Self Direction Makes the World a Better Place

July 26th, 2011 | No Comments |

I stumbled upon this video today and thought I would share it with all of you. It has some great content, especially for Entrepreneurs and those looking to lead a self directed life.

Now, even if the content wasn’t that amazing, which it is, I am still amazed by the animation. They could be talking about cow tipping and I would still be entertained. Avant has a great compensation plan video done this way as well. Love these.

By the way, if you aren’t using Stumbleupon, you should be. It’s a great way to find content and people with you common interests. View my profile and connect with me Here.

Here’s the video.

[youtube width=”425″ height=”265″][/youtube]

Good Family Man vs Good Businessman

July 25th, 2011 | 1 Comment |

Family ManIf one can create a successful family environment, there’s no doubt in my mind that one can also become a successful businessman, and vice versa. Let’s take a look at some of the similarities between raising a successful family and running a successful business.

In my experience, TIME is the most important ingredient.

Depending on the type of business you’re involved in, it’s going to require a lot of your time, especially if it’s a new business. Many people make the mistake, specifically in the Network Marketing industry, of thinking they can get something for nothing. Which is why more people fail in business than those who succeed. Getting started is just the first step. You’ll never reach the city of success unless you keep walking.

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The Battlefield of Life – Defeat or Be Defeated

July 21st, 2011 | No Comments |

The Battlefield of LifeLife is a battlefield. In it’s own right, it’s just as intense as any war waged between two armies in any location. Every aspect of it involves possible defeat or glorious victory, except in the combat of life, there are many foes…..yourself being one of the greatest. A sound mind is key.

In the midst of conflict, injuries will occur. Sometimes these injuries are self inflicted and other times they are caused by sources outside our control.

There are those who have been injured many times, who, because of their many scars, shy away from the battle.  They avoid confrontation and action. They’re scared of being injured, or injured again. So instead of facing their enemy, they avoid them at all costs, even at great personal loss. They let the fear of pain and loss take over their life. Their actions become less valiant and their potential squandered. Instead of being dependable and independent, they become dependent and are in need of protection. They lose their self worth and find themselves living in the gutters and the filth of this war, feeding off the leftovers of the rest.

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The Swamp People – Success Principle

July 20th, 2011 | No Comments |

The Swamp People I don’t watch much television but occasionally, there’s a show that will catch my eye and become impossible for me to not watch it. That show right now is the History Channels “The Swamp People.” I am so into it, I created a few swamp people shirts for my family and decided to offer them to the public as well. The things they say are catchy!

Half the time it’s nearly impossible to understand what they’re saying because they have such a thick accent, but it’s fun to see the unique way they make their living. At times, they seem like they’re so happy that I just want to pack up and go hang out in the Bayou for a while.

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Turn Your Home Video into a Home Business Commercial

July 18th, 2011 | No Comments |

I wrote a post recently about getting really good at giving a 30 second commercial on your home videos to promote your home based business. We’ll, here’s a quick video that shows you step by step how I have converted my home videos into powerful advertising clips for my home based business using window movie maker.

Enjoy the video and you’ll find the finished product just below it.


[youtube width=”425″ height=”310″][/youtube]

How to Write a Classified Ad That Converts

July 13th, 2011 | No Comments |

With any source of free advertising, it’s imperative that you do as much as you possibly can to separate yourself from the masses. On free classified ad sites, you’re just going to be another number in the crowd, but there are ways you can stick out above the rest without sacrificing the integrity of the ad. Remember one thing about your marketing…..fluidity. Meaning, you must portray the same personality and message in your ads as you would over the phone. There can’t be a different message in your ads than there is in your first conversation. To be most effective, it all must match, or be fluid.

So here are a few things you can implement in your ad copy to help your conversions:

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