Indecision is still a decision!

February 10th, 2007 | No Comments |

A little over a year ago my wife and I decided to jump out of a perfectly good airplane at 13,000 ft. But before we did so we had to fill out about 20 different forms basically stating this: “Even though it may be a perfect day, all equipment works properly, your tandem partner is not suicidal, the plane works fine, things are going great, you still may die! And you do this on your own free will.” It is just like saying, yes, I am willing to die today. So off we went until we reached the point of no return…..the part where you jump.

I can tell you, it was a blast! I loved every minute of it. But, a few minutes into the jump I was faced with a very important decision. That decision was whether or not to pull the cord. Now, did I pull it? I typing this right? The obvious answer to this question is to pull the cord unless your head is not right and you are thinking other-wise. Choosing not to make a decision, whether you choose to pull the cord or not, is still a decision. You are going SPLAT!

Now, at first you may think that indecision in life isn’t nearly as fatal, but in business as well as life, it is. I would say that almost 90% of people who fail, do so by indecision. If you are to create any amount of change in your life, it takes action. You must make a choice and come to a decision that will lead you forward. In business and in life there is only forward or backward. There is no such thing as standing still. Successful people make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. That is where conviction, confidence and determination come in.

Reboot your computer!

February 7th, 2007 | No Comments |

The greatest computer ever created lies within each of us. It is always on, connected to the the internet, and networked. The brain is the most complex, yet, least used computer that is in existence. We use only a fraction of it’s full potential. Imagine what we could accomplish if we accessed and used the whole brain. The world would be changed and would become a completely different place.

As children we used our brains very well. We were creative, passionate, we had many dreams and ambitions. We could be anywhere at anytime as long as we could think it up. There wasn’t a single doubt in our minds of what we could become. A dream was a reality. Whatever existed “Once upon a time” was an everyday thing.

Somewhere along the time line of growing up, our computers began to get viruses, adware and spyware. The viruses began to slowly distort and slow down. The spyware and adware effected our view on things and controlled what we were exposed to. Our computers became messed up and pretty much useless. They were operating on foreign programs instead of the ones that were installed in the beginning.

You know what? A good portion of the world is barely operating. Their computers are bogged down with so much junk that they are barely able to think for themselves. It is time to install an anti-virus program, remove all the crap, and reboot. The anti-virus is personal development. Personal Development is the cure for any limiting belief or operating malfunction. It is creating millionaires every day in this world and will continue to do so. In order to experience any significant change in life, it must begin from within.

I am involved in a business that is on it’s way to becoming a trade mark in the Personal Development Industry. In this business, as you improve yourself, your bank account also improves.

What’s more important? Money or Time?

February 6th, 2007 | No Comments |

I guess a lot of it depends on the person. Some enjoy making money more than they do having time and with others it is the exact opposite. They could care less about money as long as they have the time to do what they want. In my mind, the obvious answer is time. Time is always more important. You can always get more money….but you can’t ever get more time. You have a specific amount of time that you are here on this earth in existence. Now what are you doing with it?

Is it possible to have both, time and money? What would life be like then? Perfect? It is always said that money will not make you happy. I agree on that 100%. The only thing that can make you happy is you. But money sure is a helpful tool in having that ideal life. All those vacations you dream of, that car, the house, the kids, all cost money. You must first become happy, then use money to make those dreams become a reality.

Rich people use money to buy time. They realize two things, time = money, and that, money = time. Money has serious leverage in whether or not you are doing what you want to with your time. Do you really want to be at work making a wage? What do you want to do with your time. There are only 24 hours in a day. Who owns those hours and that day? You do! Not your boss, your brother, sister, mother. You own every second of your day and what you do with that is up to you. If you are going in to work tomorrow, it is because you choose to. Use your creative power and create your life the way you want it. It’s that simple.

Become a creator of your future!

February 2nd, 2007 | No Comments |

Just a small note to add to the last post, I was speaking of being a creator of your day. You own your day and can make of it whatever you want to. I forgot to address this topic to those of you who are men, and are married. This applies to you part of the time. You can become a creator of your day…..with the permission of your wife! My wife may not find it so humorous but I have a point to make with this also. There is a reason for this and for marriage.

Marriage between husband and wife is divine. When a man and a woman are bound in the bonds of marriage, you become part of something sacred, special and above this world. It is more than just a physical relationship, it is a covenant between the couple and God. In this lies a sacred responsibility to confide in one another and to act as a unit. Trust and complete fidelity are essential to the success in this relationship. If you are successful in family life, you will be successful in business because it takes effort, commitment, passion, and time. If you are as devoted to family as you are to your professional career, there is nothing that will get in your way.

Are you a victim or a creator?

February 2nd, 2007 | No Comments |

Before I became involved in the Personal Development industry I was associated with a very negative industry. For any of you who have been involved in the glass industry, you know it is very tense and not so positive. It seemed like everyone was a victim of something.

I used to drive a van. I used to make a wage. I had a boss that told me what to do every day and when to do it. I wore the same green shirt everyday with my brand on it, which was the name of the company I worked for. I was broke, living paycheck to paycheck, and going no where fast.

Are you a victim or a creator?

I personally know people in business that have failed. Not just in business but in other things in life. Whether it be in business or other areas, they continue to whine and bicker about what happened to them. They are a victim. When I say victim, things just keep happening to them and they can’t figure out why it continues. If you are a victim, instead of taking responsibility for your own results in life, you point the finger outward to find someone or something to blame for your failures. My advice is when something goes wrong, look in a mirror.

You know what, it doesn’t matter what your past is or what level of success you have had. The only thing that matters is what life is all about after the brand you wore. What will life be like for you in the future. Instead of being a victim, become a creator. Today is yours! You own today. You owned yesterday and still do. You own tomorrow and every day after that and what you make of it is up to you. Your Boss has no control over something that you own. So make a decision today to become a creator of your own future and take ownership in that. We all possess this Godlike attribute. It is a divine gift given to be used. Take it and create tomorrow for you and your life will never be the same.

High energy = Money!

February 1st, 2007 | No Comments |

Have you ever met someone who you know makes a lot of money? What is their countenance usually like? When they walk into a room they usually light up the place with their energy level don’t they? When they speak they are bold and confident and are usually happy. Instead of dreading the next day they look forward to it with new excitement. People are uplifted by their presence.

Now, compare that to someone who is poor and knows he is poor and can’t concentrate on anything else but being poor. They usually droop their head a little, have a very low energy about them, and lack a little in the self confidence arena. You can usually tell the difference between someone who is successful and someone who is not. Now, we all know that money cannot make you happy, but it sure is a useful tool in helping out with your current circumstance.

This idea applies directly to the BE-DO-HAVE principle. In order to have the things you want in life, you must first be the person you want to be. But how do you duplicate the level of energy a successful person operates with? I think that in order to have the level of energy I speak of, you must get crystal clear on your goals to the point you feel they are already here. Get so clear on them that you can almost smell the leather in your new car, or read the numbers on your bank statement. Then will you be able to duplicate the level of energy you will need to completely fulfill the “Be” part of this principle. Operate as though you are already successful and success will come easier to you.

Remember: Success = high energy!

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