Success is a journey and not a destination!

November 6th, 2006 | No Comments |

Have you ever heard of the expression, “Success is a journey and not a destination.” For some it requires hard work and effort. For others it comes natural. How do you become a Successful Entrepreneur? Is there a business out there that can make the journey a little easier than the traditional way?

My name is David Allred and I am a very successful entrepreneur. I have discovered a way to work from home, as the CEO of my own Enterprise, only 3-4 hours a day, generate a massive income and enjoy a life of prosperity and abundance. I am proud to say that I am a network marketer. I am a wholesale distributor for a personal development company. I was taught this business by other self-made millionaires and in turn am able to teach this business to others. I am a personal mentor for those looking to become successful entrepreneurs and absolutely explode their income without having to sacrifice time or freedom.

This business is Direct Sales. I will teach you how to establish and maintain a successful home business using the same business model that I use. You will be able to experience life on a whole new playing field and will enjoy the benefits of being self-employed. If you have the spirit of a successful entrepreneur then this is a business for you. If you have the desire and ambition it takes to be successful, then you will. One of the steps to success is having a plan. How are you going to reach your goals? I have yet to find a business as lucrative and effortless as this one.

I would like to say that taking that step to becoming an entrepreneur is easy for everyone. It is so much easier to stay in that job or to stay in that comfort zone. That is your alternative. Do you want to work for someone your entire life or would you rather experience a life that you are the creator of. That is what entrepreneurship allows you to do. It allows you to be the author of your own book, the creator of your future. By working a job you will be able to do those things to an extent, but under someones else’s influence and direction. That someone else…would be called a boss.

Personally, the decision is obvious. Do you enjoy working 365 days a year for 2 weeks of vacation? Do you enjoy long work days and commutes? Are you getting paid what you feel you are worth and do you feel you are achieving your true potential? The middle class of America is getting smaller and smaller. Soon there will be the rich and the poor. Be part of the solution and become a successful entrepreneur. It is your responsibilty to become rich and to be an example for others. You deserve it!

Legitimate Home Based Business? You Decide!

November 5th, 2006 | 1 Comment |

There are hundreds of different businesses you can consider starting, and each has its own set of pros and cons. The biggest roadblock to starting or buying a business is that they require a considerable up-front cash investment. In addition to the large investment, the time commitment you must make when starting a business can ultimately turn out to be far greater than what you have experienced in any job, and the return is not necessarily worth the extra time or the financial risk.

Let’s take a look at some of your options for starting your own business:

Option 1- Buying a Franchise:

    You could buy a franchise such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Subway, or Dominos Pizza, but you may find they have many beginning obstacles. You will need to make a large upfront cash investment (average start-up cost between supplies, location, and so forth – can fall anywhere between $500,000 to $1 million), and in the end, what you are really buying yourself is 80-hour-a-week job. You are going to be stuck in one location all the time, and you will have to be there everyday to oversee the operation. You are not going to increase your time freedom.  With a franchise, you are also going to be required to pay royalty fees for the life of your business. These fees are in addition to all of your operating expenses, and in many cases, they can prevent you from being profitable.

Option 2- Traditional Business:

    In almost every case, if you buy yourself a traditional business, you are doing nothing more than buying yourself a job… only with more headaches. You assume all responsibility, and you must be there all the time to make sure that everything is running properly. There are numerous costs associated with operating a traditional business including inventory, rent, and of course, personnel. Administrative tasks take up a tremendous amount of time. The success of your business can be highly dependent on the state of economy, and you are also bound to one location. Long hours trapped in one location do not give you the freedom to spend more time with your family and friends or be able to take vacations, travel, and live a life of comfort and privilege. Costs are also another obstacle to cross. There are so many limitations.  I did this myself, and have first hand experience on this type of opportunity.

Option 3- MLM:

    Multi-level marketing is a viable option for many with few start-up obstacles, but the chances are very slim of you actually achieving your goals of changing your financial situation and having time freedom to do the things that you want to do. If you are one of the small percentages of people who actually do make money from MLM, you will still find that the timeframe to achieve results could be 2-4 years or more. In addition, MLM’s carry poor reputations, which make it even harder to succeed.  Stocking inventory, bugging friends and family, meeting quotas, gaining small commissions, worrying about breakouts (individuals who show more success than you, taking your profits), and so many other negatives come with this type of territory.  NO THANKS!

