How to Pay for Christmas with Google Adsense

October 4th, 2012 | No Comments |

We’ve seen success with Google Adsense happen for people all over the world and yet, some people still struggle with it. There are more than a few people making enough from their Google Adsense ads to support a very luxurious lifestyle.

This post is not going to tell you how to create that level of income by using Google Adsense. This post will be a little more modest.

How to pay for Christmas with Google Adsense

Now depending on your current lifestyle, the amount of money you’ll need to make it a memorable Christmas for your family is up to you. Some people only purchase one gift for each child while others spoil their kids rotten with a plethora of gifts. And by the way, “plethora” is one of my favorite words. Just so you know.

In my family, depending on what we have going on, we can get by with a modest $1500, but would be able to do much better with around $2500. That buys Christmas for all four of our children, my wife, a single gift for our parents and one for our siblings families. And sometimes that is even too much. Our focus isn’t always on getting gifts, but giving them. Giving makes you feel more fuzzy inside anyway. Right?

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Amy Allred joins Visalus, and is a Pro!

October 2nd, 2012 | No Comments |

Amy Allred joins VisalusIf you haven’t yet had a chance to read one of my recent posts, “When all else fails, just cry,” you should do it. It’s pretty funny and works really well. So be sure to stop by that post before leaving my site today. Now, on with the topic….

Amy Allred joins Visalus

As you might already know, Amy is my beautiful, extremely talented wife who is amazing at pretty much everything she does. And that’s no joke, seriously. Everything she does, she does at full speed ahead. Look out Visalus, because she loves your shakes, and when she loves something, everyone she knows will hear about it and probably want it too.

That’s just who Amy is. She’s the kind of person that makes friends with every person she meets. And by the time I can count my fingers and toes, she’ll know everything important there is to know about a person she has just barely met. But the part that baffles me the most, is that most of the people she meets think that she is the most amazing person they have ever met. Well, I guess it’s not that baffling, I think that every day.

She has an infectious personality, in an extremely good way.

So why did Amy Allred join Visalus?

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Get more traffic with images through Google search

October 1st, 2012 | No Comments |

Get More Traffic with ImagesWhen it comes time to write your next blog post, whatever the topic, don’t forget to include an image with your content. Why? Well, because you can get more traffic with images through Google search, if course!

Never underestimate the potential an image has in bringing high quality traffic to your site. If it’s optimized correctly, at times, you’ll be found more for your images than you will for your actual content. At least this stands true for several of my posts.

However, in order to get more traffic with your images, there are a few things you’ll need to do.

First, your image must be a higher quality image. There’s nothing that annoys me more than an image that has been stretched to fit a specific space. Stretching an image distorts and blurs it, making it look very cheap and unappealing. If you’re using wordpress as your CMS, I would typically upload an image that is at least 600 pixels wide and 400 tall, or vice versa. WordPress has features that can reduce the size of your image if need be. It’s always better to start big and downsize.

NEVER stretch an image. EVER. Please….for my sanity.

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Stories Sell and Results Tell

September 28th, 2012 | No Comments |

Stories sell, but before I get into a story, let me tell you a quick thing or two about me and how I use stories. As some of you may know, I’m a church man. I’m part of the LDS church and have held various callings within the church which have given me many teaching opportunities. Many of these “teaching opportunities” come unexpectedly, for example, when you show up to church and the instructor you had assigned to teach that day didn’t show up. So naturally, I have to step in and come up with something great to teach about.

So my number one use for stories is to take up some time, or fill the gaps. Life is full of experiences that can be related to just about anything, especially to my religion. Some of the best speakers in my church and in the world are the ones who can relate a story to their topic. It brings things to life, at least it does for me.

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It can be difficult to blog daily!

September 27th, 2012 | No Comments |

Coming from someone who is not naturally talented at writing, it can be difficult to blog daily. I mean, I won the English award when I graduated High School. Maybe that counts for something? I don’t know. But some days it’s a little more difficult to use the creative side of my brain than others.

But as you might already know, I committed myself to post one new blog post daily, and I can’t go back on that commitment. So on those days where the creative juices are a little dammed up, I find myself procrastinating, hoping for some inspiration to start flowing.

Sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t. And when it doesn’t, I become a late night blogger that has to proof read my post several times because of all the misspellings. And who wants to spend their evenings writing a blog post anyway?

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David Allred Joins the Empower Network

September 26th, 2012 | No Comments |

The Empower Network

It is official folks.

David Allred joins the Empower Network!

I’ve finally found a home based business that has the leverage, price point and income potential that’s worth the effort. The Empower Network has all that I have been looking for.

  • I enjoy blogging
  • I like making money
  • I like helping other people make money
  • I dig personal development
  • I am always looking to learn more about internet marketing
  • It’s a business model with extreme leverage
  • I really don’t enjoy prospecting (Bonus! No prospecting in the Empower Network)
  • Anyone can afford the startup costs
  • Massive residual income potential

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