Relocating to Payson Arizona!

February 24th, 2009 | No Comments |

az_mapThis is a quick post to let everyone know publicly that I have been slacking off the last few days! I have a good excuse even though I am not a big fan of excuses. There is always a way, if you think about it, to prevent the need for an excuse. But I failed to plan and thus I planned to fail at successfully keeping my blogging up for the last few days.

But we are officially moved to Payson Arizona and are loving it here! It is a little warmer with a lot less snow here and still with the small town feel that we love so much. We wanted to be closer to Phoenix and are just an hour away here instead of the grueling 3 hour drive we had before. We are huge on family and we have a lot of that in the valley!

So once again, I apologize for the lack of blogging and things are now returning to normal. At least here on this blog. I still have crap all over the place to organize still in boxes. You’ve gotta love moving! The cool thing is….I was able to work this business less than an hour a day over the past week and have still make 5k! Lovin’ it!

Living for Food and Shelter?

February 19th, 2009 | 2 Comments |

Andy Andrews - Food and ShelterI am reading a book by Andy Andrews called “Mastering the Seven Decision” right now and wanted to share a brief story with you. It talks about this man who owns a zoo. This guy lived a few years back and at the time, all the other zoos would go out on safaris to catch the animals to feature in their zoo, but this one gentleman would breed his own animals and so it made his zoo that much better. Well, this guy heard about an animal that no other zoo in the world had and set out on a safari to find this animal and to bring it home for his zoo.

When telling the natives what his intentions were, they all laughed at him and told him that he would never be able to catch one, that they were too strong and fast. The only way to catch one of those was to shoot it from a distance and bring it back dead. This guy just shrugged and then told the natives that he would catch as many of these animals as he wanted and then pick the best of them for his zoo.

Out he went to find this animal. He laid down barley and honey every night for 6 weeks and every night these animals would eat all the food. Then, as he laid down the food, he placed a post near to it and continued to feed them for another week. The next week he placed another post just opposite of the last one, and fed the animals for another week. He did this for two more weeks until he had four posts. For the next several weeks he added boards in between these posts to make a coral. The last week the coral was nearly complete except for one board. That night he laid out the same amount of food and these animals squeezed through the gap to get to the food and he came up behind them and nailed on the last board and captured all of these beautiful animals. He picked the ones he wanted and let the rest go free.

Later on he was asked how he did it and his reply was: “I treat animals the same way I treat people: I give them what they want. I give them food and shelter. In exchange, they give me their beauty and their freedom.”

That statement was described as “bone chilling” in the book. Most of the world is giving away their beauty(talent, skills) and their freedom in exchange for food and shelter, not much more. Take a look, a serious look at your life, your job, what you are doing to provide for you and your family. Are you seriously free to do as you please? Are you living life to the fullest? Or, are you trading your freedom for pennies?

Personal Responsibility

February 16th, 2009 | No Comments |

Adam and Eve - Personal ResponsibilityLet me take you back, I mean way back, to what we all know as the beginning of time. The reason I would like to do this is to show you your nature, or human nature. This is why we are having government bailouts, economic trouble and something called “The blame game!” This all started from the very moment that Eve bit into that apple. What did she do when Adam asked her why she had bitten the apple? She blamed it all on Lucifer. Oh, it was all his fault that I made the decision to bite the apple. Really? So it was someone elses fault that you used your own mouth to bite that apple! I see!

Now, let’s not put it all on the woman. What did Adam do? Adam blames it on the woman, saying that she gave me the apple and I ate it. The blame game! It’s in human nature to blame, but in order to create the results you desire in your life, it must not exist in your nature.

Take Personal Responsibility

You can change it. You can assume full responsibility for all that you have done, are doing and will ever do. It is called personal responsibility! You must realize and accept the fact that your current circumstances are a result of your choices and that your choices are a result of your thoughts. So who controls what thoughts are entertained and what thoughts are not? You guessed it, YOU!

So if you have a thought that tells you to do absolutely nothing today in your business, your life, or your relationship and you obey, who’s fault is it? Yours! If someone else tells you to do nothing today in your business or life and you do it, who fault is that? Yours! If the economy goes into rough times and your business fails, who’s fault is it? This is controversial for most people but the fault is still YOURS! Why? You allowed something as silly as a so called “broken economy” effect you. So for years after people will ask you what happened to that awesome business you had and you will respond by blaming it on the economy. Are you comfortable with that? I sure hope not.

