You are Expendable to an Employer!

June 18th, 2007 | 2 Comments |

While in the military I learned something about my relationship and my worth to them. I learned that I was just like a bullet with a brain. I was completely and utterly expendable. I could and would be replaced if I were to die. While in flight school, if something were to happen to me, they would have hundreds of others waiting to take my place. The defenitions of expendable are as follows:

  1. Subject to use or consumption: an expendable source.
  2. Not worth salvaging or reusing: expendable rocket boosters.
  3. Not strictly necessary; dispensable: an expendable budget item; expendable personnel.
  4. Open to sacrifice in the interests of gaining an objective, especially a military one: expendable civilian targets.

I really like numbers 2 and 3. Now, I am going to say this to you as well. It is not just the military that operates in this way. Your employers do as well. If you don’t do or perform the way they want you to, there is someone waiting for you to fail just to take your spot….and they all know this. Do you really think they care about you? Do you think they care that you have a family to support? If you are expendable, that means that your family and all that you have worked for is as well.

Let me ask you, have you ever been on a four-wheeler or some kind of ATV? Have you ever been the passenger on one with someone who you didn’t really trust or that made you nervous? I can tell you now that I have a real issue with being the passenger. I just will not trust anyone at the wheel while my life is on the line. Sadly to say, but I have issues with letting my wife drive at certain times while I am the passenger…..and she has a better driving record than I do.

You are expendable to your Employer

Having a job versus being an entrepreneur is the same exact thing. Why would you trust your boss when your whole life is on the line? You can’t trust anyone to take the wheel of your life. By having a boss or an empoyer, you have given the wheel to them and they are driving your life. You may think you have some control but you have none. You are riding along with them into their sunset and their dreams! You may not even realize it as being this way even though I am telling it to you right now. Stop being the passenger and you will find that your life will become more rich and beautiful than you could possible imagine right here, right now. Take control of your life again. Grab hold of the wheel and make your own road of success. You are not expendable to your family and yourself. Realize your potential, and let me show you a vehicle to allow it all to happen!

The Best Business Opportunity!

June 15th, 2007 | 1 Comment |

Have you ever heard of the term, “Cash Cow?” It means that whatever it is, it brings in a ton of money. Now, there are a lot of businesses that can bring in a ton of money, but not like this one can. When you hear of people turning their annual salary into their monthly income in just a matter of a few months, that is this business. This business opportunity is a combination of Personal Development and Direct sales wrapped into a business that can be worked part-time. Personal Development is an industry that is growing worldwide and growing fast. I predict that more people will become self-made millionaires with this opportunity than in any other single opportunity in existence. That is how confident I am in this business and in where it is headed.

Seriously, working 2-4 hours a day and making multiple five figure months. Who does that? This  business opportunity is designed not only to give you the vehicle to earn that kind of money, but to also have the time to enjoy that money. It uses the power of leverage, leverage over time to increase your profits. It almost seems like the less I work and the more I have fun, the more money I make. This is more of a lifestyle business rather than just a business.

There are a few things that one needs to be successful…..a business opportunity, ambition, and a teacher or mentor. I have provided the opportunity, I will determine your ambition, and myself along with hundreds and thousands of other like-minded entrepreneurs and self-made millionaires are the teachers and mentors. In order to think like a millionaire, you have to be around them and learn from them. That is what this opportunity offers, is personal mentoring by those who have succeeded. You will learn, firsthand, how to become successful in this business and how to utilize the system we have here.

Let’s take a quick comparison between this business opportunity and another business. Let’s use a franchise. McDonald’s is a pretty successful franchise operation. To get into a McDonalds franchise, your net worth must be one million dollars with half of that as liquid assets. The Franchise costs $500,000 and depending on your location, you might profit $50k-$100k a year. You are married to your McDonalds. You are there long hours of the day. You have employees to deal with, which is a hassle. You have security issues, location and store front to maintain, intense customer service to deal with, and the list goes on.

