Paris Hotel in Vegas!

August 12th, 2007 | No Comments |

So here I am sitting at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada with a view of the Bellagio right outside my window. The water show goes off every once in a while as I sit here and watch all the action happening down below. I have a view of the Eiffel Tower off to the left and have just had a spectacular day here. I am here for a once in a year, national training event. This event is offered once a year by the wholesale company I am affilliated with. It is an opportunity to get together with other self-made millionaires and to mastermind and have good times. The training is fantastic here and the community is awesome. I intend on being surrounded with these people for a very long period of time.

Aside from the view, the fun and the training, there were also some pretty cool awards and prizes given out to those who are having some serious results here with this business opportunity. Amy and I were awarded the Rising Star Award, along with 15 others fellow associates, out of thousands of people in this business. To be completely honest with you, and not to sound cocky, but I knew that we were getting the award before we even got it. I had visualized this very moment and today it just came to fruition.

Later this evening we had a prize drawing for a contest we were having. The contest was a sales contest. There were different prizes available to the eligible contestants and I was drawn for the Tumi Luggage set valued at $2500 and a Sony HD Digital video camera valued at around $1000. What a gift huh!! I love the percs. Five people walked away with and i-phone, one walked with a 60″ plasma TV. The person with the most sales won a Range Rover Sport and a movie of his life story.

What a day in Vegas. Whatever it is that you need to do to be at the next event with us, make it happen. There is so much money being made and so much fun happening in this business that you don’t want to miss out on!

$1,000,000 in a safe in China!

August 8th, 2007 | No Comments |

Today is Wednesday, you are getting ready for work, and you get a call. The person on the other side of the line is a long lost relative who is a very wealthy man. He says that he has a terminal illness and will die very soon. He continues to tell you that he left you a million dollars in a safe in his home in China for you to keep and use. It is his gift to you. The only catch is that you have to get there within a 3 day period, as that is how long the doctors gave him to live. So, you ask him for the combination for the safe but he doesn’t want to give it over the phone as he feels it would be unsecure. The combination is in his head and you have three days to get there!

You are bordering broke! You barely make enough to pay your bills and support your family let alone find the funds to fly all the way to the other side of the world. You have no money in your savings and no time for a loan. What will you do? Will you find a way to get to China or will you think about it for a day or two? No! You will find a way to get there and be on the plane as soon as you possibly can! You wouldn’t even think twice as to whether or not you would be on a plane to China even though you don’t have twenty thousand bucks to get there. You would find a way right? At all costs, you would be there in China a day before your relative died. You would find the means to get there and once you did, you would be a millionaire! Things would be much better for you now that you are a millionaire. The $20,000 that you spent to get there, because the only seat available was first class did not bother you. It was pocket change compared to what you would be getting. You did what it took to get that million. No matter what it took, you were willing.

If you have that same conviction in this business opportunity, you will become a millionaire! Do whatever it takes to get started here. It will be the difference in whether or not you struggle in life or live a rich and wealthy one. Find a way!

No Job and Rich!

August 7th, 2007 | No Comments |

Man, I hate to brag but I live a great life. I am absolutely content with where I am headed in the near and distant future. I absolutely love what I do and see myself in the industry of Personal Development for quite some time. This morning I woke at 8 am….and it is a Tuesday morning. Read through some of my other posts and you will see that this is what I do everyday. I took off to the bank with my oldest daughter to deposit a check in shorts and flip flops and stopped off at Burger King for a healthy and nutritional breakfast on the way home. We spoke to a few people about this business opportunity this morning and put them in touch with some more information, ate breakfast, and spoke a little about our plans of going to Vegas this weekend.

This is a typical morning for us. We are all together as a family because of the choice we made to take control of our lives through this business opportunity. It has given us the income to stay at home and do whatever we please. If it isn’t hanging around the house then we are out in the forest on a our ATV’s or swimming at the pool. The beauty about this, is that we can. This weekend we are going to Vegas for 3 days. At the end of this month we are going to spend a week in a house boat on Lake Powell in Utah with family. You know what the brilliant thing is? This business opportunity is completely mobile. I can just take it with me, work a few hours on the boat, then get back to fishing or riding the waverunners. Life is good and this business opportunity is the catalyst. It is the vehicle that allows me to live the way I please.

Heck, I just got back from a jog that I took at noon around my neighborhood. I passed a carpet guy, construction crews, golf course workers, a few business owners that I know, who were all at work and will be until about 5pm this evening or later. You know what’s funny? When I pass by them, they look at me in a different way. It is almost like they hate me running by or are wondering how the heck I can live in this neighborhood and not have to go to work. When I had a job, they didn’t look at me that way. I get a kick out of that! So yes, I have no job and live a very rich lifestyle. Do you see the correlation there. JOB = Work all day. Join this Business Opportunity = work less and have fun! It is true. The less you work, the richer you become. You just have to find the business opportunity that will get you there….and I can show it to you!

