What would you do if you didn’t have to work?

May 22nd, 2007 | No Comments |

The answer to that is simply what ever you want! Yesterday, Monday, I took my family out to watch Shrek 3. I took them to the 2pm showing. Now that may seem like something little, but for me, it is huge. How many Dad’s were at work away from their families? I know where I would have been. I would have been out making someone else money while being paid peanuts worrying about whether or not I would be able to have the money I needed to make the bills, especially if my family went to the movies. I’m not joking. That is how bad it was.

But that’s not how it is now. I choose when I work and when I play. Well, I mostly play because I only work about 3 or 4 hours a day. But yesterday, I choose to work only about an hour and a half and still made money. What a business this is! I’ll tell you what…..there is no other business that I know of that will allow you the financial and time freedom that this one will.

How many times have you gone to the movies with your family on a Monday afternoon, as a working parent? It’s not my first and will definitely not be my last. I was actually thinking of just packing up and taking a trip to Colorado or San Diego. I can take my business with me and you know what? I will make more money while doing that than I would staying here at home. I find that when I am having the most fun I make the most money. Isn’t that how life should be? Everyone should be able to make money while on the beach in Cancun or in the Rockies on the lake. That is life. That is living.

I love my life and the business that has provided it for me. It has been the catalyst and the vehicle that I have used to live my life on my terms, and I am grateful. I will never miss another first step, a 2 PM Monday movie, a lost tooth, a school play, a sports game, or just a simple day to day conversation that is needed from Dad by just simply being there. What’s important to you? Now, what are you going to do about it?

You deserve to be rich!

May 21st, 2007 | No Comments |

Would you rather hear someone tell you the title to this article or would rather hear…..”You deserve to live paycheck to paycheck and struggle from day to day?” “You deserve to be poor. You deserve to work for someone your whole life.” Ask youself that one question…..What do you deserve?

Do you deserve a life of riches and complete abundance? When someone first asked that question to me I was kind of set back thinking that it may be a cocky or conceded question. Saying that I deserved to be rich seemed sac-religious, and snobby, but I was wrong. If you think like I used to, you have deservability issues. Why does Bill Gates deserve to be rich and you don’t? He doesn’t deserve it any more than you or I do. There is no difference. To deserve to be rich only means that you are willing to do what it takes to get there. I do what it takes. I no longer have to work for someone else or worry that I might get laid off. I made the choice to take my financial future from the hands of an employer and into my own. So I deserve what I get….and that is to be rich.

The same is true for you. If you are willing to make a few simple choices that will lead you in the direction of riches and abundance, then you too deserve to be wealthy. You and I are no different. We are no different than the Donald Trump’s or the Bill Gates’. The only difference in where they are now and where you are, is the choices that they have been willing to make.

If you were handed a business card by a millionaire offering you the secret to his wealth, what would you do with it? You would act on it right? What if when you found out the millionaire had to invest a few thousand dollars to get to where he is? Would you still do it? If your answer is yes, then you deserve the riches that will come your way because you are willing to do what it takes. That is what seperates the successful from the unsuccessful, the rich from the poor, the ones who take care of others and the ones who have to be taken care of.

If you are willing to invest a few thousand dollars into your future as a millionaire, I will show you a business that will make it happen. Millionaires are being created! People just like you. What will it be? A millionaire has just given you his business card. Will you call yourself to action, or will you stay with what is comfortable even though you dispise it? The choice is yours!

Become Rich for your Family!

May 17th, 2007 | No Comments |




This is our family. This business has given me the blessing of being able to be with them everyday. I work a maximum of 4 hrs a day. The rest of the time I am chasing grasshoppers with my kids or just flat hanging out. I am a big family man.  If you really get down to it, my family is my “WHY.” My drive and ambition is for them. To give them an opportunity to do whatever they want in life….with me. I no longer have to go to work or am away from them until the late hours of the evening.

Life is living it the way you want to, not how you have to. The fact of the matter is, you don’t have to do anything you do not want to do. The choices you have made in the past have led you to where you are right here and now in life. In order to change those results, you must learn one thing and one thing only…..and that is how to think differently. Once you learn how to think like the person you desire to be, you will have it.

Is your Boss more attractive than your wife?

May 16th, 2007 | No Comments |




This is us at a black tie event in Cancun Mexico. Look at that sexy lady of mine. Tell me now….why would I want to leave her everyday to go look at the ugly face of my boss. Seriously, you have the option right here, right now, to take hold of your time. You have the opportunity to work from the comfort of your own home, and make a ton of money doing so. The business model is already made up for you. All you have to do is plug into the community and the system we have here and follow the ones who have succeeded.

So if you think your boss is more attractive than your wife, then maybe you should continue on your same course. If your business is more important to you than time with your family, keep working those long hours. Conventional wisdom can only get you so far.

You deserve to have the life you desire! The only thing you must realize is that it is closer than you think. It is within your grasp and just a few simple choices away.

I wish I would have started a home based business!

May 16th, 2007 | No Comments |

You know, how many people can really look back on their life a few years from now and say they they truly have lived a life without regrets. The one thing that I fear the most is to reach that day and say…..I wish I had done this or I should have done that. No regrets! That is the creed that Amy and I live by. We are not operating on fear or safety. We operate out of pure passion and a love for what we do and who we are.

There are those who work for a living…..and those who work to live their life. Work should be a bi-product of living your life. Making money should be a bi-product of doing what you are passionate about. I am passionate about this business and the individuals who I am able to assist.

Make the choice today to live your life the way you want to live it so that when you reach that day, and reflect on your life, you can truly say that you have lived a life with absolutely no regrets!

Sales Professionals: The contest is on!

May 14th, 2007 | No Comments |

The contest is on everyone. Now is the time to get involved in this business. From now until August is the summer showdown contest. The associate who makes the most sales of our flagship product, will be awarded a brand new Range Rover Sport. No questions asked. And I’ll tell you what, I am tracking it. I am running with the runners. If it happens to be someone else winning the Rover over me, they will have to have worked their tails off because I am going to make it as difficult as possible for them.

There are also other prizes involved as well. If you make 12 sales before the cut-off date, you are put into the drawing for a 60″ Plasma TV. If you reach 8 sales you are in the drawing for a digital video camera and luggage. If you make 4 sales you are in a drawing for one of 4 brand new apple cell phones. Very hard to get and brand new on the market. But seriously, when it all comes down to it, you can make a fortune in this business with only a handfull of sales. It doesn’t take thousands of sales to be successful here. It just takes a few. The person who wins the Range Rover will have made so much money that they will be able to purchase 10 of them. The cost of a Rover will be chump change. Check this business out and I will show you.

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