What is Your Purpose?

February 11th, 2009 | No Comments |

Amy had a conversation with a fellow associate the other day who shared his story of success. It’s a great story. He got started in this business opportunity and set his goals to replace his current 6 figure income. All he wanted was to be able to quit corporate America and to do that, he had to replace his income. His motivation to be home with his daughter was his fuel. Well, in a fairly short period of time he accomplished his goal. He retired himself from corporate America and was still making his 6 figure income. Shortly after, his results dropped a bit. He was still making a good income but not as much as he was. He just couldn’t figure out what the difference was between then and now.

I think the answer is clear. It goes back to when he got started. He had a clear definition of what he wanted. He had a vision of quitting corporate America so that he could enjoy his family and travel the world. He accomplished that goal. Then what? Did he set a new vision for what he wanted in his life? He failed to set a new goal or purpose that he was as passionate in reaching as the first one. That was the gap.

A man without a vision is for himself and his future is a man without purpose. What happens to something that has no purpose? It is thrown away and considered to be of no value. It is useless, worth nothing.

So you get the point. Unless you have a purpose, and know your purpose as clear as day, you will be wasting your life away. Others without a purpose will begin to be attracted to you so that you can all sit around and be purposeless. So if you have been wondering why some of your friends seem to have no life, take a look at your own life. Hold yourself accountable and set a purpose.

My purpose is to assist a ton of people this year in quitting their jobs by making a massive income from home in this business, and how to I do that? I will make a ton of money myself, enjoy my lifestyle to the fullest, and teach how I have done this to all those who are as ambitious and motivated as I am.

This is the only way to lead. Do it yourself and then show others how to do it as well. In order to effectively “do it,” I must have a purpose. Be purpose driven and make things happen. Know what you want and then go get it!

Business – Traditional vs Network Marketing

February 9th, 2009 | No Comments |

I had a conversation today that inspired me to write this post. The conversation was not a very successful conversation as the person on the other end of the line seemed to think that Network Marketing was a ridiculous business to be involved in. I asked him if he was a business owner and he said that he was. The conversation was very short, and to the point. He seemed to thing that my business in Network Marketing, was not a very reputable business.

So, I would like to do a comparison of the Traditional style business versus a Network Marketing business in Direct Sales. So here we go!

Let’s start with a traditional business, or a brick and mortar type of setup that has a boss, employees, health plan and all that jazz. First off, I would like to get something straight, this type of business is set up just like an ant colony. All the worker ants support the queen by bringing her food, building her home and providing protection. The boss/owner of an enterprise is the one that obviously makes the most money. Who makes that money for him, his workers. These types of businesses obviously offer a valuable product or service for it’s customers but only the owner makes a real profit. Now I could go into this a lot deeper but we know that the employees aren’t the ones making the most money. Employees struggle to make ends meet. They definitely don’t flourish and what does this do? It makes them more dependent and they are paid the minimum wage possible for their work. The minimum! So we can safely say that the boss, is the profitable one.

The product or service offered obviously varies and can make others money depending on what it is, but usually, the customer does not profit monetarily from your product. They just give their money in exchange for the item or service of value and that’s it.

Now, Network Marketing. Most people in this world will automatically think of MLM when they hear “Network Marketing.” I am speaking of Direct Sales, which is much more lucrative and on more of a level playing field for all involved. In this type of business, which most people call a Home Based Business, the owners of the company still profit the most, which is standard with most businesses, but Network Marketing companies are designed to profit others monetarily instead of just themselves. They provide a product or service of value to the customer attached to a lucrative business opportunity. Network Marketing can be classified as a group of Entrepreneurs working together to market a specific product or service as independent contractors. So instead of being paid employees, they are independent business owners usually paid through commission when a product is sold.

Now this is where the huge difference is between this business model and the traditional one, the independent business owner makes nearly 60% of the total sale as commission! As far as my experience goes, no other traditional style company offers employees that type of a payout. They are usually paid a wage and a small percentage of their sales volume.

