There are do-ers and nay-sayers?

February 22nd, 2007 | No Comments |

When Columbus first proposed the idea of the world being round, everyone must have thought he had gone mad. I mean, look in front of you. It is clearly visible that the earth is flat. Most people have been to the ocean, and it really looks that way doesn’t it? After you reach the end, you will fall off the edge of the world. The thought of being able to go completely in a circle around the world and ending up right where you started was outrageous. Who would have known? Sometimes, what your mind tells you it is, isn’t the way it really is.

Columbus, along with many others who have accomplished many great and wonderful things, had to go against what was taught as traditional thinking. He had to let go of that one “huge” limiting belief, that the world was flat and that he would eventually come to the end of the earth. He had to go with his premonition that the world was more than just that. He had to believe that he could sail forever. Otherwise, why would he go? I’m sure people thought he was crazy, that he was going to his failure. I’m sure he was popular with few and thought of as a fool to many.

But you know what, he was a do-er. He visualized something greater than most. He saw the bigger picture and was thinking outside of the box. I have seen so many take the advice of the nay-sayers, the ones who never accomplish much in their lifetime due to their lack of vision. They jump on the bandwagon and follow the advice of the majority. I’ll tell you what, if I had followed the advice of the majority when I got started in this opportunity, I would still be working a JOB for a wage and stuck in a life of misery.

3% of the world actually live this concept of being the do-ers. They think outside the box, go with their own gut feeling, they discover a new world out there and live a life of prosperity and abundance. So the next time someone tells you that you will fail at your dreams, leave them thinking the world is flat, because that is where they will stay. The the truth of reality is, there is so much more than what is really right in front of your face!

Are you truly allowing success?

February 21st, 2007 | No Comments |

You know, success comes very easily to some and is very difficult for others to even comprehend. What is the difference between these two types of people? Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Why, when one thing goes well it seems to happen over and over again? Or, vise-versa, if something goes wrong, why does it happen over and over again? I like this definition given by a dictionary of the word “allow”:permit to be attainable or cause to remain. What are you allowing when it comes to the results you seek?

I believe, that the only thing standing in the way of your success is you and you alone. What kinds of limiting beliefs are you holding on to that may hinder you and what you attract? Believe it or not, but success scares some people. Becoming an outrageous success just does not feel right to some people so they actually block it, without even knowing it. When they experience a little taste of success, they savor the moment and store it away for a rainy day. Maybe it’s because it is something that is unfamiliar to them. A different feeling that they haven’t really felt before. It’s not that they don’t like the feeling of success, they just fear that it will go away.

The feeling that I speak of is almost something that can’t be understood in writing but only by the heart. It is the feeling of the uttermost joy to know that you have done it. You have won and you want to share it with anyone and everyone. It is a feeling of fulfillment but yet a hunger for more. Confidence and boldness surround you as the thought of fear and worry no longer exist. You are on top of your game and unstoppable. You are in flow and that flow will continue. That, is the feeling that you must have within you constantly and learn to recreate at the drop of a hat. You must allow that feeling to stay with you and most importantly, allow it to continue to grow within you and swell.

By applying the principles of the law of attraction, we learn what we think about, happens if we give it enough focus and energy. Learn to train your mind. Allow success. Allow money. You are a money magnet and you deserve to live a life of abundance and prosperity because you have allowed it to happen for yourself. Success is not for everyone else, it is for you.

My Testimonial of this business!

February 19th, 2007 | No Comments |

We have been in this business since March of 2005. We were like most of the world, living paycheck to paycheck. We were unsatisfied with our current results and stuck in a world that we had no clue how to change. We were doing the same things over and over but expecting different results. Through this business, and more specifically it’s products, we have learned that in order to get different results, we first had to change our way of thinking. Change starts within, first. It then filters outward. Through these products we have been able to change our thinking process and have experience outstanding results in our lives and in this business. We have also realized through this opportunity, that we own our day. Today is mine and what I choose to do with it is up to me and me alone. This business not only gives me the time and money to do so, but also the frame of mind to do it with.

The four W’s of this business!

February 16th, 2007 | No Comments |

I am here to help those who can help themselves. I am not here to carry the world on my shoulders and hold hands with needy people. We all have needs. But what separates the ones that get what they need and the ones that don’t, is will power to do so. I only mentor leaders and in the process of looking for the great ones, I have to sort through the ones that aren’t willing to make decisions or who aren’t ready.

There is a saying and is known as the four W’s. Some Will, some Won’t, so What, someone is Waiting. Not to say that I don’t care if someone is successful or unhappy. But I can not wait around until someone is ready to help themselves by moving forward in their lives with confidence and ambition. I present an opportunity to qualified individuals who are ready for a change. If you are reading through my website right now then something in your life, career, family, etc is not going as planned. Something needs to change or add to what you are currently doing. And you know what, you won’t make that change until you are so sick and tired. Sick of living a life of mediocrity.

So, if you feel you are a strong willed, ambitious leader, then you deserve to take a look at this business, get started and begin living a life of abundance and prosperity.

The Law of Attraction and Be-Do-Have!

February 14th, 2007 | 3 Comments |

The Law of attraction and the Be-Do-Have (BHD) principle are as close as you can get to being one and the same concept. The law of attraction, of course, is the art of attracting the things you want in your life by your thoughts and actions. It is a force that is in existence whether believed in or not. What you put your focus and energy to eventually materializes or presents itself with an opportunity. What you think about, happens.

Be the person you want to be, do the things they would do, and have the things that person would have. The most important step is the first. Too many people try to do this principle in reverse. It does not work out that way. I once heard a quote and I will attempt to paraphrase it: I pity the man who became a millionaire but wasn’t one already. A man who is given a dollar, and turns that dollar into profit, is the one who has this process in order.

Thus, in order to be the person you intend to be, it must first begin with you. You must change your thought process to the way you must think to get your desired goal. When you put enough of your focus and energy toward what you want, you will take the actions to get it and then eventually have it.

What drives you? Fear or Passion?

February 13th, 2007 | No Comments |

Have you ever know someone in your life who was driven by fear in all of their decision making? When faced with an important decision the thought of what might go wrong is the main factor in whether or not they move forward? Most people are just like that. Instead of seeing the great amounts of success they could have or the happiness that would derive from succeeding or making a good, solid choice in the direction of their dreams, they choose to submit to fear. They allow this fear to keep them from their happiness. These people don’t even know it, but they are living life in fear. They fear consequence. Taking responsibility for their own actions is hard.

There is no degree of success that has ever been achieved without the possibility of failure. Failing is not the end of the world. It is an attempt at something great. The only difference between the ones who succeed and the ones who fail is what they do after they fail. They have two options, lay down and stay defeated. Or, try again until success! Abraham Lincoln failed at many attempts to be elected in different political offices throughout his career until he was finally elected President of the Unites States.

Someone who is passion driven will have an unmeasurable amount of success. Decision making and going forward without fear is something that comes easy when you are driven by your dreams. Failure will come more often to those who are driven by fear. That emotion is always lingering in the subconscious, waiting to take control. Don’t allow it. Look forward with confidence and make decisions based on what you want in your heart, not what logic tells you. Logic will not allow you to live your dreams.

Fear is just a frame of mind. Passion radiates from every member of the body and is far more powerful. Live a life of abundance that is fueled by your passion.

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