10 Reasons Why A Home Based Business!

January 15th, 2009 | No Comments |

profilepicsmallThousands of people start a Home Based Business every single day! Thousands! Why? What makes a Home Based Business so attractive and where are all these people coming from?

Before getting too far into the perks of a Home Based Business, let’s do a quick analysis of the competition:

  1. A J.O.B. – A job really doesn’t even hold a candle to a Home Based Business but people will actually choose a good paying job instead of a Home Business. Why? A false sense of security, a regular paycheck and much less risk. Don’t forget, you also get 2 weeks of paid vacation and a bonus check here and there.
  2. A Franchise – Franchises are the closest thing to a Home Based Business in the fact that  they have a system already in place. The downfall to a franchise is the franchise rules, the large start-up costs, and the continued franchise fees. To start a McDonalds a person has to have a net worth of a million dollars with half of that being liquid. You can make 6 figures with a McD’s but must deal with employees, long hours, complaints, etc. You get the picture.
  3. Brick and Mortar Business – For anyone who has no clue of what a brick and mortar business is, allow me to explain….it is any other regular mom and pop business. Clear? With these, there are no systems to follow, larger start-up costs, employees, etc. In order to have true success in these businesses, you must buy one that is already successful, have a great business plan or plenty of funding until you are profitable. Most mom and pop businesses are not profitable until 3 – 5 years after starting. 90% of all businesses fail within their 3rd year. It is a sad statistic I know, but true!
  4. Work at home JOB – These are the transcripts, letter mailing, answering emails, taking surveys type of work. They are not your own business and the pay is minimal for the hours of work invested. You can make a little extra money though, enough to pay for an extra tank of gas or something of that nature!

Human nature is to flourish, excel, succeed and to live a life of luxury. A job definitely isn’t the answer nor a work at home job. Franchises and mom and pop businesses can provide this on a larger scale but at what cost? What would it take to get there? Is your family the one that has to pay for your success?

People are turning towards a Home Based Business because:

  1. There is a system to follow. No guesswork is involved.
  2. The compensation in specific business models is unparalleled in any other type of business opportunity.
  3. The initial investment to start a home based business is extremely low for the income potential.
  4. Complete control over your work schedule. Work when you want!
  5. A Home Based Business is mobile. Take it with you on vacation and make money while gone or just work from home!
  6. No stocking, warehousing or pre-purchasing products or inventory.
  7. Direct mentoring from other successful Home Based Business Entrepreneurs.
  8. Residual and passive income streams!
  9. Most have a proven track history of success.
  10. Freedom and complete control of your time as an Entrepreneur.

Little else compares to having your own Home Based Business. It all just depends on what you’re looking for in your life…..time freedom with the income, just the income, or neither. I think the choice is obvious!

Empowering Language

January 14th, 2009 | No Comments |

Have you ever been at a function or an event having a great time, feeling good about everything going on until you have a conversation with someone that uses language that makes you feel less empowered, less achieved and less appreciated? Or have you been to a conference or a presentation where the host is inspiring and professional all the way up until he drops a word or two that nearly derails him and his credibility?

There are probably many different opinions of appropriate language and what should be accepted at the professional and personal level. Just because a certain term or word seems to be popular, laughed at or even very commonly used does not mean that it is empowering. Language, for everyone who is involved in Personal Development, is a very important part of growth, success and development of ones mindset. Actions define you, speaking is an action.

Let me give you some examples of disempowering words, and please, just fill in the blanks!

  1. A four letter word starting with “F” and ending in “K”. Why on earth would this word empower anyone? When someone says this word around you, do you feel like you could conquer the world? It inspires anger, hate, and rage! Nothing more. It is an insecure word. Empower yourself by deleting it from your language.
  2. Name calling especially when it is a vulgar word, or curse word. Most adults are just bigger kids, I know this. Name calling should have been taken care of in grade school!

Anyway, you get the point. Using empowering language is not only powerful for you but it also empowers those around you as they build a higher respect for you! So when speaking to someone you know or don’t know, using building words and empower them by having enough respect for that person to do so. You teach others how to treat you and allow them to do so. Teach them the correct way to speak the language of success, especially while around you!

Home Based Business or Home Based ATM?

January 13th, 2009 | No Comments |

Home Based ATMYou all know what an ATM is right? It’s one of those cool machines that hang out at banks and most stores. Oh, and by the way, they are full of cash and just waiting for you to complete the few simple steps that send money shooting out of the front of it. You can also get however much money you want, spend it, and come back for more if you’d like. It doesn’t judge who gets money or not. As long as you have money in your bank account, you are getting some.

A home based ATM

Now, step aside a minute and think of what it would be like to have an ATM machine in your living room, or your garage, or your office that you could withdraw from at any time. Now, imagine your bank account accumulating money faster than you could withdraw it and then spend it….so money was not an issue. Go down town, go out to eat, take your wife shopping, buy a car, go on vacation and when you get back, your bank account is bigger than when you left! What would that be like?

I can tell you that it is beyond this world! Now I don’t have an actual ATM machine sitting in my living room but I do have a Home Based Business that works the exact same way. It is my home based ATM and I can withdraw from it anytime, take it with me while I am shopping, eating out, on vacation or at the relatives. When I want money, I work a little and it comes. I just do the few simple steps that it requires in order to withdraw the funds. I know, it sounds simple right? Well, it is as simple as withdrawing money from an actual ATM. Just push the right buttons, enter the right numbers, wait a few seconds and BAM, money.

