A Home Business With a System!

October 2nd, 2007 | 1 Comment |

Let me for a second compare this home business with a traditional brick and mortar business. For example, just before starting my home business I started a residential and commercial glass company. I had been in management for many years in the industry and had been on the installing side of the business as well so, I guess you could say I knew what I was doing. However, if I had not had so much experience, I wouldn’t have a clue as to what I was doing. It took years of learning, watching, and waiting for the right time to go out on my own. I think it would be safe to say that if I wanted to start a glass company with no experience, it would fail! I would have nothing to go on, no mentor, no step by step book that gave me the road to success in a glass business, if there is such a book. I highly doubt the book would be a best seller.

Now, on the other hand, what if there were a business opportunity that could offer a system, something to follow when you would run into times of question in your business. Well, there are such business opportunities out there. For example, a franchise is a business with a web analytics system. An entrepreneur could purchase a franchise, be a business owner, and have a system already in place that has about a 90% success rate. Downfalls of a franchise: The start up cost vs profit. Most franchises will cost anywhere from $150,000 to $500,000 to get into. Your profit will range from $30,000 to $100,000 after you have cleared your debt of getting started in the franchise. Not to mention, you will be tied to your business as though it were a full time job. Wow. Sounds fun huh?  You hit this level, and you start thinking of PCI Compliance standards when accepting money online!
There is the smarter, more lucrative, less time consuming, low start-up alternative business opportunity with a 100% proven system…….a Home Business. I have run a very successful home business since 2005 and have assisted others in duplicating the very same system that I have followed from day one.

“95% of people fail when they start a business without a system. 95% of people succeed when they start a business with a system.” ~Entrepreneur Magazine~

So, significantly increase the odds of success by getting started with a home business that creates results and has a proven system to follow. For more information regarding this Home Business, click on the link.

Family Oriented Home Business!

October 1st, 2007 | No Comments |

There is actually a business opportunity, that instead of pulling you away from your family, it brings you closer to your family in a number of ways. Making money in a traditional sense usually means longer work hours and more time away from the home. In society, it seems as if family is losing its value and making money has taking precedence to raising your own children. Having both a Father and a Mother spending quality time with their children is few and far. Instead of only one parent being able to support the family, now both parents are being forced to put their kids in daycare while they each work full time. Families are being ripped apart. I can tell you one thing, when the family fails, society fails. It is the base unit of all organizations. Without the family and support structure within the family unit, the world will not last long.

I run a home business that is just that, a business I run from home. It brings me closer to my family by allowing me to be at home with them. Now, with technology, I don’t even have to be at home to run my business. I work an average of 3 hours a day, Monday through Thursday. The rest of the time, I am at the park with my kids, shopping with the whole family, jumping on the trampoline, or just hanging around the house or on the road traveling somewhere. Life without my family, for me, is pointless. They are the reason I exist. My daugher is kind of an outcast at school as all the other kids have to wait for their Dad, and sometimes Mom also, to get home after work. My daughter brags that her Daddy is always home! I love it and I can tell that they do also.

Don’t settle for a life without your family. You deserve to be with them. Avoid sending your kids to daycare. Find a way to be at home with them so they can be raised by those who love them and know what is best for them. Family is all about time. I can show you a home business that will allow you to travel the world with your family, have a ton of fun, and make a ton of money in the process! For more information visit my website.

Network Marketing is not a free ride to Riches!

September 25th, 2007 | 1 Comment |

I will tell you right here and now that if you are looking for a home business in the Network Marketing Industry and are expecting to just start and make a ton of money, there is a whole lot more involved. A home business has the potential of making you a fortune. In this business opportunity you can be making $20,000 to $50,000 in just a matter of months. So the potential is out of this world as far as the opportunity, but if you expect those kind of results without much effort on your part, you are in for a headache. This home business will produce the results if you are willing to put in effort, thought, creativity, and consistency into your business with a willingness to be mentored by those who have what you are looking for.

We came into Network Marketing about two and a half years ago. We were unfamiliar with internet marketing and direct sales but knew the potential of this business model. If it is riches you desire or time freedom, the only way to get that is to move from being paid for your time to being paid for the results you produce. Most people are afraid of the results they might produce so they will not ever become an entrepreneur. Living in fear will get you nowhere. The only way to obtain both money and time is to create if for yourself by starting a business. The beauty of it all is that you do not have to be creative by coming up with your own business plan. You can just use ideas created by other people to make your fortune and then maybe get creative further down the road with a heck of a lot more capitol to work with. Starting a home based business is a perfect example of that. In home business, we have a perfected and systematic way for you to create wealth. Just plug in, put forth the effort, creativity and consistency and you will be on your way to making a ton of money and actually have the time to enjoy it all.

