Be proud of the industry you are in!

October 21st, 2006 | No Comments |

Promoting Network Marketing

Be proud of the industry you are in!

Network marketing and direct sales have produced more self-made millionaires than any other industry in the world.

There will always be nay-sayers telling you to stop pursuing your dreams, regardless of the vehicle you choose to achieve them.

By promoting the industry you are in with pride, you will begin attracting other people to your circle of influence who feel good about the industry and people you can collaborate with to create the success you seek.

Here are five reasons to promote network marketing:

1. Network marketing and direct sales have produced more self-made millionaires than any other industry in the world.

2. If you are in this industry, you want to spread the good word about the opportunities available, not fall in with the crowd who is skeptical.

3. You never know who you might “accidentally” find as a teammate or product user simply by positively promoting yourself and the industry.

4. Life is a game of networking, regardless of your vocation. You have the opportunity to meet some of the greatest people in life as a network marketer; people who are in the process of designing a life rather than making a living!

5. Some of the most innovative products on the market are available only through network marketing. Our society deserves to know abo! ut their options to increase their health, wealth and quality of life!

This business creates Millionaires!

October 19th, 2006 | 1 Comment |

You know, there are probably a million ways out there to make a million bucks. Fun ways to make that kind of money and yet there are so many people struggling to get there. There are very few at the top of the ladder while there is a masquerade of people down at the bottom kicking against each other to get to the top.

As you all probably know that the personal development industry is a billion dollar industry. Alot of the “big wigs” in this industry have a ton of good information that can probably change your life forever. They give you all this information, get you all pumped up to conquer the world and then pat you on the back and say “go get em!” But then what? Where do you go from there? How do you get that dream lifestyle you are looking for? There isn’t any kind of a vehicle to take you there.

I am involved in a turnkey business that has been taught to me by other self-made millionaires and entrepreneurs. Instead of giving you a pat on the back and sending you off to figure it out on your own, this business provides not only the personal growth products that will help you think like a millionaire, but also a vehicle to give you the abundance and wealth you are looking for. It has basically paved the road for you. This is a legitimate home based business that allows you to leverage your time so that you can enjoy the important things, and still make a ton of money.

This business truly does create millionaires and allows you to live any lifestyle you desire. I have been part of this community of entrepreneurs for over 18 months now and am blown away with the caliber of individuals that I meet. The support is tremendous and the money is phenominal. So if you have any interest whatsoever in making a ton of money, this is the vehicle to take you there!

Why would anyone choose to have a JOB?

October 18th, 2006 | No Comments |

Let me give you a few examples of a life of having a job and a day of a life in this business. First example: my brothers life. And I sure hope that he is okay with me using him as an example. He has told me that he is fet up with where he is at and what he is going through and wants to change. And I believe he will.

Anyway, he works at a corporate job and makes about 50-60k a year and commutes and hour or so everyday to work and an hour back. Living in another town about 3 hrs away are his wife and 3 kids. She took a job there to help with their financial situation. They are hardly together. They are making enough money to have a little extra here and there but are having to sacrifice their time and freedom for it.

Second example: I spoke with a gentleman just the other day that has two very successful businesses and makes just under 200k a year but works 16 hrs a day and is constantly on the road. He has a family as well that he never sees.

Example three: This example is basically a generalization. Every morning I look out my window and see all the people driving to work at the crack of dawn. They are giving 8 or more hrs a day to their employers who probably pay them just enough to pay their bills. That’s how it works and how they can depend on you being there over and over again. They pay you just enough to get by so that you can’t afford to leave. Probably about 90% of America is stuck.

Why would you choose that life. I work a total of 4 hrs at the most a day. I make a few phone calls, place a few ads, and collect the checks FEDEX’ed to my front door. I have been to Cancun, Hawaii, Disney Land and Disney World already this year and will be going to Cancun in the spring and Australia in June. I spend every day doing as I please and am creating a lifestyle that most people dream. Now, I don’t say all this to brag. I say it in a hope that I can wake up a few people from the sleep they are in.

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I am a mentor and a business coach and teach people how to establish a successful home business. This is a very unique opportunity that can give you both time and money and allow you to get out of the rat race and live a life of magnificence.

What is possible? Do you deserve wealth and abundance?

October 16th, 2006 | 2 Comments |

The answer to those questions is very simple, ANYTHING and YES!

Do you remember back when we were kids and we had the biggest imaginations. I wanted to grow up to either be an astronaut or a point guard in the NBA. In my mind, anything was possible as long as I could think it up. In my mind I was already there. I just lacked about 3 feet in height.

What happens to some people from the time they were a kid to the point where they lost their imagination and stopped dreaming. Every once in a while I talk with individuals who don’t even have a financial goal. They have no idea how much money they would like to make or what they want out of life. They have lost their imagination. They have sacrificed their dreams and their ambitions on the alter and have submitted to living someone else’s dreams. If you are working for someone else then you have experienced a taste of what I am talking about. Instead of having your own imagination and your own creativity for your life, it has been directed towards something else. Just as I have said in another post, we are all in some state of hypnosis. Especially if you are living someone elses dreams. You submit your time and freedom, your life.

There is a world of abundance for the taking. If you desire wealth, go get it. It is all yours for the taking. If you desire more time, make it happen. It is as simple as a thought, followed by some action. Whatever life you desire, you can have. That’s what it all comes down to is desire and a little bit of imagination. Live the life you desire and dream of.

There are fortunes being made in this business by working only 3-4 hrs a day. This is such a simple business plan that pays over and over again for consistency and ambition. I love seeing how this business and it’s products continues to transform lives.

