The Economic Depression is Over!

December 8th, 2008 | 2 Comments |

David AllredThat’s right! You read the title right. The economic depression is over for good. We are officially out of the recession that has plagued the United States and many other countries around the globe. Hardship and struggling are gone for good and America can breathe again for the first time since the falling of the Real Estate market. Abundance and prosperity are in the air and people are creating fortunes. I have never been part of a period of time that has been so prosperous and full of opportunity as right now. Now is the time to get out of the closet of financial fear and start your path towards Financial Freedom. Millionaires are being created left and right and you are either on the bandwagon or you are missing the ride. It seems like everything I touch turns to gold! Everywhere I go there is wealth and prosperity. Everyone I associate with is experiencing tremendous success. What a time to live on this Earth!

The Economic Depression is Over!

Billions of dollars are being made in thousands of different industries throughout this world and I have my hand in only two of them: Personal Development and the Internet. Many of the associates I work with are experiencing record sales, record income, and record success. The Economic depression is officially over and I am having a blast living the life of my dreams.

So what do you think about all of this? Is your economy rockin’? Is the recession over for you?

Whether you think it is or isn’t….you’re right!

When you stop listening to all the nay-sayers, the negative comments and the media and decide for youself what your economy is going to be like, only then will you have true control. What you do with it from there is totally and completely up to you. Whether or not there is a recession or complete prosperity surrounding you, it is up to you to make it so for yourself. You are powerful beyond measure. Change your thoughts, change your world!

What does your world look like?

The Unstoppable Power of Focus!

December 4th, 2008 | No Comments |

—My wife found this article the other day and I thought it was great. Enjoy!—

Learning to focus on ONE THING is quite possibly one of the best things you can do to invest in yourself. This is probably one of THE MOST overlooked areas of self improvement.

You would think focusing on one thing is easy to do, but it’s actually pretty hard.
To illustrate my point of how hard it is for people to focus, let’s focus on one of the things that a majority of people would like to accomplish:

Make substantial income.
The ways to make substantial income are endless. Here are just a few examples.

Opening your own business
Selling merchandise on Ebay
Flipping houses
Buying apartments to create passive cash flow
Investing in the stock market
Network marketing
Writing a bestseller book
Becoming a famous actor/actress
Getting a high paying job

We are constantly bombarded by ways in which to make substantial income whether through word of mouth, TV, radio, Internet, or by looking at other people who have made substantial income.

To illustrate: the typical John Smith hears the rave on how real estate is the way to go. He buys the books, goes to the seminars, tries a few deals out that doesn’t do too well, and then tosses his hands up in the air and decides real estate is not for him and it’s not the way to go.

Now he hears the market is hot, so he calls up his broker for stock tips, reads Buffet’s books, subscribes to magazines. After buying and selling a few stocks, he realizes it’s not for him.

Now he hears people becoming millionaires on Ebay so he decides to do that. Contacts a few wholesalers, sets up a store, sells some items, but the business doesn’t really take off. Same result. Why is John Smith experiencing the same results of not creating substantial income over and over again?

It all comes back to lack of focus.

Let’s look back at some of the people who have learned how to harness the power of focus. Warren Buffet, when you hear his name, you think investing. Donald Trump, real estate. Thomas Edison, inventions. Tom Cruise, acting. Jay Leno, comedy.

The pattern here is that all these people have chosen to focus on one subject and to keep at it.

Google prided itself on being THE search engine. It now has ventures in pay per click advertising, video search, Google Earth, Froogle, etc. By establishing itself first in one venture, it was able to launch several other ventures without having to go through the monumental effort of establishing itself again.

Some people might say Donald Trump makes substantial income via book writing and TV shows too. But that’s AFTER the fact that he made it big by focusing on real estate.

You will find that if you focus on one single subject and excel at it, many other doors will begin to open for you.

That last sentence is very important so I will reiterate it again.

You will find that if you focus on one single subject and excel at it, many other doors will begin to open for you.

Let me give you an example that will hopefully illustrate the power of focusing on one subject.

Focusing on one subject is analogous to building your own staircase.

The longer you keep focus on a subject, the more stairs you can build.

Let’s say you keep focusing on a subject by reading about it, asking people about it, practicing it, whatever it is, so long as you’re focused on that one subject. You will soon have focused enough on learning that subject that you effectively built your first stair.

Now you get to stand on that stair and look around.

You’ll probably see things you’ve never seen before when you were at ground level.

You’ll probably see things from a different perspective than when you saw them on ground level.

Now that you’re on higher ground, you’ll have access to things you never had before because they were previously out of reach.

Other people may be able to give you a helping hand on their respectively built staircases, since you are now within reach because of your newfound height.

