This morning, my Dad, brother-in-law and I hit the golf course bright and early at 5 am. For those of you who might be thinking 5 am is too early, trust me, in the Arizona summer, you’ll want to get out as early as you can to beat the heat. There’s never to great a sacrifice for a good round of golf, but I’d rather lose sleep than die of the heat. Sleep isn’t so important after playing a round of golf, mid-day in the summer when you know you could have been playing when it was nice and cool.
Anyway, on with my point. Sometimes we can golf and not say a single phrase that has any meaning beyond small talk. Seriously, women simply can’t comprehend this concept. I’m often asked by my wife what our conversations were about for the last three hours of golf….and I can’t honestly tell her. Most of the time, it’s brainless conversation.