I see a different world, do you?

January 31st, 2007 | No Comments |

I had a conversation with a gentleman the other day who triggered the thought process for this blog. The guy I spoke with had such a zeal for life. I was inspired. I love meeting people for many reasons and when you find someone who is on the same wavelength and thinks the same way that you do, it uplifts.

When he was in an elevator one day he overheard two people saying the retirement age may be moved to 72 instead of staying at 65. They went on talking about how they could hardly wait until they hit retirement age. One had another 25 yrs before he would reach that age. You know what? You might as well just roll over and die! This would be most of the 97% of the population that I speak of on my home page. With this frame of mind, how can you have any type of joy or hope? Instead of started the day just hoping it will end soon, I look to each new day as opportunity. In my opinion, life is too short. I don’t have enough time to accomplish the things I would like to in a day. Sleep is something that is necessary to see the next day.

If you share this same type of mind frame with me, then I have an opportunity to share with you that will pay you big. The ones who arrive to work at 7:58 AM and watch the clock until 4:59 PM are not thinking outside the box. There is much to be grateful for and much to look forward to in life. Live it with passion and live it based on your own choices, not a time clock.

Why share your testimony?

January 28th, 2007 | No Comments |

Share your testimony of successWhat is the importance of a testimony and why should you even share it with others? When you begin to have success in business, experience in religion and in life, why should you share that with others. What is the benefit to you and to others you share that with?

In the law, testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact.

In religion, testimony generally involves an inward belief or outward profession of faith or of personal religious experience. In some religions many adherents testify as a profession of their faith, often to a congregation of believers. In Christianity, testifying is also referred to as “bearing one’s testimony,” and often involves the sharing of personal experience—ranging from a simple anecdote to an account of personal revelation—followed by a statement of belief that has been confirmed by this experience. Christians in general use the term “testify” or “to give your testimony” to mean “the story of how you became a Christian.”

Share your testimony

Basically, a testimony is your proof. Until you have proof, you operate on faith alone or some type of belief. Others operate off of other people’s testimonies. This is alright at first, but one must eventually gain his own testimony, or proof. It is your success in whatever field you obtain it in. It is the reason you are doing what you do and will continue to do so for years to come. It has a lot to do with your “WHY” and is directly tied to your faith. It is the fire behind your conviction and drives you forward. And the only way to make it grow…..is to share it with others. Just as you gain more by teaching others, you also gain more by sharing your testimony with others. If you do this, your testimony will grow stronger every time you do so.

Let me share my testimonial with you about my results I have experienced in this business. I come from working in a very negative industry. I was earning about $36k/year and was tired of my lifestyle. Amy, my wife, answered an ad on the internet and we got started in this business in March of 2005. Since then, we have learned so much about our potential in the world of business and have adapted many new principles into our lives that have had a huge effect on our bank account, and lives in general. For instance, the Law of Attraction has had a profound influence on what we think about. I have made more in a month than I have in 6 months working a job and I work only a fraction of the time. We work when we want to, take a vacation every other month, and do it all together as a family. This is what life is all about and this is my testimony.

So, in conclusion and in relation to a testimony of your success in business, I will change the quote, “the story of how you became a Christian,” to, “the story of how you became a Successful Entrepreneur!”

A good business model + marketing = Success!

January 27th, 2007 | No Comments |

I live in a rural area with a population of maybe 150k people. It is a growing place where new buildings are always being constructed and the promotion of new businesses is always in the air. Out of all the commercial construction, most of the new structures are office buildings that at times, stay empty for quite some time. It seems that a new business opens here every week if not more often. Not all of them make it. In fact, most of them go out of business and I think I have a pretty good idea why.

The other day, Amy and I were driving through town and noticed two businesses that had gone under. One business was a scrap booking/craft business. It had a great location, right there on the highway and possibly a good idea. I think the main reason it was not a success was do to the demand for their certain product. We live in a ski resort community where a lot of the revenue comes from tourists. In my opinion, if I was on vacation, crafts would be the last thing on my mind. The second reason, which is huge, they played the game small. They failed to market their products outside the boundaries of their store. That is something that may be more successful if it were internet based.