Network Marketing is a leadership factory. It teaches, trains and often times is a stepping stone for Entrepreneurs moving on to bigger things, but the basis for their success was learned while in Network Marketing. Donald Trump said that if he had to start from scratch all over again, he would start in Network Marketing. There is so much potential in this type of business model, which obviously most people don’t realize. Every new associate or independent business owner has the same income potential, regardless of the experience, education, or employers point of view. Their level of income is dependent on their own ability to create it. There is a product in place, a system to show you how to do the business and others who have gone before you to mentor you. I don’t know an easier way!

I absolutely love Network Marketing. It allows people complete freedom….time freedom, Financial Freedom and the lifestyle of their choosing. It empowers people to realize their own greatness instead of making them work for the minimum at great sacrifice to their home life. It is a curse and a plague for those who misunderstand it and fail at it but a jewel for those who dicover it and succeed at it. It is definitely not meant for everyone but everyone is welcome. The possibilities are endless and in my opinion, Network Marketing is the business model of the future.

International Business Opportunity

February 4th, 2009 | No Comments |

globeAn Entrepreneur would be crazy to limit his business or business opportunity only to his country of residence when most industries are booming all around the world! While one can make a fortune in his own country, imagine what he could do when tying the international aspect into his business.

I just got off the phone with a lady from South Africa and then spoke to another lady from London just minutes after. Both of them are looking to start a home based business. The top income earner in my U.S. based business opportunity currently resides in and is from Australia! Regardless of the location or the local or national economy, this business is flourishing and will continue to explode.

Think about the possibilities of getting paid for your products in British Pounds or Euros while keeping your manufacturing costs in US dollars or Australian dollars. Your profit is nearly two times the amount you would make here in the States. If you think about it, you buy a coke in London for around 2 GBP. You also can buy a coke here in the US for $2 US. The same applies for other products, double the profit!

As of right now my international business opportunity has a presence in 144 countries. That is huge! We just translated out flagship product into Spanish and are now marketing it to the Spanish speaking communities and countries. That’s a market of over 400 million people just added into the customer base! If I had a $10 product that cost me $5 to make and ship and I sold one to only a half of one percent of those people, my profit would be millions. Now imagine a product with a $1000 US profit! Mind blowing right?

So if you are looking for a business opportunity that has an unlimited reach, you are on the right website. Fill out the form below and contact me today!

Don’t be a Bottom-Feeder!

February 2nd, 2009 | No Comments |

There are two kinds of Entrepreneurs: Those who advertise for themselves and those who don’t! So it is obvious that you will get business for yourself if you advertise, so how do those who don’t advertise get business? Well, they bottom-feed, meaning, they click on your advertisements, listings, and classifieds and look for a phone number or an email address to market to. Some of them even take it to the next level and actually fill out your form, allow you to call them, the listen for a while and then they somehow try to turn it around and tell you what they are doing in hopes that you will catch an interest. Have you had this happen to you? Here you are, having a conversation about somebody else’s offer, knowing that they clicked on your PPC ad and cost you money, all just so that they could give you their pitch!

Bottom-feeding is the poor Entrepreneurs way to advertise and when all else is lost I guess it is an approach to consider, but it sure is annoying. It is a lot of effort, alot of time and chances are, you will get the cold shoulder more than not.

I had a guy call me the other day that flat out lied to me and it was obvious. He called me and said his name was Mark. I said, “Hi Mark, refresh my memory a bit as to where I know you from or what you are calling for.” He said that I had called him yesterday and that he was returning my call. Well, I hadn’t called anybody named Mark the day before. Good grief! If you are going to bottom-feed, at least be honest about it.

Integrity is a big part of who I am and reflects in everything I do so I hung up on this guy. He deserved it right!? If you think I’m wrong please feel free to let me know. I only work with like-minded people who represent integrity, truth, ambition, and an burning desire to succeed. I don’t work with those who deceive or twist the truth in any way.

Don’t be a bottom-feeder in your business. Show integrity in everything you do. It is so easy to be rude, unprofessional or out of character when communicating through email, text or the internet. Don’t fall into that trap. It will ALWAYS catch up to the ones who do!