However, there is ANOTHER option!

    Learn to take advantage of what countless others are doing to achieve financial success by working from the comfort of their home, or car, or beach, or wherever you want to work from.
  • Take control of your financial future
  • Change your life and your lifestyle starting this week!
  • Enjoy a lifestyle of your choice.
  • Stand on the shoulders of giants to see further than you ever have before.
  • Have everyone wondering how you “did it”!

#1 of the top 10 steps to success

November 3rd, 2006 | No Comments |

Have you ever had anyone ask you what your “WHY” is? Have you ever wanted something so bad that you had a burning inside that yearned for it? A burning desire to get it no matter what it took? Somewhere behind that burning desire was your why. Why did you want what you were after? What caused the drive in you to succeed? Did you get what you were after? Was your desire strong enough?

I am a network marketer. I absolutely love what I do. I assist others in obtaining a lifestyle of prosperity and abundance. That alone is fulfilling and I take pride in it. But it isn’t enough. I have a deeper why within. I have a burning desire to be successful for a reason. Initially most people come looking for an opportunity to make a ton of money. They are looking for that legitimate home based business to increase their income. But I can tell you…that is not enough. When you make the money then what will you do? There has to be a reason you want success to come your way. What is that reason? Why do you want to become successful?

In the past year and a half I have come from living in a 2 bedroom apartment, driving an extended cab Nissan Frontier, working for a glass company, to owning two homes in a very prestigious community, driving an H2, going on a vacation every month and absolutely loving my life. And yeah, of course I started this business for the money – you should have seen my personal financial statement! But I wanted money for another reason. My why was and is my family. I wanted and desired to be apart of their lives. I wanted more money so that I would be able to enjoy life and give my family what I never had. They deserve to have a life of abundance and I will be the one to give that to them. My choices are no longer governed by a boss or a job. I am the maker of my own future and can make as much money as I choose to.

This business is a desire driven business as is much of entrepreneurship. Do you have enough desire to make your dreams come true? When it comes down to making important decisions is your why strong enough to give you courage and discernment? That is what it comes down to and I think is the first step to obtaining success. Your why is your fuel. When you run out of it, you are dead on the side of the road and everyone else with a full tank will pass right on by. If your “WHY” is strong enough……you can accomplish anything you desire!

Commit Yourself and you will have Success

October 31st, 2006 | No Comments |

Many people take on so many tasks that they actually over commit so they can truly never commit to any of them.

I’ve seen so many people attempt to do three or four entrepreneurial endeavors at one time, and then say, “I’m creating multiple streams of income.”

When someone makes that statement, they’re usually not making any money in any of their four ventures. There’s nothing wrong with having multiple streams of income, but it’s best to master one trait or one business first.

So many people do this unconsciously as a method of self-sabotage, so they can never actually succeed. These people set themselves up to fail, knowing that if they take on more than they can handle, they will never succeed. This is called a fear of success.

Ask yourself, “What can I actually let go of in my life?” Ask yourself, “What will I remove from my life, my garage, my office, and my file cabinet?” When you do this, you start to create space in the Universe for more flow to come in.

When you have all the doors blocked, it’s hard for prosperity, abundance and the right people to find you, because telepathically the message you are sending is, “I am a chaos addict; I am attracted to the drama; I am attracted to the struggle.”

The opposite is, “Struggleaholic no more: I am dropping the drama.”

What drama are you willing to drop?

What chaos are you willing to release yourself from after reading this?

The reason most people have challenges changing is that if they change, they would be ending an era. That’s why so many people hold onto their past.

What you have to do is change your perception, because growth without risk is no growth. There is no reward without any risk, and to take any risk you’re going to face adverse situations.

You’re going to have to handle challenges in the moment, and sometimes you’ll have to change how you’ve been changing. Change is good. It’s not just inevitable.

