“Because” is an Excuse!

March 11th, 2009 | No Comments |

noexcusesAs I study different people and look at the results they are having in their life I notice that a lot of their success or failure stems from their language. You may not think so but by adjusting your language, in your mind and that which comes out of your mouth, can make a huge difference in your results. I know you have all heard of the phrase, “Do as I say not as I do!” That is the dumbest phrase! If those words have come out of your mouth before, your life may not be going as smoothly as it could, and you know what? It’s all your fault.

The correct phrase is “Do as I do!” Surprisingly, most people do as they say and you can see a pattern in people’s speech that will determine what they do. There are so many words that can be switched around or not used at all. For this post, I am going to call attention to the word “because.”

“Because” most of the time, is an excuse word. I can’t go to the store because……

Quick story: I assist people is creating wealth from home right? Well, occasionally I will speak with people who have huge income goals. They want to make millions and want it to happen right now. I present to them a business that has 7 figure income potential. The cost to get started is very minimal compared to the income they will make. Now tell me if you have ever heard this line: “I can’t get started because…..I have no money, I am living paycheck to paycheck, all my income goes to bills, I can’t afford to!” It all starts with “I can’t because.” Having no money is just an excuse. If they really wanted to get started and if they really wanted their millions, a small start up fee would not deter them in any way.

By using “because” in a negative way just means that you have only made a choice. You have chosen to be a victim of your circumstance and are allowing something else effect your choices. Money issues, sickness, schedules, school, friends, family, time, etc…they are all the same. Anything can get in the way of you achieving success. My goals include my family and friends because I allow them to be included in a certain way and still have control over that. The same applies to everything else.

Take a look at your vocabulary. Do you use the word “because” a lot? Is is being used as an excuse or is it empowering?

Empowering: “I am successful because I chose to be, or I did this or I did that.” That is positive and is used in a way that I can control. It’s not used selfishly if you are deserving. Credit is due.

Not Empowering: “I am successful because the stock market turned for the better, or luck came my way, or I won the lottery.” Those are all things you have no control over.

Excuse: “We lost the game because John missed that shot. I can’t make millions because I can’t afford to start a business. I am broke and unemployed because of the economy. I can’t market on the internet because I don’t know how!” All of these are ways “because” can aid in your excuses.

Take an inventory on your vocabulary and use words to empower yourself and I promise you that you will see a tremendous difference in your life.

Stop settling and start living! No excuses!

You Deserve What You Want!

March 9th, 2009 | No Comments |

Now before I get into this post I want you all to think of what you want the absolute most in your life. Really think about it now, don’t just make something up. Get vivid about it. Get so clear that you can actually picture yourself in possession of that thing. How does it feel? Are you already in possession of the things you want the most or are they something you have yet to obtain? Maybe you are already in possession of a few things you want but not all of them.

One of the biggest road blocks between a person and their ultimate desires is deservability and directly connected to that is self worth. Most people, even though they desire something so greatly, still don’t really believe they will ever be in possession of it. The reasons may vary but the biggest one is the fact that they feel undeserving or unworthy of that object. Let’s use money as an example. Most people who feel undeserving of money have the impression that others are more deserving of it than they are. “Donald Trump deserves all of his money because, just look at him. He has everything together. He is a man of power and deserves his wealth.” Hogwash!

They only reason Donald Trump has more money than any of you right now is because he deserves it. Why does he deserve that money? He deserves every penny of what he has earned because he was willing to stick his neck out on the line and take huge risks when others were not! He deserves all that he has because he took the action to create it instead of sitting around thinking that others were more deserving than he was. It’s not a selfish thing, it’s an ambitious thing. He’s not trying to take all the money away from everyone else. He understands that there is enough money for everyone to have a ton of it and knows that every penny he will ever make is currently in the hands of someone else or has not yet been made and unless he takes action, it will remain in their hands.

He deserves it just as much as you deserve it and are worth receiving it. If you are dirt poor, sit around on the couch all day, are unemployed, never miss a showing of CSI, never pick a book to read or never take the intitiative to change your situation, you deserve your poor state. Accept the fact that you have created your reality because you deserve what you accept. It is all simply because you either didn’t take action or are taking the wrong action.  The only thing that seperates the rich from the poor is mindset. Change your thoughts, change your world. Truly believe that you deserve all that you desire in this life because you do, if you will but take the risks and the actions to achieve them!