Business Opportunity of a Lifetime!

August 7th, 2007 | No Comments |

If I were to be the person who discovered the cure for aids or cancer, I would tell everyone. I would be so excited to share my discovery to everyone I came in contact with so that they could share it with others as well. It would solve so many problems and help so many people. In a different scenario, I have found the cure for poverty. I know a business opportunity that assists people in the changing of their lives, financially and personally. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day….teach him to fish and feed him for life. Through my company, I assist ambitious entrepreneurs in abtaining the proper “millionaire mindset” that is vital to success in any business opportunity. I teach you to fish in the rivers and lakes of wealth and abundance.

Sure there may be another business opportunity that can offer you income, training and support, and a system to follow, but lacks the personal development. Personal development is vital in any form of success. Without it, you are stagnant. This online home business opportunity contains the whole package. We are involved in the Personal Development industry which is booming right now. We have a compensation plan that is very lucrative and is set up to benefit the person who acts the quickest. The community of entrepreneurs here are amazing and inspiring. One body of self-made millionaires and entrepreneurs headed toward one common goal…complete and utter freedom.

I feel as passionate about this business opportunity as the person who might have the cure for aids. This business has assisted me in living my dream lifestyle and will do the same for you.

Are You Willing?

August 5th, 2007 | No Comments |

Have you ever been asked that question before by someone else? Have you been asked that question by an employer, a family member, a doctor, or even and investor? In order to get this are you willing to do….what? When it comes to your dreams and your passions, what are you willing to do or to sacrifice to get those dreams and those passions in your life? I would hope that you wouldn’t sacrifice your values or your identity, and you shouldn’t. But you should be willing to do whatever it may take as far as posessions are concerned.

For example: When Amy and I were on a flight down to Cancun she had an epiphany. She finally realized what that meant to be willing to do whatever it takes to get what we really want in life. We had just built a new home with our own sweat and blood and it was very dear to us. We wanted to do what it took to keep the home. It was nice! But really, it is just a home and that is all it is. It was not us. It was not all that we wanted in life. Would we be willing to entertain the possibility of losing that house for the sake of living our dreams? The answer to that is, absolutely! We were and are willing to sacrifice and take significant enough risks to get to where we deserve to be in life. If that means losing our home, we are willing to take that risk. Seriously, we would just build another one later. Emotional detachment from possessions is necessary in having the ability to do what it takes.

So most of us have been asked by others if we are willing, but have you ever asked yourself that question. That opens up a whole new can of worms. If someone asks you if you are willing to jump off that 60 ft cliff into that little pond of water below or jump out of a perfectly good airplane at 13,000 ft, your answer may be yes, I am willing, but in the back of your mind you are thinking just the opposite. When you ask yourself a question such as ,’Are you willing,’ you know the answer right away. If you expect great success in your life you must adopt this one simple principle. You must be willing to do whatever it takes!! 

Your thoughts are not you!

August 3rd, 2007 | No Comments |

Thoughts! What are they and do they effect who you are and who you become? Thoughts are matter. They are energy and are created by your conscious and subconscious mind. They are recollections of past events, people, stories, fiction, fact, you name it and you can think it up. Thoughts are very important however to action. As we all know, any kind of action first must start with a thought. Thoughts lead to actions, actions lead to results. If you look at it that way, that all of our actions are governed by what we think, that makes what we think so much more than just merely a thought. It is a blueprint!

The important thing to realize is that thoughts are not part of you. They are not you nor do they govern you. You still have the free enterprise of choice. You can choose to entertain a thought and force it into action or you can discard it. That is still your option. The trick is to figure that out and realize that you can control what thoughts are you.

For example, in the industry of Direct Sales it is very easy to get discouraged by thinking that you are not having the results you had expected. Now, is that you? Is that who you want to be? Do you want to be a dicouraged person who is not experienciing results in your business, depressed all the time and broke? No! Of course not. So this is where self-disipline comes in. That is just a thought that was followed by a feeling. The longer you allow that feeling to stay, the more it will stick and come back again. Discarding a thought has to be immediate. Do not let it dwell in your mind or your subconscious will start to accept that thought as belief and engrain it into your decision making processes.

Realize now that you are very powerful and in control of your future and who you are. Thoughts are floating amidst the breeze and will come into your mind every second of every day. It is important and vital to your success that you only entertain those thoughts that empower you. That is who you are! Know what thoughts make you…….YOU, and who you want to become.  

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