Taking personal responsibility means that anything and everything that happens to you in your life is a direct result of your thoughts, and is ultimately your fault, your celebration or your doing! Take the credit. It is all you! Don’t sit on the sidelines and expect others to bail you out, help you out or give you great ideas. That privilege lies on you and only you! That is exciting. To know that you are the creator or the destroyer of your own life is marvelous. Why? For those of you who have dug yourselves into a hole, and have no life, know that you created it. But also know this: By knowing and accepting the fact that you created your horrible life, you automatically know as well, that you can also create an exceptional, rich and abundant life!

I could go on forever! It’s your life, no one elses. Now what are you going to do with it?

The Foundation for a Better Life

February 14th, 2009 | No Comments |

persistenceI was up late last night watching some college basketball, ASU vs Oregon if you were wondering. Usually I just mute the TV during commercials as they are usually way too loud and most of the time are very annoying! I spaced out during this particular commercial break and saw a commercial that was very inspirational. It had a great message to it. There was no “Buy this now!” or ” We are the best in the world!” It was just a good and inspirational message.

It started out showing a couple sitting at a concert. Well, they suddenly realized he wasn’t with them and they both frantically started looking around a bit until they heard the piano playing on stage only to see their son playing a childhood song. Well, the guy they all came to watch came out on stage, snuck up behind the boy and whispered “Keep Playing” in his ear. He then reached around him a did his thing around the little boys playing and it turned out great. They both finished and then took a bow to the applauding audience.

It ended with the word across the screen, INSPIRATION!

It was a commercial by “The Foundation for a Better Life.” This is definitely a site to check out. Watch a few of their videos and subscribe to their daily quotes. It’s a great find!

Successful Mindset

February 13th, 2009 | No Comments |

What do you do when things just aren’t going right in your business and when it feels as though you are right there at the door of success but just aren’t making progress like you had hoped you would? Sometimes it seems as though you are spinning your wheels even though you are doing everything you feel you should be doing.

Most people will go inside themselves. They will in a sense, implode! What I mean by implode is that they will get inside their own heads and start to think of all the things that might be wrong with themselves, with what they are doing or with the business they are involved in. They will, in a sense, be their own worst enemy and go at destroying their confidence and all they have built. They will start to get a small case of schizophrenia, in my opinion, making up things that don’t exist in hopes that it might be the solution.

Successful Mindset

My Advice: Stop Thinking! Get the heck out of your own head and just take consistent action. Do you think for a moment that during all of Michael Jordans success that he really thought each game winning shot through? No! Michael made so many game winning shots because he knew the basis of success, he knew what he had to do, and he just acted! And he did it in a serious way!

Success, at times, comes from somewhere else other than the brain. Know what you have to do, set a plan of action to do it and then go to work!

Want to Leave Corporate America?

February 12th, 2009 | No Comments |

Corporate AmericaAre you feeling pretty secure and confident about where you are in your financial life? I’m speaking to those of you who are still in Corporate America. Are you living the life of your dreams. Do you love your job and does it allow you the time freedom to spend with your family? Can you go to bed each night with a feeling of fulfillment?

I found a definition of what Corporate America should be:

Corporate America is an informal phrase describing the world of corporations within the United States not under government ownership.

Its negative connotations imply financial or ideological self-interest, greed, resistance to entitlements and the irresponsible promotion of counter-socialist self-interest at the expense of government and competitors.

Its positive connotations imply a liberal and productive capitalist free-market society that creates wealth, directly and indirectly lifts the people’s standard of living, rewards individual ability, and provides a ladder to financial success.”

Now you know what Corporate America is. America definitely needs these corporations. They do create financial success for themselves and their shareholders most of the time, but do they need you, as an employee? Do you need them for your, as wikipedia states, “wealth….(and) financial success?” I guess the question would be: Have you experienced that wealth and financial success as of yet? If you have, what things in your life have you had to sacrifice for that wealth and financial success?

Judging from the people I know that have left the rat race for this home based business, their great income, corporate car, and all the perks came at a great expense. Most hardly ever saw their kids and had a pathetic family life. They lived for their job while their loved ones sat on the sidelines waiting for some quality time.

I know it’s hard to see the bigger picture sometimes when all you know is where you’re at. It’s hard to realize you are in the middle of a miserable life when you haven’t tasted anything other than that. But I’m here to tell you….Wake Up! Open your eyes to what else is out there. You, right now, are only making a portion of your true income potential and are sacrificing too much of your valuable time for it.

Quit being the puppet that’s making someone else rich while having to sacrifice your life to do it. If you are in a job right now, it’s not all about you, it’s about them. Start thinking about you! Your family deserves it!

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