We are all in some state of hypnosis!

October 6th, 2006 | 1 Comment |

Kevin Grise - State of HypnosisI had the privilege of watching a gentleman by the name of Kevin Grise who is a professional and world renowned stage hypnotist.  His show was hilarious. He had several volunteers up on the stage and put them through a period of hypnosis. The volunteers went from being in the hot desert to very cold temperatures, from being race car driver to running from James Bond. It was not only entertaining but hilarious to watch as these people’s thoughts and actions were directed through hypnosis. He had guys running through the crowd thinking that they were Fred Flinstone yelling at the top of their lungs for Wilma. Another guy thought he was Mc Jagger while the guy opposite him was Elvis. I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard at these people.

We took a short break after his session and on return, he agreed to share some of the techniques that he uses to hypnotize people.

Hypnotism is thought of to be some kind of voodoo or magic when it is nothing of that nature. Hypnotism is simply autosuggestion. Leading the mind or the imagination to a different place. Guided meditation in a way. There are many different levels of hypnosis in which we all operate. Most of us operate on the Beta Alpha levels and the real hypnosis happens in the Delta.

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Water Crystals and Positive Vibration

October 4th, 2006 | No Comments |


Water Crystals

Mozart Symphony

Water…The Earth is largely made up of it.
As are we…And yet about it we know significantly little.

Until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher whose astonishing discovery about water, documented photographically, changed most of what we didn’t know…and led to a new consciousness of Earth’s most precious resource.

Dr. Masaru Emoto was born in Japan and is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. His photographs were first featured in his self-published books Messages from Water 1 and 2. The Hidden Messages in Water was first published in Japan, with over 400,000 copies sold internationally.

Water Crystals
You Make Me Sick

What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the study of water is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. By producing different focused intentions through written and spoken words and music and literally presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to “change its expression”.

Water Crystals
Love and Gratitude

Essentially, Dr. Emoto captured water’s ‘expressions.’ He developed a technique using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, to photograph newly formed crystals of frozen water samples. Not all water samples crystallize however. Water samples from extremely polluted rivers directly seem to express the ‘state’ the water is in.

Dr. Masaru Emoto
Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

The implications of this research create a new awareness of how we can positively impact the earth and our personal health. The success of his books outside Japan has been remarkable. Dr. Emoto has been called to lecture around the world as a result and has conducted live experiments both in Japan and Europe as well as in the US to show how indeed our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions as humans deeply impact the environment.

Water Crystals
Heavy Metal Music

During our visit to Hawaii we were privileged to hear for a gentleman by the name of JP Dehar. He is deep into the study of the research that Dr. Emoto has accomplished. If simply exposing water to a simple word has so much of an effect upon the vibration it picks up, then what can our thoughts be doing to ourselves or those around us.

J.P. gave us an example. He pulled out two tuning forks tuned at the same frequency. When he hit one fork with the prong, the vibration carried over the the other fork that was tuned the same and caused it to ring at nearly the same volume. The forks tuned at different frequencies were not as responsive to the vibration. This is true in our own lives. Whatever vibration we put out, will effect those around us. And it will also come back to us. Whatever frequency you are tuned to, you will not only put out that to others, but also receive it. Negative or positive, it will come back to you.

It goes a lot deeper than what I have explained. You can heal yourself with focused thought. The saying “I think: Therefore I am” is literally true. You are what you think you are.

The Big Island, Hawaii

October 4th, 2006 | No Comments |

Here we are on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. We arrived on Sunday and are staying here at the Waikoloa Hilton Resort overlooking the ocean. What a beautiful and inspiring place this is. It is our first time to the Hawaiian Islands and I am impressed.

We flew in on Sunday and checked into our room here in the Palace towers. The resort is full of things and activities for both couples and families. There are paddle boats, kayaking, snorkeling, and you can even feed and swim with the dolphins. There are huge pools, spa’s, hammocks, dining and entertainment for all kinds of different people.

Monday we decided to have a full day of fun. We went kayaking into ocean caves, cliff jumping, snorkeling, and last but not in anyway least, para-sailing. Amy and I absolutely loved every minute of it even though we both got a little queezy on the boat as we were going out to sea. Being from Arizona, we just aren’t used to the wavey ride.