With this Business Opportunity, you have no inventory, no stocking or shipping of the products, no intense customer service, no employees or store fronts to worry about, and part time work hours. The income potential of this opportunity is 5 to 10 times higher than that of any other business. In fact, in this business, there are seven other ways to make money. It is not only from the commissions. There are passive and residual income streams that will have you making income while sleeping by utilizing the power of the internet. That is leverage. That is preparing for a financially stable and secure future. Most individuals in this business opportunity are on a 5 year track to retirement.

There is no other business, that can provide the type of income that this one can, and also, through it’s products, give you the mindset to do it with!

You become who you hang around with!

June 11th, 2007 | No Comments |

I want you to do something really quick. Grab a pen and paper, add the total income of your friends and divide that by the amount of friends to find the average. Whatever that number reads, is probably close to what you are making right now or will make in the future…….unless something changes. This is pretty much a guarantee! Now, I am not saying that you have to ditch your friends and go get new, richer friends to become rich. All I am saying is that whoever it is that you choose to hang out with, you become like. You become who you associate with, mastermind with, and spend time with.

Jim Rohn speaks of why kids should have to pay tax on the things they buy. Give a kid a dollar and he has to give 7 pennies to every dollar that he spends for taxes. They have to learn at some point, right? I mean, that is how we can sleep peacefully at night. We pay 7 pennies so that the Military can stay up at night while we sleep comfortable in our beds. I will gladly pay 7 pennies for that! Anyway, instead of spending the whole dollar, he would counsel the kid to save some and not spend it all. The kid then asks “why.” That is when you take the kid to the other side of town and show him the difference between how those who spend the whole dollar live and the ones who save part of the dollar. Big difference!

As you hang around people who you admire, respect, and want to be like….you gradually start acting, speaking, and becoming like them. You pick up the way they speak and adapt their way of thinking. If they drive a Hummer but you are still stuck in a Geo Metro Convertible, then you might benefit a little from haninging out with them. Learn their secrets to success and tap in to their knowledge. Find out how they did it.

In order to become successful and wealthy, you need only a few things. You need an opportunity, the ambition to become wealthy, and a teacher or mentor. Most of you already live in the land of opportunity, America. People fight to get into this country, not out. Opportunity is already here. You just have to see it! Hang around those who do!

Are you having fun following the crowd?

June 7th, 2007 | No Comments |

Jump on the bandwagon is how they say it! Join the crowd. Go with the majority. Do what everyone else is doing. There are many ways to say it but if you are doing one of those things, chances are, you are not as successful as you would like to be. In business and success, if you follow the majority, you will end up just like the majority… average. You will live in and average house, or rent one, make an average income, drive an average car and just be like everyone else. Now for some people, that works for them. If you are content with that lifestyle, then this business is not for you.

Now, I speak to those who wish to go a different direction than the majority and who are not content with living average. If you are looking to have extraordinary results, do not go with the masses. We know what they are doing? They are working for someone else who has decided to go a different way than the masses. They are working for you, in the future. You will be the one that is getting richer and richer from others’ decisions to stick with the popular thing to do. You will get richer and richer, if and only if, you decide to do something other than what everyone else is doing.

Many of the great ones in history were not supported in their ideas and their vision for themselves and the future. But yet, they continued on with their ambition and their passions and they became great. Find a passion of yours, find a vehicle that will make that passion materialize, and then run with it regardless of what logic says or what others say. They will try to bring you back to the bandwagon. Do not listen! Press forward! Be consistent at one thing, and you will be successful. If you believe in yourself, if your “WHY” is strong enough, and if you have a plan then you will succeed.

I mentor people who wish not to be average. I teach you a business vehicle that can give you any lifestyle you desire. Let me repeat that……any lifestyle you desire! If you want to travel to Cancun several times a year and work on the beach, you can do that with this business. It will provide a number of things……the money and time to be able to do exactly what you want. Don’t believe me? Then follow everyone else. They will be glad to have you back!


Are you a loser? What do you do that winners don’t?