Many successful authors and business men have mentioned the potential of Network Marketing. T. Harv Eker, Donald Trump, and Robert Kiyosaki to just name a few. Donald Trump while up on stage was asked, if he had to do it all over again, where would he start? He said that he would start a home business in Network Marketing. The crowd laughed at him. He said in a rough quote, “That is why I am here and you are there!” How powerful is that and I hope each person that was laughing realizes where their mindset has gotten them. They were all watching Donald for a reason. They respect him for his accomplishments and probably desire what he has. He didn’t get there by expecting a free ride!

So if you are looking for a home business that will produce a consistent 5 figure income as you are consistent, then this is the business for you. For more information, click on the link.

Network Marketing can make you rich!

September 23rd, 2007 | 1 Comment |

Well I guess I should rephrase the title because you are the one that actually makes you rich and Network Marketing is the vehicle or the tool that assists you in doing that. And man, what a tool it can be too! When you hear of Network Marketing what comes to mind? Do the letters MLM sound familiar? Most people will tag Network Marketing as MLM. Most don’t realize that Direct Sales is another type of business used in Network Marketing. So which is a fit for you?

Now we have all heard of Amway, Quickstar, and all the fruit and vitamin MLM’s out there. Now, I am not in anyway bagging on these products. I have seen many of these products help people in a serious way. So in most of these MLM business models, the products are great, but will you make any real money in these types of business models? In what I have seen with most MLM companies, if you are not one of the people who joined the business opportunity when it was first formed, then you will never make as much money as those who did. Most of the time you are dealing with small commissions and your income is directly dependent on how your downline is performing.

In Direct Sales, you are responsible for your own income. You are paid first, by commission, and then the wholesale company. Better yet, everyone is on an equal playing field in Direct Sales. The newest person in the business can make just as much money in a few months as the person who has been in the business for over 4 years. That is the beauty of it. Your income is directly dependent on you and your own efforts. I prefer it that way. I enjoy being in control of that aspect of my business. Also, in Direct Sales, commissions are considerably larger. In the business opportunity I am in, our smallest commission is $1,000. It takes a whole lot less to make a lot of money.

It is predicted that within the next few years the Network Marketing and home based business industry is going to explode. More and more people are wanting to work from home and are tired of the day to day grind of working their tails off for very little pay. Back in the 50’s a family could survive off of one income per household. Now both parents are forced to work just to get by. The Network Marketing industry is relieving that stress and creating millioniares in the process.

For more information about a Network Marketing Business Opportunity, click on the link.

It’s not enough just to be on the right Track! You must have Personal Development!

September 20th, 2007 | No Comments |

You may have heard of the old saying, there is no such thing as standing still, either you are moving forward or you are moving backwards. The fact of the matter is, if you are not moving forward in some way with your life, your business, or your personal growth, others are passing you by. You can’t win a race by just looking good in those new running shoes while standing on the track. Yeah, you’ve made it to the right track but now what? That brings up another good quote by Will Rogers: “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” I like it blunt. You will get smeared all over the train tracks if you are not moving as fast or faster then the train behind you. I Love it!

This is life guys. The same exact thing happens except it is more devastating in our every day lives. The consequences are much greater if we are standing still everyday, or should I say, moving backwards. Yeah, on a railroad track you will just die……..dramatic right? But if you are not progressing in your life, who else is not progressing because of your lack to do so? Your kids? Your income? Your spouse? Think about all of your posterity from now until the end of time, what will they turn out to be like? Your progress in life includes and effects so much more than you can comprehend. It is not enough to just be on the right track. You must be moving in the right direction and with intention. So much is at stake!

Whether you know it or not, but any degree of success you will achieve in your life involves some sort of personal development. It is the key to growth and improvement. It is what gives you the raise, or the increased value in your life. It will make the difference in every situation you are faced with, whether it be trials or good times. Personal Development ranges from loosing weight to obtaining that millionaire mindset. Your bank account grows through personal development and you get into great shape the same way. Improve your mindset and you have taught yourself how to fish instead of expecting a handout for your daily meal. Every successful person will have a library of personal development books and a grateful heart for all they have learned by reading those books.

Personal development is a huge industry. Many a millionaire have been created in this industry. I can show you a business opportunity that is creating millionaires. Visit Create Financial Wealth for more information.

Our Deepest Fear is that we are Powerful!

September 18th, 2007 | No Comments |

I just watched the movie ‘Coach Carter’ the other night. Good show! I could pick a ton of things in that movie that deal directly with this business opportunity and success in general. For example, the Principle of Redmond High School didn’t have very high expectations of her kids. The odds of graduation were below 50%. Kids and Adults alike perform to the extent they are expected to. In this home business, if I expected doubt, insecurity, and failure from the individuals I mentor, that is exactly what I would get. I expect power, confidence, leadership, and success from those I mentor and in turn, I get it. You respect those who expect the most out of you!

Very good movie. Watch it when you get the chance. Here is a quote from the movie…enjoy.

Our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
or gorgeous
or talented
or fabulous?

Actually, who are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God.
You playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in every one of us.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear of our own excellence,
our presence automatically liberates others.
And excellence becomes the standard of all our lives.

~A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson~

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