Welcome to Your New Work Schedule

April 15th, 2013 | Comments Off on Welcome to Your New Work Schedule |

new work scheduleI’m not sure this is it for you, but one of the main reasons people get cold feet is because of the whole, “fear of the unknown” factor.

They just don’t know what they’d be doing once they get started in an opportunity like this….
….mostly because they’ve never done anything like this before!

So, if I outlined my typical DAILY schedule for you, would that change things for you?

If you did EXACTLY what I do on a daily basis, this is what you’d be doing….

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The Graveyard Job that Almost Killed Me!

April 15th, 2013 | Comments Off on The Graveyard Job that Almost Killed Me! |

Skid marks on highwayWhen you hear to words, “Graveyards,” what thoughts come up for you?

Depending on your current employment, you might have a different thought process than someone else does, or maybe not.

Graveyard! Let’s pause for a second there. What a term! Whoever came up with the nickname, “graveyards” for the night shift hours, should have copyrighted that. It’s like death for employees. In most jobs, it’s considered the crap shift…the one nobody wants. The only time I though graveyards were fun was in my adolescent years, because the boss wasn’t there and I could do whatever I wanted!

On with my point, here’s a little story about the graveyard shift that nearly killed me. Seriously.

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Spend $20,000 or $25 per month to make good money blogging?

April 11th, 2013 | Comments Off on Spend $20,000 or $25 per month to make good money blogging? |

make money bloggingIf you’ve been looking around the internet  for ways to make money, you’ve probably noticed that most of the websites you’ve stumbled across are blogs! Or at least have a blog integrated into the site somewhere. And if you’ve been searching for longer than a day, you’ve also probably noticed how much money some of those bloggers are making!

So here’s the question: What does it truly take to become a successful blogger?

How do you take a blog and turn it into a six figure residual income?

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My Best April Fools Prank Yet

April 2nd, 2013 | Comments Off on My Best April Fools Prank Yet |

I’ve pulled off some pretty cool pranks in my lifetime, but this is, by far, the best April Fools prank I’ve done to this day! About half of my extended family was in utter shock and the other half wasn’t fooled at all….because they know better.

But there were a few who actually thanked the Lord, until they found out that it was just a prank….
…..after which, they were furious!

It was a simple post to Facebook.

Here it is…….

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Where’s the Oompa Loompa’s and the VDI Monitoring in Network Marketing?

March 26th, 2013 | Comments Off on Where’s the Oompa Loompa’s and the VDI Monitoring in Network Marketing? |

vdi monitoringSeveral years ago, I had a job. I know…you’re shocked, right? Heck, I even have a hard time believing myself when I say things like that. But yeah, I once worked for a popular domain registrar, which goes by the name of GoDaddy. It was there that I gained valuable experience in DNS and troubleshooting hosting issues, which I’ve used many times since.

I can’t say I know it all, but I know more than I knew before. And one of the things I learned there was their ability to maintain a controlled environment for their employees, an environment in which they could stay productive. With so many computers, and people working on those computers, it would seem to be a difficult task to keep them focused on their job, instead of browsing the internet all day.

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Earn a 1200% return on your tax return, per year

March 25th, 2013 | Comments Off on Earn a 1200% return on your tax return, per year |

invest your tax return

The average tax return in 2012 was right around $3,000, and I’m thinking the average for 2013 will be pretty close to the same, if not more. While the typical tax return will probably be spent on big screen TV’s and down payments for vehicles, the non-typical know that they can use that tax return to earn them more money.

If you’re one of those non-typical minds, you probably already have an idea of what you’d like to do with your return. The options are almost endless. Should you invest that money in a traditional business, put it away for a rainy day, invest in the stock market or invest it into your current business?

Decisions, decisions.

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