Keep focusing again on the same subject, and now you’re be able to build another stair and another stair, probably more faster than before as now you have access to resources to help you build faster that you previously did not have. As you climb higher and higher with each step you build, you will find more and more opportunities at your disposal.

Now let’s say you don’t focus and skip from subject to subject. It’s the same as you building half a step and destroying it. Then building another step halfway and then destroying it.

You’re always going to stay at ground level. You’re always going to stay at ground level. No, that’s not a typo.

By focusing on one subject, you will start to capitalize on all the experience and knowledge you gain from it. And once you master that subject, you will have built stairs that will take you to heights that you’ve never been before and opportunities that would have never been available to you at ground level.

Let’s use another example to illustrate.

John Smith loves to play tennis. He’s not good, but he loves to play. So he practices, day and night. Gets lessons. Reads books. Watches professional players. Asks for help. Plays pickup games. Enters tournaments.

Now he’s at a pretty good level. He can now teach neighborhood kids for money. He can enter tournaments and win prizes. He can play professionally. He can write a book. He can organize teams at the local park, and be an instructor there. He can publish beginner videos. The possibilities are endless. All because he decided to focus on one subject and to master it.

That’s the power of focus.

However, in order to fully utilize the power of focus you must choose a subject that you love to immerse yourself in. If you abhor Shakespeare, no matter how hard you try to focus, you’re not going to focus and master it.

For most people, choosing that subject is the hardest part. Once the right subject is chosen, mastering it follows easily. If you don’t choose the right subject, mastering it will prove to be difficult. That’s why it’s so important to find what you love to do. If you haven’t already read my essay on how to find what you love, please do so here.

So let’s say you found the subject you want to focus on.

I guarantee your mind will start to stray.

It’s easy to stray with all the distractions we have today. Internet, TV, magazines, cell phones, etc. What we don’t realize is that these distractions can lead off on tangents that will steal our focusing power. We may have chosen tennis to be our subject of focus, but we see the World Cup playing on TV and decide to switch to soccer. No. We must stay focused on the subject at hand.

Above my computer on my desk, I have a quote printed out in big bold letters that reads “STAY FOCUSED ON THE SUBJECT AT HAND”. I then have another quote printed under it that I think sums up the gist of this article.

“Do not scatter your powers. Engage in one kind of business only, and stick to it faithfully until you succeed, or until your experience shows that you should abandon it. A constant hammering on one nail will generally drive it home at last, so that it can be clinched. When a man’s undivided attention is centered on one object, his mind will constantly be suggesting improvements of value, which would escape him if his brain was occupied by a dozen different subjects at once.” – Barnum & Bailey.

Choose the subject you wish to focus upon wisely and then focus upon it, and only it. Do not stray and you will find a myriad of opportunities that will come about due to your constant focus.

[Stay focused] [Stay focused] [Stay focused] [Stay focused] [Stay focused] [Stay focused]

If you are ever tempted to stray, remember the staircase you are building.
Invest in yourself and make it happen.
By: Brian Kim – July 19, 2006

10 Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog To

December 4th, 2008 | 2 Comments |

Search Engine Optimization is a great way to market your blog. Now I know you can do a search on SEO and get a huge variety of information on what is most important. There is definitely not a shortage of information out there. It’s just doing it that is so tasking. Remember, to have the results you desire or to have something you have never had, like search engine rankings, you must do something you have never done! Search Engine Optimization is fairly simple, just time intensive.

Once your site is optimized, I feel that powerful content and link building are the most powerful tools in SEO. The better your content, and the more of it, the better your chances are of getting listed in the search engines. When I speak of link building, I am referring to the number of sites that link back to you site or blog. One of the best ways to get links on other high ranking websites is to create a profile on that site. So I have compiled a list of 10 blog directories to submit your blog to. Create a profile, add a link back to your website where ever possible. Most sites that allow you to create a profile will have a designated place for you site. So here they are:


There you have it. This will give you a head start on getting your blog out there and getting some links coming back to your site. Make sure you place your blog in the appropriate category and also have some quality content on your blog.

I know there are many more blog sumbission sites out there on the net. I have provided just a handful. What other submission sites would you recommend?

Inspirational Quotes from Batman Begins!

December 3rd, 2008 | 4 Comments |

Who says that watching TV is good for nothing? I guess it really depends on your mindset at the time you are watching TV. Believe me, I love action flicks just like the next guy and that is what I watch most of the time, but there are often lines within these movies that resonate with me. Being involved in the personal development industry, I pick up on lines that others might not think of as such a big deal.

So I was watching Batman Begins the other day for probably the 20th time, and two lines from the movie jumped out at me!

  1. “Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves back up.”
  2. “It’s not who you are underneath…It’s what you do that defines you!”