Sometimes you change and you don’t even know you’ve changed. This is when the internal communication changes and the compounded effects start to take place.
This is when you really are becoming the leader people are looking for, having that belief, that sense of certainty, knowing that you have a strong conviction, a strong will.

There is no such thing as luck. You have to be able to go where no man has gone.

You have to be able to create the breakthroughs. You have to feel in your heart.
You have to know.
You have to trust.
You have to believe.
You have to see.
You have to have a heartfelt centered vision of where you’re going, what you’re becoming and what you’ll do.

When you can operate from a sense of passion, you’re radiating from your heart. You’re sending the message, “Become a part of what I’m doing.” That, my friends, is when people want to be a part of what you are, because you are coming from you heart, not your head.

Jeffrey Combs

School systems teach how to get a good job!

October 24th, 2006 | No Comments |

I am in the middle of reading a book written by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki: Why we want you to be rich. It switches back and forth from Roberts point of view on a certain subject to Donalds view. They speak a lot about how the middle class of America is decreasing in size and eventually there will be very little middle class and only the rich and the poor will exist. Which category would you rather be in if the middle class didn’t exist?

Robert grew up with two examples of what do to in life when it comes to success and failure. He speaks of his rich Dad and poor Dad. His poor Dad is his own Father and his rich Dad is his friends Dad. He spoke of how his poor Dad learned of how the school systems in Hawaii would fail a certain number of students no matter how good or how bad they were doing in school. After some poking around he found out that the sugar plantations there had an agreement with the school to fail this certain percentage of kids so that the plantations would always have laborers to work for them. So his poor Dad tried to change the system from within and was betrayed by his very close friends out of fear for their own jobs.

What are the school systems teaching? Are they teaching risk and prosperity? Are they teaching money and financial IQ? I think they are doing the exact opposite. Schools are teaching how to play it safe. They teach how to get a good education, find a nice job and work for a retirement. School education is very conservative. What about being and entrepreneur or taking risks? They teach you about getting a good education and a good job but don’t include what really goes on in the real world. What about how and where to invest, live life to the fullest, and becoming successful and creating jobs and being part of the solution to the struggle instead of being part of the problem.

Education is a good thing as I have said in my past blogs. You definitely don’t want a doctor that has no knowledge in the medical field or a lawyer that has no idea about law. Learn all you can because when it is all said and done and when this life ends, you surely can’t take your money with you. But can you take your Knowledge? Knowledge is energy and the more of it you have, the better off you’ll be. You have to do what others don’t want to do to have an egde in life. Always be learning above and beyond what you know.

Lesson of Entrepreneurship in “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift”

October 22nd, 2006 | No Comments |

The Fast and the Furious - Tokyo DriftYou know, I thought it was a pretty good flick. I actually avoided seeing it in the theaters because I thought that it might be a little lame but was proven otherwise. It actually had some good lessons in entrepreneurship and living life to the fullest even though some of the characters were doing things that weren’t exactly legal.

Sean Boswell, the main character is a perfect example of someone who felt trapped by a system that was teaching him to not follow his passions and what he loved most in life which was to race. It was a constant struggle for him as he was forced to live this life that he couldn’t seem to find joy in. Everywhere he went he seemed to go back the same way…to his passion.

Once in Tokyo he ran into a man by the name of Han. Han seemed to be high on life. He seemed to have a cool calmness about him and seemed to be content with where his life was headed and where he was. There was a specific scene I would like to refer to. They were on the top of a tall building and had a conversation overlooking the city streets. Sean asked Han why he let him race in Han’s car and Han said that he was always looking to surround himself with people of character. People he could trust. As they looked down on all the people crossing the street Han was talking about how they were all led by fear. They were stuck in a system and led by fear instead of passion. And when you are able to live life from one choice to the next without fear, life gets more clear.

He couldn’t have gotten any closer to the truth. Life is so much easier as an entrepreneur. The world is full of opportunity and a more fulfilling life is simply a choice. As you become successful you will need what I like to call a board of directors. You will want to surround yourself with successful positive people of integrity. As you surround yourself with like-minded individuals you increase your odds of success.

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