You Must Be The Change!

November 9th, 2007 | No Comments |

On a very limited basis do we eat Chinese food, but last night we decided to get some take out. The best parts were the egg rolls and the fortune cookies! Most of the fortunes were more weird than fortune. But I did get one that made some sense, “You must be the change you wish to see in the World.” You must be the change. There are two kinds of people, those who are changed and molded by the world and those who change and mold the world. You must be the change you wish to see in your life! You must be the change you wish to see in your business, in your income, in your children, in your marriage! It all starts with you. How do you change the things you wish to change?

First things first, it all starts with action. You have all heard of the biblical saying of faith without works in dead. Most of the world forgets this part. What? You mean I have actually walk to the fridge to get that coke? Yeah! That is the point. For change to happen, it takes first desire and then action towards that desire. The area that I learned to take action, and focussed action, was in the Personal Development industry. I have learned things about myself and my circumstance that I had no clue about. I have had so many “ahah” moments that they cannont be counted.

Personal Development is where change takes place, in you! So the saying goes, “You must be the change,” meaning, you must change before your World will. I like to thing of Personal Development as more of steeping into you greatest potential rather than changing. That is the bulk part of what happens but you are just realizing what is already within you and taking the necessary changes to become the ultimate you. So, change yourself and you change your World. You change how you see the world, how you operate in world, and how the world operates around you.

I have been in the personal development industry for several years now and have assisted many in changing their world through a business opportunity geared towards this very thing. Personal Development mingled with a million dollar business opportunity. Lives are being transformed. People are changing their worlds and are able to assist others in doing the same. Be the change you are looking for. Make it happen!

I’d rather be Golfing!

November 6th, 2007 | No Comments |

How many of those bumper stickers have you seen on cars driving down the road that say, “I’d rather be golfing” or “I’d rather be fishing?” Everybody has seen them. I think I even used to have a few of those myself and actually say that once in a while when at work. I think that about 90% of todays employees and business owners take on this frame of mind. They would rather be living their life rather than working it away. I mean really, the true meaning to “I’d rather be golfing” is “I wish I had a different lifestyle.” They would rather be having fun, obvious.

The beauty about this business opportunity is that you don’t have to be wishing you were somewhere else, you can take this with you and do what you want to do. I took the entire day off today and went golfing with a few buddies in the prestigious Torreon Golf course here in Showlow. If I would rather be golfing, I go golfing. If we’d rather be fishing, I take my family fishing. If we feel like going to San Diego for the week, we go and our business goes with us. Making money here at home and making money in Cancun still happens the same way. To have the ability to do as you please and to still have the money come in is the lifestyle that most people in the world are looking for. I have it. I am living it and I teach others how to live it as well.

Seriously, all it takes is a choice towards the direction you would like to move in. This business opportunity will take care of the income and will allow you the time to enjoy it all. Money isn’t everything, but time to really enjoy life and the things you love most is. Make it happen. Get started!

Seven Figure Business Opportunity!

November 5th, 2007 | No Comments |

You know, just a little fact here, almost everyone in this nation will make a million dollars. I have and most people I know have. The one factor that distinguishes a few is the time frame in which they make their millions in. Almost everyone will make a million bucks in their lifetime. Let’s see, at the national average in income of $36k, that would take about 28 years. Increase your income and of course you decrease the time frame. Now, I don’t know about you but I would not have the patience to wait 28 years to make a million dollars, and really, a million isn’t that much money. For some it may be, but open your awareness a little. Build a home, start a business, do something that can be financed and pay attention to the money that is involved. Money can go quick. We built our home for $650k. I was the middle man and saw where every single penny of that money went. It doesn’t last long.

A million bucks is not a lot of money, but it’s a start. One thing you have to realize is that most people will never even get on the road towards making their fortunes. Heck, some won’t even get the car started much less get it into drive. Those people would rather stick to the 28 year plan rather than the 1 or 2 year plan. The only reason they would do that is because they fear change, or loss, or failure, or they may even fear success because that means they would have to take action, get out of their comfort zone, or be seen as a leader. There are many different excuses.

I have been part of a business opportunity that has assisted me in achieving all of the above in my life. I am constantly out of my comfort zone and love it. I am seen as a leader in my industry, to my team, to my family and friends, and I love it. I know that if I don’t take action in this business opportunity, then who will. I know where I came from, and do I want to go back to that? The choice is simple. You can view what your life would be like if you did or didn’t do something. You know what your life is like now, so “DO” something to change that. It is by action that you will see change preceeded by the thought of what you desire to change. One without the other is vain.

So what does it take to make a million bucks in this business?

