Considering a Franchise?

December 17th, 2007 | 1 Comment |

Considering a FranchiseI had a conversation with a family member today on my wife’s side of the family about business ideas. He is currently in the plant business and has been for several years now. They are very good at what they do. They are also diamonds in Amway as well and have multiple streams of income, but yet, I get the feeling they still aren’t where they want to be financially. I enjoy our conversations and learn a little here and there. One thing I know, and is reaffirmed every time we speak is simple this business opportunity is and how little other opportunities compare.

Considering a Franchise

This family member was thinking of turning his current business into a franchise opportunity. He then went through some of the costs associated with moving forward with that. He noted that it would cost him $160,000 just to get it all set up. Then, you must market the franchise, hire employees, etc. When it is all said and done, you are into a whole lot more work and have forked out a pretty penny to get it all going.

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Monday Morning and Working from Home!

December 10th, 2007 | No Comments |

I think the consensus most common among most of America is that Monday’s suck! Unless of course you really love what you do for a living, then Monday’s can be enjoyable and fulfilling. But seriously, coming off of a great weekend without having to work you job, you start to realize that you will have to go back to work Monday morning. Usually when the sun goes down Sunday night is when it really starts set it!Our First Snowman

Over the last few days we had a pretty good snow. Here in the White Mountains of Arizona, snowfall varies from year to year. It was the perfect Saturday to spend with family. I took my girls outside and of course we had to make the first snowman of the year. It has two lag bolts for the eyes, a carrot nose, cinder rocks for the mouth, sticks for arms and a Santa hat to top him off. We also went for a little ride in our Polaris Ranger and did some pretty sweet donuts and power slides. We finished the day off with some hot cocoa and a little bit of bowling on the Wii. We had a blast!

You know what? Today is Monday and we are expecting another storm today through Wednesday, and I think we will do it all over again. Saturday or Monday, it makes no difference to me. I work only a few hours a day and this is my life. I look forward to Mondays, because I love what I do. I am involved in a business that empowers people to live a fulfilling life and increase their income exponentially working from home. Yeah, the money is great, but the time that I am able to spend with my family is priceless.

Gotta go pick my daughter up from the bus stop here in about 10 minutes. She is in Kintergarden and only goes half a day. Another perk that I enjoy….being there for my kids. How your life is lived is all up to you. It is your choice! Stay doing what you are doing right now, or take control of your life, and make a choice to live it differently, the way you want to live it!

Life as a Millionaire

December 7th, 2007 | No Comments |

I really don’t feel and absolutely know that every millionaire does not live the same lifestyle. You have two different kinds of millionaires, at least that I know of. First, you will have people who become millionaires by hoarding and saving every single penny they earn and putting it away in a safe place. Once they have saved enough, they will finally reach that millionaire status. Then you have the other type who know that money is energy, and just as a river, water that leaves one area will be replaced by more water. They know that money must stay in flow and that you must spend money to make money. It is like a circular motion and when you spend money you get money. It stays in flow.

I know how I live and I can tell you this much, the millionaires who save every penny are not living a very exciting lifestyle. They probably drive older cars and really don’t get out much. You know, to be honest, they probably don’t even smile that much. I believe this type of millionaire is always living in a state of fear…..fear of losing all that they have, which is why they hide it all away. They may die some day and never have the opportunity to live the lifestyle.

Now, you know the millionaires and billionaires out there that know money should stay in flow are the ones that are absolutely living the lives of their dreams. These are the ones that travel the world, spend entire weeks and months in a foreign country in a five star resort, and while doing so, make more money than they spend. It’s funny how that works. When you are having the most fun, spending money, and enjoying your life, you will make the most money! Millionaires that keep their money in flow, are and always will be the richest and most fulfilled.

To become a millionaire, what must you do? Well, take your pick. Save all you earn for as long as it takes, or, get started in a business such as this, spend a little money, and make your millions. To become a millionaire, all you need is an opportunity, a mentor, and a lot of ambition. Hundreds if not thousand of millionaires are created every year. Are you going to be the next one. Sure, everyone wants to make millions but not everyone has the ambition and drive to action and actually make it happen. So, what are you waiting for? Get started!

Knowledge is Power!

December 4th, 2007 | No Comments |

Anyone who is anyone knows that knowledge is the source of all success! There is so much that I know that I know, and there is so much I know that I don’t know. But what about all the stuff I don’t know that I don’t know? Now, the stuff I don’t know that I don’t know is about 97% of all knowledge out there. The percentages are probably even higher than that but we will just generalize.