Travel, Vacations, and My Business

January 30th, 2009 | No Comments |

Hawaii Cliff JumpingLast night I took Amy out for a group date type of dinner at one of the best Italian restaurants here in town. It is just a small place here in Pinetop where the owner won’t allow cell phones, casual dress or lateness. Small price to pay for great food I guess! Somehow we all started talking above places we had been to. The conversation started when someone asked a friend of mine about a home he is building down in Mexico somewhere on the Pacific Ocean. I can’t remember the actual town. He started to tell us how much we would love it down there and I tell you what, it sounded excellent. It reminded me of all the places we have been in the last few years. We have had a blast.

RomeSince we have been involved with this Home Based Business, which has only been just under 4 years, we have been to Puerto Rico, Cancun Mexico three times, Rome Italy, Sydney Australia, the Big Island of Hawaii, Orlando, Los Angeles, Atlanta and all over the USA on road trips. Prior to this home business, we had only been just across the border of Mexico and to a few other states while in the military. I had no idea of the life we were missing.

sydney-australia-085.jpgI will never forget the view the Blue Mountains just outside of Sydney as the clouds came rolling in and as the sun was just shining on the three sisters and no where else. It is almost magical when in a plane above the clouds and it seams as though the world has turned upside down as the sun in rising above the clouds. The water on the Big Island of Hawaii near Waikaloa is so crystal clear that you can see every fish, plant, or creature 50 ft below on the oceans floor as you just float on top. It is so deceiving that I nearly drowned trying to swim down to touch the bottom. The sunsets in Cancun were beyond this world and the architecture of Rome reminded me how small I am and how great Rome of old was. So many memories from all of these exotic locations!

You know the cool thing though is that we took our business with us. With a laptop and a phone we have made thousands and thousands of dollars while traveling to all of these places. So call them business trips or a vacations, we have had a blast and have made a ton of money doing it! We started on this path not long ago. What are you waiting for?

A Knights Tale – Can You Change Your Stars?

January 29th, 2009 | No Comments |

Change your starsI am just a movie nut! I love movies. I don’t care much for the TV series type of shows but do enjoy a good action flick or a comedy from time to time. Netflix loves me!

A Knights Tale – Can You Change Your Stars?

Have you ever seen the movie “A Knights Tale” with Heath Ledger? Such a good show. It mixes the old with the new and has a pretty cool twist to it. But I am not writing this to be a critic, instead I would like to point something out that can be of great use. In the movie, Heath Ledger or William, is a commoner. Or in other words, or modern day terms, someone who is average. His Father wanted more for him in life instead of what little he could give him. So he sent him away with a Knight to learn as much as he possibly could and that one day, just maybe, he might be able to “change his stars” and find his way home!

So let’s take a closer look at what “changing your stars” means. Take a look around you. Especially if you have a job, take a look around you at the people you work with. How many people in the world are just like them? I would say that 90% of them. So I guess we could make a comparison to them and William. Just regular people. Each one is special and unique and has a ton of potential, but living common or average. Why? That’s just the way things are, right? Well, William wasn’t content with that. He knew in his heart that he was a knight and he did everything in his power to act the part, play the part, and be the part until one day, he was knighted by the prince of England. He was knighted because of his will and ambition to be a knight. To him, he was not average. Being average would be selling himself short and never reaching his full potential.

So he “changed his stars.” He became something that most people thought could never happen. Why? Because he believed in himself and because he believed in himself, he had people who would do anything for him and would follow him to the end. He was a leader.

What would this world be like if everyone was just average? You would get a boring, poverty stricken world with very little hope. The world needs people like William….people that strive to become all that they are made to be. The world deserves people like that.

Did my family and friends ridicule me for my decision to start a home based business? Absolutely! Why? They did it because they just didn’t believe that it could happen. They didn’t believe that a commoner such as myself, coming from a family line of commoners, could actually create a ton of success in a home business.Well, I have “changed the stars” for my family line from this time forward. Anything is possible.

There are always 99 out of 100 people that will tell you that you can’t. But the only opinion that matters is the 100th one….and that is YOU! Change your stars! Become great.

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