May 29th, 2007 | 1 Comment |

I think the more appropriate phrase should be along lines of, “Winners do what losers don’t.” Successful people are willing to do what the unsuccessful were unwilling to do. How many times have you personally come accross a business or an opportunity that you knew would be profitable and successful, but lacked the courage to invest the money or to step into the unknown? I can tell you what….you are not alone in that. About 90% of the population lacks the courage to move forward without fear or doubt. Infact, most successful entrepreneurs are driven by something else. They are driven by their ambition, not their fear of failure. The moment that your ambition and your drive drowns out your fear of failure, then you are on your way.

Let’s see…what do the successful do that the unsuccessful don’t? Most successful people make decisions quickly, and change their minds slowly. Instead of allowing the one thing that will hinder their progress to come in, they act. That one thing is fear. That word keeps lingering in. Fear will destroy any dream.

Most successful people are in the office working, even when they don’t feel up to it. It is consistency that brings results in any endeavor. Do you think that Michael Jordan made it to the NBA off of pure talent? No! He had to work at it every day. He had to practice and practice. If you haven’t, you should pick up one of his books a read it. MJ was the best because of his choice to be consistent at making himself better.

Most successful people were just one difficult decision away from breaking free into success. But yet, they move forward. They gather the facts, overcome any pride or doubt, and put one foot in front of the other. I would bet that every single person in this entire world is faced with a decision that will change their lives forever, for the better, but fails to make a decision based on a current circumstance they happened to be going through. How are things ever going to change if you don’t allow them to. Things will always come up that will stand in your way. That is life. But the ones who win, and succeed, are the ones that can decide to press forward through all of the dust into fresh air.

What? This business costs money to start? YES! Tell me now. How does that make you feel. Are you ready to run? Of course a business will cost money. That is a good thing. That usually means that someone is making money from it. And in the business I will teach you, that person is you! If you come accross a business that is free to start….run. You will not make any real money. To be successful, be prepared to invest money into yourself. If you are afraid to invest then it’s simple what the problem is. The business in not the problem… just don’t believe in yourself!

To sum it all up, winners are winners because of the things they do. Losers will be losers because of what they chose not to do. So you see, life is a choice. You either choose to do or choose not to do. That my friend, will determine who you are. Everyone is born a winner. You choose what you become from that point on!

If a Home Based Business says “You can Make Millions”, then it must be a “get rich quick scheme!

May 24th, 2007 | No Comments |

First off, if you’ve ever heard of a person that has gone from rags to riches with a Home Based Business, well that is me! The stuff you read about or hear about, actually happens. Is it true that you can make millions in a Home Based Business? Well, alot of it depends on the business model and the industry it is involved in. But yes, you can make millions, and many do, and are becoming millionaires as we speak. It’s not just a fairy tale or a bunch of fluff!

People ask me from time to time if the business I have introduced to them is some kind of a “get rich quick scheme.” I mean, this business offers a very lucrative compensation plan which will result in a high level of income in a short period of time. So it must be a get rich quick thing, right? Well, my answer to that statement is that you had sure better hope this is a get rich quick scheme! Most people in this world will make millions in their lifetime, it’s just that it takes them 50-60 years to do it. I am in the business of becoming and creating millioniares in a much shorter time period. Which plan would you rather be part of? Do you want to be involved in the 50 year plan or the 3-5 year plan?

I am an independent distributor for a company that has combined the industry of Personal Development into a Direct Sales business that can be worked part time from the comfort of home. Personal Development is a multi-billion dollar industry and continues to grow each and every year. It is considered to be one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world. Up until now, the big names in Personal Development have been the recipients of all those billions. Now, through this business, the average person with extraordinary ambition can make millions and assist others to do the same. There have been more self-made millionaires created in the direct sales industry than in any other single industry. There will be over one million millionaires created over the next 10-15 years. Ask yourself….will you be one of them? Will you be the one who will make millions and enjoy your life or will you watch someone else do it instead? Commit yourself to that goal and settle for nothing less.

There is so much abundance in this world. Many people view the world as they see themselves and not how the world really is. The world is full of riches and opportunity that is just waiting to be claimed!

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