“Bless that which you want.” – Huna Philosophy

August 27th, 2007 | No Comments |

Huna PhilosphyHave you ever seen a car you want drive by and park close to where you’re at, and when the person gets out of the car, you feel a little resentment towards that person? Has that ever happened to you? Or, if and when you were single, you saw this beautiful woman in a restaurant sitting alone and right before you make your move, her husband or boyfriend walks up and sits down and the same thing happens, you hate the guy for having the girl? Why is it natural for most human beings to feel resentment or hatred towards those who have nice or attractive things and people in their lives?

I know I used to be guilty of this. I had to learn that if I ever expected to have those things in my life, that I would have to shift my way of thinking. If there is a person that is having great results in business, better than my results, I had to learn to be happy and excited for that person instead of feeling jealousy and envy for what he has. In Huna Philosophy, which is better known as Hawaiian spiritualism, it is understood that when you see something you want, bless it and bless that person who has it. If it is that new car you desire, bless that car and bless the person driving it. If it is the beautiful woman you want, bless her beauty and bless the man beside her. By doing this, you attract these things into your life. The more jealousy and resentment you have toward the things you desire, the less likely it is that you will have those things. It all plays a role in how your subconscious views those things. If your mind relates those negative emotions in connection with the things you want, it will steer clear. Make sense?

So, whenever you see the nice boat, the rich guy, the great house or all the free time someone has, bless whatever it is that person has that you desire and bless that person for having it. Apply this principle and 90% of the stress in your life with disappear and you will find those things starting to flow into your life as well.

House Boat and Chillin’!

August 22nd, 2007 | No Comments |

Here we are again living our lives and having a blast. You know, when I tend to make the most money is when I am having the most fun. Seriously, I play all the time. This time, we are here at Lake Powell on the border of Utah and Arizona and have rented a house boat for a week. We are at the Marriot here in Page and will get our boat tomorrow morning along with a few Waverunners. You can literally spend weeks on this lake and not see it all. It is huge! We brought our fishing gear and our swimming gear and are ready to hit the lake. One of the coolest things about being here right now is the look on all the people’s faces that are here from foreign countries as they walk by our Hummer. If you have ever been out of the country you should know that Hummer’s are non-existent. So as they walk by, half of them trip and others just stare!

I love my life! I am grateful every second of every day that I made the choice to get started with this business opportunity. It has given me the income and time freedom that most people can only dream of having. I love sharing this business opportunity with others who have the same passion that I do in the obtaining of their dreams. To me, this is priceless. I have been on at least one vacation every month this year! Next month who knows where we will be. In October it will be Cancun again at the Moon Palace resort! We have a trip to Rome planned for March. I love this lifestyle!

I will take plenty of photo’s and maybe some digital footage of our fun times here on the lake and keep you all updated. On a serious note, remember, you choose your lifestyle. It doesn’t choose you!

Life is good.com

August 21st, 2007 | No Comments |

When you are asked, “How’s life?”, how do you respond to that? What goes through your head? Are they negative or positive thoughts? When asked that question, my answer is Good, Great or Fantastic! It’s never All right, or Ok. Life is GOOD! If life is not good for you, make it that way. If you are not doing what you enjoy and are passionate about, change it. You are not stuck! You are in control and have always been in control. Stop being the victim and start being the creator. When your paradigm shifts to being the creator of your life, your answers to a whole bunch of questions will change as well. How do you feel about money? You are _______ by human nature. Are you truly happy? Are you the main character in your own life movie?

I recently came across a saying that is connected to some clothing I like to wear. It reads, “Do what you like. Like what you do.” If you don’t like working long hours, your job, your boss, your industry, your income, or your life….change it to something you do like. I have the vehicle in the form of a very lucrative business opportunity. The clothing line is ‘life is good.’ Feel free to visit www.lifeisgood.com for their product line. 100% of their profits go towards charities. The items they make are pretty nice too. I just buy it for the motto, ‘Life is good!’

On a serious note, if you are not happy, I mean truly happy with where you are, change it. Begin a business opportunity that will change you forever and have you richer and more fulfilled than you have ever been before. You only live once. Don’t end up being another statistic of someone that ends of relying on the government to take care of them. Avoid being the guy working in Walmart at the age of 65. Plan now for the future. We all know how fast kids grow up. Life comes at you pretty fast, enjoy it and do good with it. Live a life of abundance, time freedom, fulfillment and prosperity by living a life by design. This is not just a business opportunity as much as it is the business opportunity of a lifetime. Do not let it pass by.

I don’t sell cars, homes, or insurance…..I empower people!