If you can’t seem to relate to what I’m talking about, you deserve to find out. Everyone deserves to find out what it is like to be able to receive cash on demand from their own home based ATM machine! If you don’t believe this can happen, then you are on the wrong website!

A Wage, 60 Hour Work Weeks, and Two Weeks of Paid Vacation!

January 12th, 2009 | No Comments |

2009How many of you, starting out in 2009, are thinking that a wage, 60 hour work weeks and two weeks of paid vacation sounds like a pretty good deal? Let’s say that your wage would be around $80k US, or even $100k US! Does that sound pretty good? You get all of that for only 60 hours a week at work and let’s say they even throw in a company car for you so that you don’t even have to pay for your own commuting, which by the way is going to be an extra 2 hours round trip! So all together, you are spending only about 70 hours a week working and getting all the perks! What a deal right?! All I have to say to that is, “Good luck with that!”

Let me tell you of a business opportunity that can make you more money working less than a third of the time. Yes, you named it. It is a Home Based Business that has such a simple system designed so much leverage that it only requires around 20 hours a week, tops, to make a multiple 6 figure income. Oh, and by the way, you get to work from home, so take out the commuting. You get at least 6 months of paid vacation time, at least I do! I can take my business with me to Acapulco this March.

Oh, and I almost forgot about passive income, living your dreams, assisting others in doing the same, and being part of a community of self-made millionaires, all of whom are personally vested in your success.

If you would like to become nothing more in this world than a doctor, what would you do? You would go learn from other doctors at school, in the field, on the side and would do all that you could to surround yourself with other professionals in the medical field.

So, if you would like to work 20 hours a week or less, travel every other month, earn a multiple 6 to a 7 figure income, spend more time with the ones you love most, get your freedom back, take control of your financial future and ultimately achieve your dreams, what would you do?

The answer is simple! I have been and am doing that. Stop settling and start living your life! Contact me now!

Is this English or Spanglish?

January 8th, 2009 | No Comments |

This post really has nothing to do with Personal Development, Entrepreneuralism or starting a business but I had to post it. Let me tell you though, I love Mexican food! I would eat Mexican food for every meal of the day if I could cook worth a darn but usually, we go out to eat probably at least once a day. Most of the time it is for lunch and dinner. The day I took these photos we went out to eat at a Mexican place call Los Alibertos. It changed names from Los Filebertos not long ago but anyway, that is besides the point.

So the people that own this place can barely speak enough English to take your order right? Well, it sure shines through when you read their menu. I took a few pictures to show you what I mean. For any of your that live near the Mexican border will love this more than others I am sure. Now, I apologize for the lack of quality. It was snowing and I took these with my Cell.



So did you find the Spanglish words? Would you like “ships and soda” with your “Chiken” burrito? It’s even more fun saying those words rather than just reading them. You have to get into it with a Spanish accent!

Viva Los Alibertos!

The True Meaning of Financial Freedom

January 6th, 2009 | No Comments |

I Googled the words “financial freedom” and came up with two results, wealth and reverse mortgage. Since I am not a lender, I will not be posting about mortgages although it was a pretty good concept. So besides mortgages, the other result was wealth. Financial Freedom equals wealth! Wealth, is the abundance of something that is of value to the economy. You can split it up into three different areas: Income, Property, and Value of Investments. So you can see that your direct income is only part of accumulating true wealth, BUT, the other two are directly related to your income. How will you ever be able to invest in property or stocks without a healthy income? Your income, initially, is a major part to accumulating true wealth.

So let’s break down financial freedom. Simple right? It’s freedom from the financial aspects of life, freedom from financial burden and hardship. I mean, if you think about it, freedom is the right to do what you want, when you want, and how you want to do it. Freedom is the right to think and act for yourself without restriction.

Bills can seem like they destroy that freedom, don’t they? They can drag you down, cause tremendous stress and burdens, bind you, restrict your lifestyle and can even take a stab at your confidence in your own abilities to provide for you family. They prohibit your ability to live life the way you would like to and have always dreamed of. They can keep you from having the things you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

Now here’s the truth….It’s not the bills that burden you. It is your income that burdens you. The only way to overcome your bills and your financial burdens is to make a lot more money. The only way to live the life of your dreams is to increase your income. The only way to have true financial freedom is to become wealthy!

Here’s an interesting and pathetic fact: Less than 10% of all people alive in this world will ever see financial freedom. Less than 10% will ever live out their dreams or accomplish their goals. So what are the other 90% doing? They are still blaming the bill collectors and the utility companies for their lack of income.

Now on the other hand, the 10% are living large! They have experienced true financial freedom and are enjoying the fruit their labors. Some people may think that they have all the money and that is why the other 90% struggle. If you believe that you may never experience financial freedom unless you learn to change your mindset. I might suggest some Personal Development on prosperity consciousness. The wealthy know this one simple concept….there is an abundance of money and plenty of it to make YOU wealthy. All you have to do is find a business opportunity that will provide a vehicle for you to achieve your financial goals and for you to decide to make it happen. That is it!

In my own words, “To be rich is to have an abundance of money. To be wealthy is to have an abundance of both time and money!” So do the world a favor become wealthy and increase the ratio to something better than 90/10. Financial freedom is for everyone, but will only come to those who choose in!

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