I absolutely love my life. I have a beautiful family, I answer to nobody but myself……and Amy occasionally, and make a ton of money. I can live and do what ever I want with this business. This is our 4th or 5th long vacation this year. I swear, everyday feels like a weekend now. I wouldn’t trade this for the world.

What does it take to change?

August 26th, 2006 | No Comments |

Change is the most difficult thing in the world to master for most people. The thought of change means stepping out of that comfort zone and when that happens, something just doesn’t feel right. That is the one thing that makes it so hard. Human beings are creatures of habit. In some cases that can be good and in others, not so good.

If it were possible to change one thing in your life…What would that be? How would you go about it? How would your life be different?

Have you ever made a promise to someone and didn’t keep it? Have you ever broken a promise? If not…Congratulations. If you have never broken a promise, I find that very hard to believe. Maybe you’ve kept your promises to other people, but what about to yourself? Have you ever broken a promise to yourself. Why is that so much easier to do?

I’ll tell you one way to change something about yourself. Start keeping your self promises. Make yourself a promise in the morning and keep it all day long. Do this often. You will find that it will be easier to direct your promises towards changing the thing you want to change.

Most of the time when I ask a person what they would change about their life they say, “I’d want to make more money,” or “I’d be wealthy.” What brought them to that point? What might be different if they had changed their way of thinking? Were they poverty conscious or prosperity conscious?

I believe that my actions up to this point in my life have landed me right where I’m at. If I had done things different, it’s obvious that I would be somewhere else. Changing what we do now and how we think today, will have a drastic effect on what happens tomorrow.

Where will you be at next year? Or in 5 years? Still working for someone? Still smoking? Still miserable? Or happy and fulfilled?

The best time to make a decision to change is NOW.

Cancun, Mexico

August 25th, 2006 | 1 Comment |

In March we attended an event in Cancun Mexico. We arrived on a Monday afternoon, checked into the Moon Palace resort, found our room and took a tour of the grounds. This resort is fantastic. It is an all inclusive resort located right on the beach in Cancun. The service was so excellent, we actually set a goal to see if it were possible to walk by an employee without them saying, “hola.” We failed to achieve our goal.

The event itself was nothing short of inspiring. We heard from Dick Hoyt, who shows his love and compassion for his son while demonstrating his tremendous desire to go the extra mile. His son, Rick, had been tangled with the umbilical cord, at birth, which confined him to a wheel chair for the rest of his life. To make a long story short, Rick was given the opportunity to speak through a computer and told his parents that when he is running, it feels like he isn’t handicapped. Since then, they have been in many marathons and triathlons across the nation and have overcome tremendous obstacles along the way. Truly inspiring. The crowd cheered through tears of inspiration for Team Hoyt.
We also heard from Patrick Combs and Deanna Latson. David Neagle had a near death experience of being sucked through a dam. After that experience he devoted his life to helping others realize their true potential with the simple concept, JUST BELIEVE. Patrick Combs was told over and over again that he would never achieve his goals and that he should give up. For more than a decade he has dedicated his career to helping people live with more courage, passion, inspiration and meaning. Deanna touched on some permanent lifestyle changes that will improve health and wellbeing. Her inspiration was to save her Dad’s life, and in turn has helped so many more.

In addition to hearing from these inspiring speakers, we had some play time. We rented a wave runner and hit the waves in the ocean. Talk about being sore afterwards. Also we rented some little two seat-er speed boats , cruised through water channels and snorkeled in the reef. How often do most people get to do that or even have the time, freedom, and money to vacation in exotic locations like this? We plan on doing it again this coming October in Hawaii during our next event. And since this blog is fairly new I will update you on the last Liberty Conference in Puerto Rico.

At the end of every event is a black tie event. This event closes things out with a wild night of fun and entertainment. This is truly an amazing community of individuals we are part of. A room full with thousands of entrepreneurs who are living the lives of their dreams and it all comes down to a choice they made to get started. Already this year I have taken more vacations then I was ever able to take before I made this incredible life-changing choice.

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