August 20th, 2007 | No Comments |

You know, I could have chosen a different business opportunity instead of the one I am involved in right now and still have been a success. I have no doubt about that at all. There are a million ways to make a million bucks out there. Heck, just come up with a good idea like the swiffer guy or Mr. Clean. It isn’t hard. The hard part about all that is the fact that you have to keep on doing it. If that’s the case, you had better love what you do. You don’t want to look back in 10 years and realize that you really despise what you do for a living.

I Empower People

Some people sell cars and love what they do for a living and make a lot of money doing it. Others provide a service such as landscaping, legal services, cleaning, etc. I don’t sell cars or do landscaping. In fact, I barely work 3 hours a day, if that. But what I do is empower people. I assist people in changing their lives for the better through this business opportunity and make a ton of money doing this. I get such a sense of fulfillment when I realize what I do for a living. Through this business opportunity and it’s products, I see lives being transformed into what they were meant to be. I’ll tell you what, it is one thing to see someone happy about the landscaping you did for them or the nice job you did on installing their windshield and it is a completely different sense of accomplishment when you see a Father quit his 80 hour/week job because he can no longer afford to trade his time for a wage. It is one thing to see someone drive off in their brand new car you just sold them and then another to see someone learn a business opportunity that will provide them with a fleet of cars to park in their five car garage.

There are so many of you who are burnt out, overworked and most definitely underpaid and don’t realize that life is good on your own as an entrepreneur. You have so much more potential as far as what you can create in your life. If it is riches you seek, time, community, happiness, lifestyle…..this business opportunity will empower you and give you the vehicle to acquire whatever it is you seek. It creates a sense of fulfillment for me to see people become successful and that I actually had a hand in it. What better way is there to go through life. This is my occupation, my business, my life…and I am loving every bit of it!

$41,000 in 3 Days!

August 16th, 2007 | 2 Comments |

I believe the average income for people here in the United States is about $36,000 a year. That just so happens to be the exact amount I used to make when I was working a job a little over 2 years ago. I traded a minimum of 40 hours a week for a salary that barely paid my bills. In fact, we were negative $40 every month, not including any unexpected expenses and important things like gas and diapers. Believe it or not, my old boss actually told me to ask my wife to start baby-sitting for extra money instead of taking care of me! I was done with that life. I walked away and it was the best decision that led to the next best decision I have ever made. We decided to take a calculated risk and invest in a business opportunity, to try and shift our results. That was the best decision we have ever made for our financial future! We knew that this business opportunity had potential and to us, it was a no-brainer! We had to do it or continue to struggle.

Within the last three days I have deposited $41,000 into my bank account through this business opportunity. Do you realize that I have made more in three days than most American families make in an entire year! It is all because of the choice we made to get started in this business opportunity. Through this vehicle, we have become rich and empowered. Some people sell cars, some build and sell homes, some sell franchises, but we empower others through this business opportunity. We are changing peoples lives. We assist people in becoming a success in their lives. What a fulfilling gift to give people! The chance to take their life back!

So if you are looking to make a ton of money, and I mean a TON of MONEY, in the Personal Development industry, this is the business opportunity for you. If you can see yourself making this kind of money, do not hesitate to contact me! I will show you the exact blueprint that assisted me to where I am today. Making money is not rocket science, it is a ton of fun. When you learn to attract money, it just keeps coming freely!

Everything is Created Twice!

August 13th, 2007 | No Comments |

I have traveled around the world and have seen many spectacular structures, animals and things with all kinds of unique designs and shapes. From the Sydney house to the Eiffel Tower to the Golden Gate Bridge to Trump Tower, everything was created before it was created. Everything is created twice. Before it was ever created in reality it was created in someone’s mind. Without creating something first in your mind it would never be able to come to fruition in reality.

Everything is Created Twice!

Have you ever had a dream or envisioned something that you wanted to happen in your life? Have you ever dreamed of starting a business opportunity that would assist you in becoming rich or get that promotion or raise that you have been looking for? While still single, did you ever build your perfect companion before he or she even came into your life? You see, everything in your life right now was created by you. Your life is truly an open book with many, many blank pages waiting to be filled by you with the creation of your life story. Think it up, get off your butt and make it happen. That is what it takes. The Law of Attraction only works for those who first, think and focus on their dreams, second, take action towards those dreams, third, learn to have fun and enjoy the reality of those dreams in their lives.

We have created many things in our lives and continue to create new things. We have had many goals which we have visualized happening before they actually happen. I had a visualization of receiving the rising star award for my results in this company. The only thing different than the way I envisioned it was that I received the award from a different person, but it still happened. I had to create that in my life and in my business in my mind first, then I had to take the action to go and get it.

Life is rich and rewarding when you are a student to controlling your own mind and thoughts. This is done through Personal Development. Personal Development and achieving wealth is what I specialize in. I may not know everything but I do know how to create a rewarding and abundant life through this business opportunity. Create your ultimate lifestyle, and then get started on creating it in reality!

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