Top 10 Limiting Beliefs of Prosperity

March 4th, 2009 | 1 Comment |

beliefThere are certain limiting beliefs that we all have grown to learn, whether forced to learn or picked up along our journey in life that act as a wall, or a block to success. These beliefs might have come from our parents while in our childhood. They could have been ingrained because of something that happened to or around us. These beliefs may have even been learned by watching TV or going to school. Wherever they may have originated they are limiting, restrictive and extremely harmful to excelling and experiencing a life of pure freedom.

I have compiled a list of ten of the top limiting beliefs that have plagued the minds of people around the globe and have limited their abilities. Now, since I teach people how to create wealth in a Home Business, these are limiting beliefs that would block success and prosperity.

  1. The belief that you don’t deserve wealth, abundance and prosperity, or a good life, or all that you have wanted.
  2. The belief that you are not worth the amount of wealth or success you desire.
  3. The belief that you have to choose between two of your wants or goals and that you can’t have it all.
  4. The belief that the way to get ahead is “by the sweat of your brow.” This is an old timer belief. Hard work doesn’t necessarily include long hours. It means focus and leverage!
  5. The belief that you can only make good money in a good economy or in the perfect conditions.
  6. The belief that someone else who has the results you want is any different or any more deserving than you. The only difference is time and knowledge. Wealth and success is not for everyone else, it is for you! You deserve to be rich and successful just as much as the David Allreds, the Donald Trumps and the Michael Jordans of this world.
  7. The belief that bad things always happen to you or that nothing good or spectacular will ever happen to you.
  8. The belief that the way your parents created success is the way you are going to create your success. Sometimes the way to get ahead in life is to get a good education, find a good job and work until retirement. This is not always the right choice. Just ask the door greeter at Walmart! Most pensions and retirement plans are not worth twenty or thirty years of your life!
  9. The belief that your circumstance or background dictates who you are. Just because your parents are poor, their parents were poor, and their parents’ parents were poor does not mean that you will be. Your stars are never permanent. They can be created or changed to your liking!
  10. The belief that there is only so much money in the world and the poor are poor because the wealthy people have all the money.

There you have it. My top ten. If there are any others you feel I missed, I would like to hear about them. Also, expect me to elaborate over the next week or two on each of these and why they are so harmful to your successful mindset!

Why Not Just Have Both?

March 2nd, 2009 | No Comments |

coke_pepsiThe other day I was having a conversation with an associate of mine about choosing to do one thing or another. It seemed in his mind and set in stone that he could only have one or the other. Having both didn’t seem to be an option. Now, I am sure he visits this site often so I am confident that he will read this post, which is good. I may be a little of on his thought process but am not off at all in a general sense for the rest of you, or the rest of the world.

Where did the mentality of having to choose come from? I mean, if someone has two items they want to buy at the store, usually the thing to do is to pick one and I think we all learned this as children. As I think about it, what do you say to your child as they come running up to you in the store with two pieces of candy in their hands asking if you can buy them both? You say, “pick one,”  right? I know I always do. They have to choose one or the other and having both of them is just not acceptable. Why? Because we don’t want to spoil them or have all their teeth fall out from cavities. The answer is obvious. Kids that get everything they ask for usually aren’t appreciative of the things they already have because they know they can just get more, or get something else. Until they learn the principle of gratitude they can’t have all that they want.

So what do I want? Do I want the Coke or the Pepsi? It’s simple. Get them both. Drink the Coke now and the Pepsi later! I actually like them both. Why do I have to choose which one is better instead of just having them both?

As adults, we have to learn to forget the concept that we can only have one or the other and not both. Now that we are mature we know that we must first be grateful for what we currently have, otherwise we won’t be blessed with more.  We can leave behind this limiting belief. That is exactly what it is. It is a belief that is restricting and limiting in nature. It is telling me that instead of having the ability to get all of my dream, I have to settle for one half or the other. Instead of hitting all of my goals I have to settle, or choose just one.

Know that you have the ability to create anything you desire in this life. Anything! If you want to pay off that credit card and take that vacation, you can have both if you believe you can and take the action to go out and get it. You can have both. You can have all of everything that you want and nobody is going to tell you that you can’t!

Let go of this one little but destructive belief and excel in your enterprise! This is just one of the many empowering principles of the $19 billion industry of Personal Development. I teach ambitious people how to create a mountain of success and wealth in this industry and do it while working from home in their pajamas! Improve yourself, improve your bank account!