Just two years ago I was living in a two bedroom apartment, working a job and getting further and further behind every paycheck. My account balance was in reverse instead of drive. As the saying goes, I have changed my stars. I now enjoy total freedom. I have the life I know I deserve and help others to obtain prosperity and abundance in theirs as well.

To sum it up……..Be a dreamer, because anything is possible!

Prosperity Conscious vs. Poverty Conscious

October 14th, 2006 | 2 Comments |

What is the meaning of these terms and which one consumes the majority of your thought power. As I have mentioned before thoughts are energy. Thoughts govern our reality, especially when they are reoccurring and focused. You get what you focus on. Thus the familiar quote comes to life: “I think; Therefore I am.” So ask yourself this one question: Are you thinking of prosperity and are thus prosperous or are you thinking of poverty and have been struggling financially for quite some time?

An example of a typical mind frame that is poverty conscious would be someone who takes an envelope full of coupons to the grocery store, passes up a gas station because one 2 blocks away is one cent cheaper, has a hard time spending money, checks the price tags on everything, passes up the item that he/she really wants and goes to the sale rack, and ultimately considers themselves poor or unfortunate and everyone else rich or better off. Some words that might be used are: I hope, I wish, I think I can, I am trying to, it would be nice if…..etc. Also, those who have money because they have saved every penny they have ever earned and have no intention on spending any of it. Yes, I believe in being frugal and wise as far as money management goes, but there is a fine line between poverty conscious and frugal.

On the flip side, a good example of prosperity conscious is someone who can find opportunity in almost anything, can make a decision quickly, knows that money is energy and keeps the flow of outgoing and incoming currency, sees abundance in everything around them, is successful, has a zeal for life and is very positive, tends to be the leader, knows that the expensive rack wasn’t made for the extremely wealthy people, but for him. These are the people who apply the BE-DO-HAVE principle. They are the person…… before they have the life. That is how powerful thought is. You can create any lifestyle you desire through your thoughts.

I have been runninng a very successful home based business for about 2 yrs now and have drastically improved my way of thinking to more of prosperity rather than poverty. Every once in a while I will catch myself and correct my way of thinking but it’s an ongoing thing. I can tell you this much, it has made the difference not only in my business but in my life as well. Evaluate yourself and see what kind of mindframe you have and what you can do to change your way of thinking. If you are looking for a change in your current financial situation then you must first change the way you think.


October 10th, 2006 | 2 Comments |

Aloha from Hawaii*Aloha*

Talk about Amazing.  Another first for me.  I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii since I was a young girl.  Believe it or not, it was on my “TO DO” list.  I love authentic Hawaiian music, the ocean, warm tropical breezes, mid-night walks on the beach, relaxed atmospheres, and of course, friendly people.  Hawaii has all of these characteristics and more.

I really love living this life.  We have tons of fun, travel to exotic islands, make money, in turn–spend money, and we have the privilege of assisting others in doing the same.  Not only that, we get to hang out with other BIG money makers, converse with individuals who share common goals and aspirations.  Individuals who are like-minded.

One of my life goals was to always stay active and continue taking risks.  Why?  It allows me to feel free,  invigorated, excited, thrilled, adventurous, and ALIVE!  Truly Alive.  Some of the activities we participated in were para-sailing, kayaking, snorkeling, cliff jumping, swimming, hiking, boating, site seeing, authentic cuisine(an adventure all its own), sun rises, sun sets, dolphins, shopping, mingling, dancing, singing, pondering, and of course, my favorite, sleeping on Heavenly Beds.  What a trip, and the beauty of the whole thing was I enjoyed this trip with the love of my life.  Completely open to new experiences and opportunities, vulnerable really.  As if our two spirits connecting with one another all over again for the first time.

WOW, how much do I love my husband.  We’ve been together for 8 years, and it may not seem long to others, for some it’s forever or even too long.  However for me, I feel like the movie “50 first Dates” with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler; also shot on the Big Island and a favorite of mine, I feel like we fall in love with each other over and over again with each new day, and with each new sun rise.  I can’t explain the love I have in my heart for him.  Especially after starting Summit Point Enterprises, I have a seen a new man.  A man full of love, gratitude, appreciation, anticipation, compassion, ambition, integrity, and self-worth.  I was so in love when we met, then I truly loved him when we were married, and now I am enamored by him.

There is a song by Kenny Logins called, “For the First Time.”  This song is definitely a favorite of mine as well.  In it are the words, “For the first time….I am looking in your eyes, for the first time, I am seeing who you are. I can’t believe how much I see when your looking back at me, Now I understand why love is for the first time.”  He is my love, my life, my soul, my mate, my friend and so much more.  I really do love him with all my heart.  Every time we experience a vacation together, I feel that we get to connect at this level all over again.

What a life of magnificence do we choose to live!  We jump from planes together, we kayak together (not always in perfect harmony) but together, jump from cliffs together, snorkel holding hands, lay in a hammock at Buddah Point together while we cuddle and listen to the waves crash, we journal together while watching the sun rise.  I truly couldn’t be happier with what we have together, and that is truly the key….we choose to be together, to experience life together, to be in love together, and to just BE together.  And we are.

How many happy couples choose this for themselves?  How many couples could choose this for themselves?  So here I am with so much to talk about and share, but I go to this.  Being “In Love” and able to experience that daily with the one I love.  So for tonight, I will leave it at this. I’m in love with my husband, my little family, and my life.  It’s ALL good!!  Real Good!

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