Understanding the Basics of Business Insurance

May 15th, 2013 | Comments Off on Understanding the Basics of Business Insurance |

Business InsuranceThere is no denying the fact that insurance is a complex matter. Trying to understand all the exclusions, the terms and conditions of the policy as well as the deductibles in depth can take years. Here are the top basic components of business insurance for anyone wishing to start their own business.

  • The physical building that the business is located in must be insured. If the building is leased, the landlord may be responsible for insuring it. All the machinery, office equipment, raw materials, furniture and personal property should also be included in the policy.
  • If the business deals with public, it is imperative to get a policy that covers any losses to others due to negligence. This will ensure that personal injury or property damage that may be caused by the business owner is compensated by the insurer.
  • Most businesses hire employees and therefore, worker’s compensation insurance will be required. Employers should also take into account health insurance and life insurance for their employees. Although life insurance is optional, worker’s compensation is mandatory.
  • The bloodstream of any business is its profits. If the income stops, the business will more than likely go bankrupt. This is when business interruption coverage will come in handy for replacement of lost earnings.

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Arizona Tornadoes or Dust Devils

May 10th, 2013 | Comments Off on Arizona Tornadoes or Dust Devils |

Arizona Tornadoes or Dust DevilsMuch like the mid-western states, here in Arizona, we also have tornadoes…..but just in a much, much smaller size. We like to call them dust devils. Others may have their own names for them, such as whirlwinds or wind funnels. Just like tornadoes, dust devils are a weather phenomenon of a vertically column of rotating air. But unlike tornadoes, dust devils aren’t backed by a larger force such as a mesocyclone from a thunderstorm.

We took our girls out of school for a lunch date today and ran into about a half dozen of these things making their way through our small community here. One of them, which I was not able to catch on video, had roughly a 4 ft by 4 ft sized tumble weed caught in it and was getting tossed around in a thirty foot circle.

Arizona Tornadoes or Dust Devils

Dust devils are usually harmless, but imagine getting smacked across the face with a tumble weed! For those of you who have never felt a dried up tumble weed, let me explain it to you….ouch! Thousands of stickers!

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Social Proof that the Empower Network Changes Lives

May 10th, 2013 | Comments Off on Social Proof that the Empower Network Changes Lives |

kutakoHere’s a little social proof for you that the Empower Network is making a huge financial difference in more than just my life.  Here’s an amazing story directly from the Facebook profile of a guy on my team named Kutako.

It is such a great story that I had to share it with you.

Social Proof that the Empower Network is changing lives!

Beginning of his story…..

So after I left the gym today, I swung thru my moms house…

And outside her house was the Gas&Electric man, coming to cut off her power cuz she was behind by behind $1,800….

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New Software and Liveware to Help in Sales

May 9th, 2013 | Comments Off on New Software and Liveware to Help in Sales |

sales softwareSome may think that a struggling economy has made things nearly impossible for salespeople across the country, but with the ability to now use sales software and liveware right at your fingertips and increase your sales without leaving your home, things have never been easier. There are many different platforms in which you can help build on your craft, and here are a few of the programs that will drive your sales.


Yesware was created in 2010 as an e-mail service for salespeople. What it is, is a plug-in for your e-mail that you can use with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Templates are set out depending on the type of e-mail that you are sending (i.e. memo, sales offer, etc.) and will let you know once the e-mail has been opened and the links that have been clicked on.

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Inspire the Entrepreneur in your Kids

May 7th, 2013 | Comments Off on Inspire the Entrepreneur in your Kids |

kid entrepreneursMy very first Entrepreneur experience as a kid was selling a very special product….a product you’d expect to see from two boys. With as abundant as they were, we couldn’t let the opportunity to sell night crawlers pass us by! Yup, we sold worms to local fisherman, and not just any worms, the big ones! These were the type of worms that could pull a six year old kid right into the ground.

Just like any successful venture, we had our little business down to a science, thanks to the leadership of Dad. You see, these worms were called night crawlers for a reason. They came out at night when it was the coolest outside. So on the night preceding our next fishing trip, to lure the night crawlers out of their holes, we wet the lawn down real good. Then we waited for a few hours, grabbed our flashlights and containers and went hunting.

Now, these worms were not only smart, they were fast. And to be honest, I have no idea how they did it, but they could see us coming from pretty far off. So once we found one with our flashlight, we had to sneak up on it and with pure stealth, snag it with our hands. At that point, the worm was halfway in its hole still, so if we pulled too hard, we’d end up with half a worm to work with. So we had to ease it out of its hole.

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Having trouble recording HD video on your computer?

April 25th, 2013 | Comments Off on Having trouble recording HD video on your computer? |

Recording in HDOne of the most effective ways to promote yourself or your product online is by using video. But not just any video, HD or High Definition videos. Over the last few years, it’s HD or nothing! Give me HD or give me death, right? Especially when it comes to watching movies. You’ve gotta have that HD TV or it just doesn’t seem worth it.

Every once in a while, I’ll catch myself squinting while watching a show that’s not in HD. I’m trying to clear up the picture but it’s just not working, you know? HD makes everything seem more realistic.

With that said, I have recently had the desire to launch a massive video marketing campaign to promote my opportunity. So, after realizing that the built in camera on my Dell Studio laptop doesn’t record in the required 720p, I order myself an HD webcam off of Ebay. And if you’re wondering, I ordered a Logitech 615c, which is a great camera.

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