The second business that went under was a restaurant. Their location was horrible, to the point that it was barely visible from the highway and they didn’t have a marketing campaign. Number one in business and real estate is location, location, location….and a great marketing campaign. I mean, how long has McDonald’s been around? Is there a soul in this country that has never heard of them? Probably, but they are under the age of one and in diapers. But yet, they still have a very active marketing campaign. For a little contrast, what happened to K-mart? They used to be huge. Ok, Walmart came along and out did them. But, have you seen any K-mart commercials lately? I haven’t.

Number one in business is of course, have a solid business model with a product that will retain it’s value for years to come. The product must speak for itself and be something that will be in demand long into the future of your business. Number two, get the word out there. A great business with a great product is still great, but without a successful marketing plan, won’t make you any money.

I assist people who are searching for a business model that works. I teach the ambitious a Personal Development and lifestyle business that has the two ingredients I just wrote about: A successful business model and product and also a turnkey marketing system. If you have basic people skills, a lot of desire, and a little capital to start, you can be successful in this business and have the potential to live any lifestyle you choose.

The Law of Attraction!

January 23rd, 2007 | 2 Comments |

The art of attracting more of what you want and less of what you don’t want, is a good way to describe it. To many, it is a force that is unmeasurable, unseen, and beyond the means of scientific proof. It is a law that surrounds every single thought, action, or output of energy. It’s a law that governs all that happens in this world, whether we believe it or not, or even recognize it’s presence. It determines the results you are experiencing at this very moment.

Again I would like to recommend a documentary called “The Secret.” If you haven’t watched it, get it. It will change your perspective on everything you have accomplished up to this point in your life.

Let me give you a background of what this law consists of and how it works. Everything in existence is made up of matter. Matter is made up of smaller particles, atoms. What are atoms? They are basically energy. All matter is energy. If we are energy, what effect do we have on everything that surrounds us and ultimately, all other forms of energy? Newton’s third law of motion states, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” It didn’t specify what type of action, just an action. Is having a thought, an action. I believe so. Thought, in my opinion, is the most powerful source of energy in existence. We all remember the saying, “Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Before the action, comes the thought. Without the thought, there is no action. It doesn’t exist!

Thought energy can be measured as either positive or negative. Just as light and darkness cannot coexist, the same is true for positive and negative thought. They repel each other. Thus, you can only put out either positive or negative vibration, not both at the same time. The Law of Attraction responds to the type of energy you feed it. It is said that whatever type of energy you put out, it will return to you with more of the same. The Law of Attraction gives you more of what you put out, thus attracting either positive or negative experiences in your life. It has no favorites and only responds to what you feed it by giving you more of the same. So, whatever you have in your life at this point, you have attracted it through your thoughts and actions. If you concentrate your focus and energy towards a specific goal or possession for a long enough period of time, it will eventually present itself in a physical form, either by opportunity or a manifestation of the exact thing you were focussed on. But, you must be ready and observant, and be willing to take the actions towards obtaining it.

I am in the Personal Development industry and have been for a few years now. The Law of Attraction is not a new thing. It has been used by many great men and women who have accomplished much in their lifetime. It is a law than many understood, possibly ranging back to the early civilizations in time. It is a law that was used to gain power over others in the past. Many of the great rulers of the world may have known it. Today, it can be harnessed and learned, and used to attract more of what you want. I assist others in applying this principle through a business model specifically designed after this concept. It is a combination of Personal Development and Direct Sales. The human mind has more potential than we can even comprehend. Through Personal Development, one can learn to apply this law and have the ability to literally attract prosperity, abundance, and success.

The Lifestyle!

