. The sure path is not as clear. The compass is sporadic as it is pointing back and forth from one business to the next. Thought energy is spread so thin that it can never be as concentrated as it should. Concentrated thought and action towards one business will produce 10 times the results than 10 times the businesses with partial concentration and attention.

jack_compassSo, if you have figured out your greatest desire, write it down, get more clear on what it is you desire, and then make it happen. Don’t lose your focus with distractions, make sure your compass constantly points in its direction. You really do have more control than you think, you just have to think it so. Just as Jack, when you look out across the distance, you should be able to see what it is that you want. It should be clear as day to you. Though others might think you are crazy and a dreamer, maintain that focus and you will get what it is that you desire!

Once again, control your thoughts, control your world!

The True Power of Your Thoughts

April 13th, 2009

jungle pathThoughts are very interesting and very powerful things. If you truly understood the effect they can have on your life’s destination, you would be  extremely conscious of which thoughts you entertain and which ones you quickly discard. Every thought you have either changes the current path you are on or completely makes a new one. I want you all to really understand that, so I will repeat it once again. Every thought you have either changes the current path you are on or completely leaves that path to make a new one.

Those who really understand the power of a thought know that by thinking a certain way, they are choosing a certain path. Thoughts can be recorded and used, in a sense, as a compass. Now this compass will point you in a certain direction, but this compass does not have a true north. It’s more like the compass Jack Sparrow uses in “Pirates of the Caribbean.” It only points the way to what you most desire in this world.

So is it fair to say that the things you think about all day long are the things you desire the most? I don’t think that statement is entirely accurate. Thoughts can be influenced by so many different circumstances, whether interior or exterior. People get into a rut, or can’t seem to break free from struggle because they just haven’t learned to control which thoughts they entertain. Thus, they just entertain nearly every thought that pops into their head, sending them spinning through life out of control, jumping from one path to the next completely at the whim of thoughts that do not serve them.

Here’s an example: Picture yourself standing in front of a thick jungle. There is no way to get through this jungle unless a path is created. Just in front of you you see a path that has been well traveled by. It seems like the easiest path to travel by as many have gone that way before. Sometimes, the easiest is not always the best choice, especially in the middle of a jungle. Predators know this path as well. They wait towards the end to find their prey. Danger lurks on this path. So you decide to change your path by taking out your machete, hacking away at the vines and jungle growth, creating your own path. You are in complete control of your direction. When a vine comes along, you can choose to allow it to deter you or you can just hack your way through, heading in the same direction.

At times is seems that just entertaining every thought that comes into your mind is the easiest way to go. It is the path that is most traveled by. I mean, it won’t effect your destination in the end right? It’s just a thought! Wrong! Entertaining every thought is like having a fruit salad with Salsa, Guacamole, peanut butter and jelly, chocolate, ketchup and and a big cup of mustard. It just doesn’t go together and quite frankly, just ain’t right! Eat that salad and you will likely end up in the hospital. The easiest decision may or may not end up being the easiest decision in the long run, as you usually pay for your decision later.

Learn to take out your machete and hack away at the thoughts that don’t serve you and stand as an obstacle on your chosen path. By learning this one simple discipline, you can literally change your course and ultimately change your world. If a thought does not serve you or move you closer to your most desired destination, replace it or discard it immediately. If you don’t like it, hack it away and move forward without it. It does not own you, it’s just a thought placed there by one of many sources. Sources that are not based within your own heart. Learn to discern between those that are and those that aren’t. It becomes easier with practice. I promise!

I truly hope you understand how simple it can be to veer off course and how simple it also can be to change your course. Just think your way there by controlling or choosing your thoughts. Then the saying, “Change your thoughts, change your world,” is a real thing. You truly do have complete control. You wonder why we only are able to use one third of our brain capacity? If most of the human race can’t even learn to master the third, how will it ever learn to master the other two thirds. Know your potential, and then choose it to be so!

Philosophies of the Ant – Remain Loyal and Honest

April 8th, 2009

Philosophies of the Ant - Remain Loyal and HonestI little while ago I had promised you, my readers, that I would finish the Philosophies of the Ant series. I apologize, my worst enemy showed up in my life for a bit and I just got rid of him. His name is procrastination!

Philosophies of the Ant – Remain Loyal and Honest

In my industry you have people come and go, I mean, it’s a fact of life. Some people just can’t stay in one place for very long. I don’t know if it is lack of an attention span, boredom or the fact that they want to stay distant and never establish a connection or relationship with others. Maybe they always feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the river. Who knows? But what I do know, if you are having success on one side of the river, the grass is seldom greener on the other side of it. In fact, it’s probably wilted and a little tainted.

So here’s the point I would like to make: You will become more successful, you will grow more and help more people become successful with a firm foundation than you ever will without a foundation. Find a business that creates the success you desire and then stay put! Strengthen your foundation and as you do, you will have the ability to support more.

Take a look at a colony of ants. Can any ant just up and leave and set root with some other neighboring colony? If you’re a red ant can you just shack up with a colony of black ants? No! The ant would be killed, torn apart! Ants are very loyal to their colony. They die building it, supporting it and then protecting it. They have a place there I’m sure take ownership in the colony. It is their colony!

Whatever business you decide to get involved in, once you create your success, stay put. Strengthen your foundation right where you are, take ownership in the company you are with because you are the company. You are stock, and as your value increases, so will the value of the company and as that happens, new heights will be reached. Records will be broken and you, along with all the others next to you, will set the standard for everyone else.

By moving around, you are choosing to be selfish, only thinking about #1, yourself. Sure, you may have success, but with no foundation, and without a foundation, your business will never have the success it should and would. What happens to a tooth that is moved around a lot? The root shortens and by doing so, the tooth becomes weaker. The same happens to Entrepreneurs.

On top of being loyal, the only kind of business to do is honest business. Without honesty and integrity in foundation, your footers will turn to sand and your enterprise will collapse. It’s like forgetting the one component in cement that, over a short period, turns solid.

Practice honesty and integrity in everything you do, not just business. True depth in any business comes from respect and a good name. You get that by remaining loyal and honest, always.

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