A day in the life of a Successful Entrepreneur!

December 16th, 2006 | No Comments |

Today I am beginning a new type of blog for me. I am going to take you through my life. I will show videos, pictures, thoughts, what I read, who we are, what I do every day, and really, the type of lifestyle that I live. For all those interested in changing your lifestyle or starting a successful home based business with me, this will give you a taste of what your life will be. I guess I should say, a taste of what your life could be of you so choose it to be. You can create any lifestyle you desire with this business.

I will start out by telling you a little about my schedule and what my DMO (daily method of operation) is. Most of the time I have my day mapped out in order to be the most effective as possible. Having a good DMO is important when running a business from home. It is one thing to just own and run a business, try running it from your home office. Things need to be in order to be able to work around kids, your spouse, and other honey-do’s. My DMO goes like this: I usually wake up at 6:30 am. Lately, it has been more like 7 am. I shower and get ready. I like to get my brain working and do some daily meditation, visualizing where my life is headed. I spend 25 minutes or so just pondering in deep thought. I usually read from a book that I am invovled in for 30 minutes. I am very religious, therefore I also read my scriptures for 20 minutes or so.

My kids wake up at around 8 am. On Saturdays and Sundays, or really whenever I just feel like sleeping in, they are the little alarm clocks that just don’t have an off button.  I usually eat breakfast when they wake up and then hit the office. I give myself a good 3 hours in the morning for income producing activities. Making the money. This time is uninterrupted by outside influences. This is important time, but, not more important than my family. They always come first. I finish up sometime before noon.

For the last few months we have been building our dream home here in Arizona, so I tend to that during the day. I usually get back into the office at around 5 or 6 pm and do some follow up with my prospects. That takes about an our and then the rest of the evening is mine. I work a total of 4 or 5 hours a day from home. How can you beat that? If I want to go to balett with my girls, I go. If I feel like traveling, I do it, and work on the road. This business is completely mobile. I love this lifestyle. My income and my time is mine. I make more or less of it according to my choosing, not someone else’s. My philosophy is: If you are working more than 4 or 5 hours a day, you probably aren’t having enough fun. It’s not hard work to make money, just smart work.
So, that is my day. Next blog I will add some pictures of my current home and my currently “in construction” and “coming soon” dream home and give you a taste of some of the material things that I have acquired in my journey as an entrepreneur.

A simple Marketing Plan

December 12th, 2006 | No Comments |

I can honestly say that I have never seen an easier business model than the one I use now and teach others to use. As I interview people, I think that it may even be too simple for some because they just don’t understand it. When it comes to business, the first thing that comes to mind is probably employees, overhead, supplies, location and advertising. When I think of business I think of profit, working less, fun, inspiring, and the opportunity to serve others. I have zero employees and will probably keep it that way. I teach others how to run a very successful home based business and obtain a lifestyle that most can only dream of.

This business is very simple. It is a marketing business combining the personal development industry with network marketing. In other words, a legitimate home based business with self-development products. Now, last year the industry of personal development was at around 8.9 billion dollars in revenue with a 50% increase this year. That is a huge industry. The company that I work with has provided a vehicle, or an income opportunity, to make money within that industry. They have laid the foundation to build a solid business on. The vehicle is there but needs a driver.

The business goes like this:

1. Place an advertisement

2. Interested people respond

3. You call them and put them through an information gathering process. This process sells the products for you.

4. Follow-up and answer questions.

5. Collect a check for the products and assist that person in starting their business.
6. Once a leader/Advisor, train new associates how to do the same thing you are doing.

7. Make a ton of money, go on vacation, buy something.

If you are working more than 4 hours a day, you are working way too much and not having enough fun. Life is about living, not working. I appreciate hard work, but not for money. Money is everywhere and is waiting for someone to take it and use it for good. It is merely a tool to allow you to live the lifestyle of your choice. It is to be moved around and used. This business will allow you to attract prosperity and keep it coming. Most people think that money is elusive, but once you figure out how to catch it, it just keeps coming. This business model is simple, it works, it is proven by myself and countless others. Contact me through my website and I will show you how it will work for you.

8.9 Billion dollar industry!

December 9th, 2006 | No Comments |

Personal development this last year had roughly an 8.9 billion dollar year and is expected to have a 50% increase in revenue this year! That is a massive industry and I know I was part of the contributing party. In a time period where information is at the peak of availability and is most abundant, the personal development industry will continue to experience growth. There are some big names in this industry who have helped a ton of people when it comes to success and personal improvement. The information that is shared is valuable….and the individuals who share it make a lot of money and have helped others to become successful as well.

I work with a wholesale company who has taken the industry of personal development and combined it with a very unique and lucrative income opportunity. The personal development industry provides information helpful in improving financially, but lacks the opportunity to do so through a business. I am a personal mentor for those seeking prosperity and personal fulfillment. I am part of a group of self-made millionaires who are all headed towards a similar goal, total and complete freedom. I personally mentor highly qualified individuals who have a burning desire to succeed in all they do. I demonstrate a simple business model that assists in marketing the three personal development products this company offers to create a massive income working from home.

This business is not your typical conventional business. It is more of an unconventional business. Instead of having to deal with a store front, long hours, employees, insurance, and high operating expenses, it allows you to leverage your time and has virtually an unlimited income potential. All of this without having to work all the time. I work about 4 hours and day and have complete control of when I work and who I work with.