So, what percentage of all knowledge do successful people know and does it really matter and play a role in their success? I think it all depends. We all know that knowledge is power. We can safely say that if the world studies history it can avoid duplicating mistakes that have already happened in the past. By learning how someone else dhas messed up, we can in turn avoid committing the same mistakes by knowledge.

So there are two kinds of knowledge, practical vs impractical, applicable vs theoretical, action vs thought. Sure we all know that if you clean a sliding glass door all too well that you just may run smack into it of you are not careful and aware of it’s cleanliness, because you have done it before. Now that is practical. Impractical is, for instance in this business, learning to think like a leader, or to think as a millionaire, or understanding the law of attraction. Both practical and impractical play a huge role in obtaining that power that is spoken of.

You see, knowledge leads to thought, thought leads to action, and action leads to results. You always create everything you do in life twice, once in your head before you do it and then again practically as you do it.

In search for the right one, we waded through several business opportunities and found this one the most fulfilling for this one reason, it’s products. Our products take the law of attraction and put it into practical use. They take what knowledge we have and transform that knowledge in to energy, that energy into action and actions into results of wealth, happiness, and a life of endless possibilities. What more could you ask for? The only thing better, at least to me, would be that money would fall from the sky and I could gain knowledge by osmosis or direct upload. Wouldn’t that be ideal?

Knowledge is power, and a business with a system designed to create wealth and freedom by using that, is empowering!

Business Opportunity for Chiropractors!

December 2nd, 2007 | No Comments |

We had some family pictures taken recently by a girl we knew from college. She did a great job as far as we can tell from the few photos we have seen thus far. You will probably be seing more of the new pics on this site sooner or later. But anyway, her husband is a Chiropractor. Great guy. I actually used to work with him in the glass industry a while ago. He is a very entrepreneur minded person. We had a conversation during and after the photos were taken about what he and I have been up to since we had last seen each other. Of course you know what I do, well he had gone off to school and became a Chiropractor and has a few offices that he works out of throughout the week. He seems to be doing well for himself and is looking to expand and open more offices and maybe hire a few Chiropractors to work them.

Good for him. He knows what he wants and he is moving forward with purpose. But you know what, as I was listening to him speak about locations and hiring chiropractors, I started thinking of how much work that is going to be! But really, that is the only way to make good money in a service business, leverage and employees. You can only see so many patients a day unless you leverage your business with more employees. I started to think of my business and what I do for a living and you know what…I have it so dang nice. My life is as simple as it gets and the money is good! I just wanted to flat out tell him that he does not have to work that hard for money. I gave him some information to go over and he will or won’t, and that is fine. At least he will know what is out there.

I have no doubt he will be successful in what he does, because he is an entrepreneur. I am so grateful for this business. I don’t have to worry about locations, traveling to and from those locations, employees, etc….For such a low maintenance business the income is through the roof. So if you’re a Chiropractor and looking into this business, most likely, you have what it takes. Don’t wait to get started!

Take a stand for yourself and someone else!

November 29th, 2007 | No Comments |

How many people really just go through life like a feather in the wind or a boat lost at sea being tossed to and fro my every little breeze? What does that really mean? Well, it means that the majority of people are ok with the fact that they will never really make a huge difference in the world. Now, I am not saying that every person isn’t special, and loved, and needed. I am just saying that most people are willing to live a life for other people, not in a service kind of way, but rather in a slave kind of way. They just aren’t empowered to take a stand and life life on their own terms.

When I speak of taking a stand, when does a person finally do that for themselves? Or when do they do it for others? I think the answer is simple……when they are inspired to do so. Either that or they become so sick and tired of whatever they are sick an tired of, and finally take a stand for something. Now, I don’t really know how to inspire people to take a stand in their own lives except by setting the example by doing it in my own life. If I show them what is possible for them, they can be inspired. Example speaks a thousand times stronger then words. As Aerosmith says it….Walk this way!

I am always thinking of new and better ways I can assist new associates and business partners in seeing success, but the answer always comes back to the same thing…and that is to make as much money and have as much success as fast as I possibly can so that I can set the pace for others to follow. How will they know it is possible unless I show them. My goal is to make 100k in the month of December. Very do-able! Especially with this business opportunity! I am taking a stand for my family, myself, and everyone else who has a strong desire to take a stand in their own life. If you are ready to take that step, contact me and let’s get started!

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