Should You Fake It ’til You Make It

November 29th, 2011 | 2 Comments |

Fake It 'til You make ItThroughout the network marketing industry, newcomers have come to know all to well the phrase, “Fake it ’til you make it.” If you’re a home based business entrepreneur and haven’t heard of this phrase yet, just wait….you will. So before you do, let me lay it all out on the table for you. “Fake it ’til you make it” has taken a wrong turn somewhere. It has become a different way to say, “Lie until you are making the money,” and has damaged the reputation of the network marketing industry as a whole.

Should you fake it ’til you make it?

So in this post, I want to set the record straight for those who are in fact “Lying” through their teeth but don’t know any better, are teetering on the edge of fakin’ it or are teaching their new recruits to wrongfully fake it. read more

I Just Got Fired!

November 7th, 2011 | 1 Comment |

If you have ever been fired from a job, join the club. Change is a good thing, most of the time. There are very few who haven’t been let go, down sized, replaced or fired at least once in their lifetime. Back in my college days I used to work in a small restaurant, and if you know me at all, you know that I love food. Even though I love food, I think I loved it too much and couldn’t help not eating the food instead of serving it. To say the least, I was let go from that job, or fired. Whatever you want to call it. Their reason was, “I didn’t have what it takes to work with food.” That was okay with me and they were probably right. I hated cleaning up after people I didn’t know anyway, especially after a meal. read more

Promote Your Business with Social Media

November 4th, 2011 | No Comments |

If you’ve been in business for yourself, whether in a traditional brick and mortar business or network marketing business, you know how important and effective word of mouth advertising is. If your product or service is of true value, word can spread very quickly.  Word of mouth is the most cost effective marketing in existence and can make or break your business. read more

10 Things To Do Now, Not Later!

October 18th, 2011 | No Comments |

When you start adding on the years, you start to realize that life is EXTREMELY short! Sometimes I don’t feel there is enough time to accomplish all that I have planned to. I think the spark to this though process of mine was a conversation I overheard. They were talking about buying a home so that they could change it however they wanted to, instead of having to tip-toe around their landlord. Yet, they’re still hesitant. read more

The Path to Success is not Straight

October 3rd, 2011 | 2 Comments |

Arrow to SuccessWhile browsing through my Facebook feed I ran across this image, and it explains the path to success perfectly. I don’t know anyone, personally, that hasn’t struggled a bit before reaching a significant level of success in their business. Some of the most successful people I know have hit some speed bumps, dips, pot holes, detours and red lights on their road to success. But they only saw those obstacles for what they truly were, just obstacles. So many others quit at the sign of the first pot hole. I think they were just looking for an excuse to fall back into the same old mold they were in before……poor, depressed, wishing and wanting.

I have personally witnessed the squiggly line of success in my own financial life and I don’t think I am anywhere close to the end of the arrow… least by my standards. I have so many ideas to bring to fruition and goals to hit. Honestly, I think I’m right in the middle of the tangle, but I’m still on my way up. Tomorrow could be an upward swoop or a hard right turn, but as long as I can see the end of the arrow, I’ll get there. And so will you if you keep that same focus.

Success may seem difficult, but really is just about having more wins than losses!

A Guide to Getting Paid What You’re Worth

September 13th, 2011 | No Comments |

We’ve all heard the common phrase, “You teach people how to treat you.” If you allow someone to treat you like a piece of trash,  and you don’t correct them, then you have just given them a lesson on how you should be treated. It’s common sense really, but more than just a few won’t ever grasp that concept. read more

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