If you remember, Bruce Waynes Father used to tell him the first quote. Rachel, the supposed girlfriend, shared the second quote with Bruce as he was walking out of a restaurant with a few ladies after taking a dip in their fountain.

“Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves back up.” It is human nature to fall, but also human nature to get back up and in the process, we grow, we get stronger and we learn to adapt. When walking down the street you happen to trip and fall, sure it’s a little embarrassing and it may hurt a little, but you pick yourself back up and move on. The pain and embarrassment are temporary and will go away. It is amazing to me that some people will burro down inside that moment and allow it to influence their entire lives, careers, relationships, etc. No single event will ever influence the outcome of your life. Your life’s success is determined by many events, whether successful or not, that is up to you!

“It’s not who you are underneath…It’s what you do that defines you!” So if I think I am a leader, people will automatically follow me? If I think I am a millionaire, I am? I feel like I am a good person, why can’t others see it? So many of us probably view ourselves differently than the rest of the world views us. I think I am the best basketball player in the state of Arizona, but do my actions on the court support that? I want to help so many people and I pray for that every day but have I actually taken a meal to someone in need or offered shelter to someone without it?

There is a huge gap between knowing and doing. Sure, you can know that you are a great and giving person, but until you actually do something to show that, it is all worthless. Too many people think rather than do. Your true greatness will remain underneath if you don’t do something to define it!

Dreading Monday?

December 1st, 2008 | No Comments |

Do some of these phrases sound familiar to you, similar to dreading Monday?

  • Mondays suck!
  • I hate Mondays!
  • I have to go back to work on Monday.
  • I had a blast this vacation but I’ve gotta get home to work on Monday.
  • My boss wouldn’t give me Monday off.

I have not only heard these but have used them several times in my life and I know many of you have as well. If we were to take a poll, I think I would be safe to say that Mondays would be voted the least favorite day of the week. Monday means “work” for most people. It means a loss of a little bit of your freedom. It means you’ve got to go back to that dead end job of yours and do what someone else wants you to do, and in return, you get a paycheck that barely pays your bills! I don’t blame most of the world for hating Monday. In most situations, Monday really does bite the bullet.

Stop dreading Monday

Now that we are done referring to a Monday that is most common and mostly hated and avoided, let’s turn out attention to a Monday that most love and look forward to. It is a Monday that is fun, free, profitable and YOURS, just like every other day of the week. Why should Monday be any different than Saturday or Friday? Who designated Monday as the dreaded day of going back to work and why are you content in accepting that?

Mondays as a Home Based Business Entrepreneur are, for the lack of a better word, AWESOME! Why are they awesome? I get to choose my own work schedule or just choose not to work Mondays. I am my own boss! I am in direct control of my income and how much or how little I earn is on me, not an employer. I don’t have to “Be back” anywhere to work because my business is completely mobile. Choose to spend the day with your kids, go to a matinee, extend that vacation or just run your Monday business as normal.

You are the creator of your Mondays and have always been! Monday can be a great day…a day to look forward to. Don’t spend the rest of your life, hating it!

The Drip Technique

November 25th, 2008 | No Comments |

The Drip TechniqueAllow me to share with you a little technique that has brought success to myself and many who I have had an opportunity to mentor. It is called the “Drip Technique!” Now when I say drip, do you understand what I mean? I mean, slowly drip your message, product, or service to your target audience. If you think about it, water can and has worked itself through massive rocks and formations just by a simple drip. The Grand Canyon wasn’t formed in a weekend! It took a consistent and persistent flow of water to develop one of the greatest natural attractions known in the World today.

Just as the Colorado River formed the Great Grand Canyon, you can create a massive income in your business that can be immediate and residual at the same time by using this technique.

Some of your potential customers will respond immediately while with others it may take a while with more exposure to what you have to offer. For some, the timing might not be right now, but when they get your email, or newsletter down the road, the timing could be perfect.

The Drip Technique

Here are a few ways that you can drip your audience:

  1. Newsletters
  2. Auto-responder emails
  3. Letters or Postcards
  4. Follow-up Phone Calls
  5. RSS Feeds from your Blog
  6. Brochures
  7. Voice-mail marketing

I would have to name numbers 1 and 2 the most effective ways to drip someone the pieces of your bigger puzzle. The idea is to give them a taste. Every newsletter or email sent should contain a little piece of information which will entice them to want more and by the time they receive a few, they will be ready to buy, sign up, or commit. But there must be three key ingredients:

  1. Consistency
  2. Proper Frequency – Don’t overdue it!
  3. Value in each drip!

In other words, be consistent, drip your audience once every week at the most, and offer a link, a free resource, or helpful information in every drip that will entice them to want the next one! Ensure your success by utilizing all the tools that are available to you as an Entrepreneur!

Also, knowing that I have a brilliant audience, what have you found to be effective in using this method in your marketing efforts?

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