Learn and apply the principles of the Law of Attraction and the concepts contained in “The Secret” movie. Continue to not only being a dreamer, but also a doer of your dreams. Enjoy the benefits of being self-employed and experience a business who’s products can and will transform your life financially and personally.

What separates the successful and the unsuccessful?

December 5th, 2006 | 1 Comment |

What does separate these two groups of people? Is it a lot? Are there leaps and bounds of differences between those who win and those who lose? I guess most of it depends on who’s competing. You could look at it that way. Only the finest athletes make it to the Olympics, what separates the winners from the losers? In the world of business, how do some continue to get richer while others declare bankruptcy or fail?

Have you ever been doing something that pushed you to your limits to the point where you felt that you may not accomplish the task at hand? That any moment you felt like quiting? You felt like you weren’t getting the results you wanted and to continue would not be worth the effort? And right after you had those feelings you succeed? I have. I have had that exact experience more times in my life than I can remember. As an athlete I participated in High School Track. I was a sprinter and went to state in the 100 yd dash. I was asked to fill in for a buddy of mine in the 1600 meter relay. That was not one of my strongest races, but I knew that I was in the best shape of my life. I was the 3rd leg and when handed the baton, I was dead last, but determined to gain the lead. I started the lap in an all out sprint. I passed the first guy at half lap and continued at a full sprint. Right as I reached the leaders, who were side-by-side, I felt like I was done. My legs were Jello and I was feeling fatigue. Just as I felt I could go no further, I started passing the leaders. I passed the leaders and gained a few seconds over them when passing the baton on to my teammate. Right as I was ready to give up, I succeeded.

I believe that there are many factors that have a part in whether or not you succeed or fail. It is a matter of desire. If you desire your goal the most, chances are you will get it.

I have an awesome video for you. It is called 212 degree movie and it hits home. It starts out by speaking of water. Water at 211 degrees is hot, but the moment it reaches 212, it boils. One degree makes a whole world of difference. One more degree of desire and effort, determines who wins the race.

Check out this video….. http://www.212movie.com

A business that provides true freedom!

November 29th, 2006 | No Comments |

What is true freedom? When you think of the word Freedom, what do you think of? Most people probably think of the freedom that we enjoy by living in a Democracy. We have the right to choose and the freedom of speech. Freedom to act as we will within laws and regulations. We have the freedom of religion as well as the freedom of free enterprise.

I am a business and success coach and have the opportunity to assist individuals in obtaining their ultimate lifestyle. When it comes to starting a business, money is usually the most common motive. People want to be rich and not have to worry about bills. Living paycheck to paycheck is not an easy life. It’s stressful. It is a hard road to travel. Having a normal job is living paycheck to paycheck unless your profession is in high demand, in a specific expertise, or you are the CEO. It is just the modern day version of slavery. You have to answer to, get told what to do by, get paid by, move your family for….a Boss. Whether you believe it or not, that life is nowhere close to the Freedom that I would like to refer to.

More than often I meet someone who is looking for a business that offers total freedom. Instead of being consumed with making money, they are more interested in obtaining total freedom, financially and personally. What would your life be like if you no longer had to worry about money, worked a few hours a day, could do whatever and go where ever you please because you have the time and money to do so? How would your life be different? What would you do? Where would you live?

I am part of a business that offers exactly this. I enjoy this freedom and assist others who are looking for this type of lifestyle. Step out of bondage and into a life of freedom and abundance. The world has so much more to offer than a 9-5. Take control of your life and get committed to getting what you want. Not what someone else wants for you. We are only here on Earth for a short period of time in comparison to the eternities, live life.

“What we do in this life, echoes in eternity.” -Gladiator-

Three ways to make money!

November 28th, 2006 | No Comments |

In the industry I am in I have the privilege of meeting some inspiring individuals. I always consider myself as a student in life and always on the path to success. I don’t think that it is ever a destination but a gradual process. I learn from the people I mentor. The more I teach the more I learn. The more I assist others in getting what they want, I get what I want.

To get to the point, the three ways to make money are: To work for money, to have money work for you to make more money, or to have someone else work for you to make you money. Which one sounds the easiest? Or which two? One of these is what about 97% of the population does. They work real hard for their money and were probably raised that way. At first, I think that is how we all start out. I mean, most of us aren’t born with a wealthy bank account.

What is your limiting belief that may be holding you back from the fortunes that await you? I know what mine was just a short while ago. Knowledge! Knowledge of who I really am and what potential I have. Knowledge that thoughts are energy and what you think about all day long….you become. If you think you must work hard for your money then you will…..all day long. Your thoughts become your reality.

It seems like it is taking me an eternity to finish this book, “Why we want you to be rich,” by Donald Trump and Robert K. They emphasize over and over that financial education is important. There are ways to have your money work for you to make more money but it requires knowledge. You must know what you are doing. Financial knowledge is the cure for poverty. The more you learn, the richer you become. Even though there may be some mistakes and failures along the way, they are moments of learning.

I am involved in a business that teaches financial knowledge and entrepreneurship. If you desire to make a lot of money and have it make you more money, find a problem, then find a solution to it and you will have the wealth you seek. I discovered, I lacked the knowledge I required to be able to attract riches into my life. I have since changed that through educating myself and know of a solution for those who are ambitious and who think a little differently than the other 97%.

So in conclusion, I believe there should be a balance between the three ways to make money. 10% working for your money, 45% money working for you, and 45% other’s making you money. If you really want to be wealthy, learn how to master this ratio. It’s a hard thought to shed, not having to work hard for your money, isn’t it? I can show you how….

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