  • You have to get started! Numero uno is action. Take action and get started!
  • Play full out and fully capitolize your business. Give me a ring and I can tell you what that means!
  • Find 72 people that think and play full out like you through your own efforts or through a team effort!
  • In this business, you will be paid in $14,000 commissions. 72 times 14,000 is just over a million. There you go, it is that simple. The beauty about all this is I have a system for you to follow. I have the road map. A business opportunity that is proven to produce seven figure results doable in your first or second year. So, are you going to be the one that fails to even start the car, or are you ready to jump on the road to becoming a millionaire?

    Business Opportunity Blog

    October 31st, 2007 | No Comments |

    As a successful entrepreneur I have had my trials in life and business. I have been blogging for most of this year and have entered hundreds of posts and articles that have assited me in my mindset, daily method of operation, and business practices. I have created great success in this business opportunity and have assited many like minded entrepreneurs in getting their business up and running as well. It is a very fulfilling part to what I do. I don’t just make a lot of money, I assist others in doing that as well. There is nothing better than seeing a struggling family or an overworked Dad create the income they require to live a life of abundance with their families instead of away form their families. That is what this is all about.

    This blog is geared towards assisting entrepreneurs in obtaining the right mindset to create the success they are looking for in this business opportunity, and possibly others as well. My writing and information is not new or secluded to just this business opportunity. It can be used to create success in any aspect of life. If you have ever wondered how to create a stress free life full of wealth and opportunity, tap in to the mind of someone who is doing it. That is what this blog is for, think of it as customer analysis …to share a little of how I think and operate with those who desire the same lifestyle I now enjoy. I owe it all to my decision to take action, serious action, towards my goals. This business opportunity has been the vehicle and the community I am affiliated with has been the support.

    So, subscribe to this feed, tap into the knowledge that I have and what others may contribute to this blog and develop the successful mindset you will require to make it happen in your life. I look forward to those who I have assisted and will assist in sharing this information. Make it a great Halloween and much success and prosperity to you all!

    Money is a Tool for Happiness!

    October 29th, 2007 | No Comments |

    Have you ever had or now have the desire to become a millionaire, or even a billionaire? The answer to that question whether you and everyone else in this entire world is willing to admit it, is YES! Who their right mind would not want more money? You might find some who will say that they don’t need money to be happy or that money does not bring happiness. I have news for those people, without money, you would be broke, hungry, dirty, looked down upon, homeless, unfulfilled, uneducated, and without opportunity to grow. Money creates the opportunity to be happy, or the opportunity to get educated, or the opportunity to go into business. It is merely a tool just as many other things in life such as food, books, showers, houses and the list could go on and on. None of these things bring happiness but are a tool used to bring the whole package together.

    What brings happiness for me? I know exaclty what brings happiness in my life. My family is number one! Would I have my family if I were broke, stinky, dirty, homeless, hungry, uneducated, and looked down upon? The answer is maybe, if I had met them before I was all those things. They would love me no matter what. But I am not all those things because I know what makes me happy. Part of what makes me happy is having a life of abundance and wealth so that I can spend time with what makes me happy. Travel makes me happy as well but not as much as it does with my family! Money makes me happy, because it enables me to put a roof over our heads, keep food in my childrens’ bellies and experience a fantastic lifestyle with my family. Money is a great tool and is always there when I require it. I have a good relationship with money as I know there is an abundance of it in the world and there is plenty to go around.

    So some of the common sayings like, “Money is the root of all evil,” and, “Rich people hoard all the money,” are all false. If those phrases are part of your way of thinking, you may be broke as we speak. Get into the minds of those who have a lot of money to see how they think and operate so that you too can think that way and have lots of money for you and your family.

    A Simple Home Business!

    October 26th, 2007 | No Comments |

    As much as I would like to take credit for creating the simple system that I now follow, I can’t. I have never been apart of something so basic and so lucrative as the simple home business I am part of now. I mean seriously, all I have to do is:

    • Place Ads and wait for people to contact me!
    • Have a 5-10 minute conversation with them.
    • Put that person on a call.
    • Follow up with them and collect a decision and a check!

    Could it get any easier than that. It is so true that the people who make the most money are the ones that work the very least. The only thing that get makes me tired during the day from work is staring at my computer screed for so long. I work in a different way. I work at living my life, the way I want to, so that I can show others that it is possible for them in their lives. I am a leader, and show others a better way. My market is about 95% of the world. 95% of people would love to make more money, work less, quit their job, start a business, spend more time at home with their family, and travel the world. I have a huge market to work with and teach them to duplicate the exact same thing that I am doing. This home business in not difficult for me. I absolutely love what I do. I assist in changing peoples lives. How fun is that?

    Simple Home Business

    So, the business really is that simple and fine tuned. In my opinion, keeping it simple makes it easier to live my life and tire myself out wrestling with my kids rather than wrestling with a dead end job or tiresome business. Life should be full of joy and abundance. If it isn’t that way for you, you deserve to look at this home business.

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