January 22nd, 2007 | No Comments |

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I would like to share with you a little of my lifestyle to give you a taste of what my life is like. Today is Monday. What are most guys my age doing on Monday. Well, most go to work. They wake up before the sun officially rises, kiss their wife and kids good-bye for the day and leave to work for the next 8, 10, 12 hours. Some go to jobs and others go to a business, or in other words, a job they created for themselves. I wish them well in all they do. That may be their comfort zone.

Now, my day! I woke up at around 8:00 this morning to about 2 feet of snow outside. While everyone else was having to shovel their cars out of the snow just to get to work to be able to pay the bills, I enjoyed a hot cup of hot chocolate as I made some pancakes for my kids that just barely woke up. We sat down together, as we do almost every morning, and had breakfast together.

After breakfast I decided to go over to my new “home in progress” to see if the drywall company had shown up for the day. They didn’t show due to the snow storm but I decided to take a picture of my future home for this blog. It is a two story mountain home. It will appraise for close to a million. This is my second home. The one we live in now is half the size. The finish date is projected to be mid to end February. I am getting excited. This home is the bomb! Here it is…..


Not bad for a second home huh? We are going to put decorative rock up the part that has no siding on it yet. The garage door will be wood and the yard will be finished off with a stamped driveway, grass and a split rail fence.

After taking this picture I decided that I would do some work and made more today than I did in a whole month working in my highest paying job. I worked about 3 hours this morning. We went up-town and got some Chinese for lunch, did some shopping, and came home. I then worked another hour. We took off to the show, came home and put our kids to bed and here I am. What a life. I practically spend the entire day with those whom I love the most in this world. My family! In March I have a trip to Cancun planned and in June, a trip to Australia. I swear, sometimes I have to pinch myself! I am living my dream lifestyle…..and you can too. If you so choose to do so.

Why struggle when you can go straight to the finish line?

January 18th, 2007 | No Comments |

In the business that I am in we hold various conferences around the world. These conferences are held in the most exotic places of the world. Just recently we’ve been invited to a conference held in Cancun at the Moon Palace Resort. Let me tell you, these events are top notch. We always stay at 5 star resorts that make the occasion unforgettable. This will be our second trip to Cancun within the last 12 months with a trip to Hawaii in between there.

Anyway, before I slip into Lalla Land, let me get to the point I want to make. Before every event the company that sponsors these events sends us a package in the mail. Inside this package is an official letter and invitation to the event. Always included with this invitation are luggage tags. Since Amy and I are both going we received four of them. Now, each event that takes place has a different style of luggage tag. Well, this time, the tags were made in China. They all may be but this time it had those words right there in plain view. This is what they look like….


The issue was that one end of the cord would not fit through one of the metal plates. This created a huge problem as the side that needed to fit through in order to make it work was the larger side. The larger side screws into the other side. To make a long story short, I thought that there had to be some kind of a trick to the whole thing. It had to be some kind of puzzle to figure out….some kind of Chinese trick. So I spent a good 30 minutes trying to figure this out. Well, my wife got tired of watching me get frustrated and struggle as I was. She got up, walked into the hallway, came back with a drill and drilled the holes big enough to fit both sides through. The End!

I started thinking to myself and she was on the same track. How many people do this in their lives and in their business? It happens all the time in the industry that I am in, Direct Sales. Instead of going straight to the end and get the result they want, they choose to struggle by trying to find a cooler or better way. I knew a solution to the problem I was faced with but still chose to struggle. I wanted to figure it out just to say I could.

I am in the business of creating Millionaires through Personal Development and Network Marketing. I compare this business to a franchise, but without all the investments and fees. Franchising has a high success rate, as we do, mostly because of two reasons: They have an established business model and a system to follow. Instead of guesswork, a system. That is very important in being successful in business.

The business I teach others is proven and works, but some, instead of going to the end result, choose to struggle. Don’t be a victim of this. When the solution presents itself, take it. Don’t try to find a better way. Just do what produces the results. We have the system there to be our paved road to success. We have the vehicle and even a pilot car to lead the way. Leaders have gone before and have proven this business and it’s simple marketing plan. Just do the thing, have the results and do the obvious.

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