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

February 26th, 2009 | No Comments |

maslow's hierarchy of needsA few posts back I spoke of a story I was reading out of a book by Andy Andrews. In that story the zoo keeper shared his secret to success. He used a word called “leverage” and applied it in his business to get what he wanted. He used leverage over his animals and also his employees. He knew how to provide just the minimum in exchange for what he wanted. In exchange for their freedom, he would give them food and shelter. Food and shelter is definitely a necessity, but you can still get it and so much more without having to sacrifice your freedom?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

You have all heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs right? It outlines the human races level of needs starting with the basics, food and shelter. It is said that until one has mastered one level, they will not rise to the next. So in Laman’s terms, unless you have food, shelter, are breathing, are getting sleep and can go to the bathroom, you won’t really progress to the next level of the scale. Now that speaks words! How many people are still stuck on the bottom level of the 5 level scale because they have not mastered food and shelter? How many people struggle to pay rent or their mortgage and cannot progress along this scale because of it? Sure, they may jump up the scale for brief periods of time but what does it all come down to? It all comes back to the basics for that person!

Wouldn’t it be nice if one could master the bottom four and actually hit the top level and stay there? To have graduated from level four with complete and utter self confidence and respect from others and to be on a path of pure growth and self actualization? It is amazing how people limit their potential by focusing only on the things that seem to be the most important, like food and shelter. Sure, if I really focus on just making a living, I am sure to get it. But do I really want to just make a living? Or do I want to live my life? There is a big difference and I sure hope you realize that. Most employees make a living, paycheck to paycheck, or in other words, they get food and shelter.

Self actualization is the ultimate destination and very few reach it in this lifetime. The secret to it, is to simply look beyond the basics. By doing this, the basics will just be basics instead of the main focus. I finally realized this when I started a business, became an Entrepreneur and engulfed myself in Personal Development. I realized that I had been so focused on my basic needs that I had no clue as to my ultimate potential. Here are a few clues to determine of you are doing the same:

  • Are you constantly stressed out over paying your bills?
  • Are you barely making your rent or mortgage?
  • While grocery shopping do you limit what you get because of your budget?
  • Are you loosing sleep because of financial reasons?
  • Are you living paycheck to paycheck?
  • Do you seem to lack the time in your day after going to work to get much else done with your family, or your own personal needs?

If any of these things are true in your life, chances are you are still trying to master the basics!

All in all, stop settling for the basics in life and start living it!

Be a Money Magnet!

February 25th, 2009 | No Comments |

I'm a Money MagnetYou have all heard of the phrase “prosperity conscious” right? We all know that in order to change your current circumstance, you must first change the way you think. It doesn’t start with the economy or your job. It all starts from the noodle wrapped up and stuffed into that skull of yours. It starts from your thoughts and then effects all of those other things. If the world started thinking differently about their situation then their situation would be different. Sounds simple right? So how do we start thinking differently?

Here is something so simple yet brilliant and very effective that will effect your thinking in a good way. This is something that we have taught our children to do and you can see the difference in the way they operate. This directly effects your relationship with money. I think that most of the world, when talk of money comes around, associates it with negative thoughts and feelings. This can be for many different reasons such as debt, the lack of, or bills.

Now, for a moment, think of money as a person. Now what would a person do if they knew that every time they came around or were spoken of by you that you had negative feelings and thoughts about them? They would be very very elusive right? They would never come around. The same goes for money. If you have negative thoughts or feeling towards money because of debt, the lack of, or anything that is not positive, you must change that in order to have more money flow into your life.

I’m a Money Magnet!

So every time we see a coin, whether it is a silver dollar or just a penny, we pick it up and yell, “I’m a money magnet” in the air. Our kids absolutely love doing this! They think it is a big game, and after saying they are a money magnet, they have the biggest smiles on their faces! I love it and can see the positive relationship they are building with money that will have a positive effect on their income in the future.

Believe me when I tell you this…..It Makes A Difference! Some of you will probably think it is silly and won’t do it. That is your choice. But since we have started doing this, we have had more money come into our lives than before. We are money magnets because we appreciate money, whether a little or a lot, it is attracted to us because we use it to live the life of our dreams. It is a tool that has provided so much joy and abundance in our lives and we welcome it.

Change your thoughts, change your world!

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