4 Major Benefits of a Legitimate Home Based Business

April 13th, 2007 | No Comments |

Would it be worth 20 minutes of your time, to research a business that will change your life, and your bank account forever? I have been involved in a business that has combined the industries of Personal Development and Direct Sales. These two industries together, wrapped into a home based business, allow you to absolutely leverage your time to maximize your profits. In only 3 to 4 hours a day, working from the comfort of your own home, you can literally change your annual salary into a monthly income. Now, if you just thought that this is too good to be true, then it is for you. But not for myself and countless others who understand the power of the internet and have grasped this age of opportunity.  

If you work longer than 15-20 hours a week, then you have no idea what it is like to have complete and utter freedom, both personally and financially. Some people, I know personally, work those hours in a day. What kind of a life are you leading and who are you living it for. In starting a home based business, I have created more time than I know what to do with. I am able to spend almost all day with my family, I can work on the road as this business is completely mobile, and make a ton of money. You won’t find the luxuries and freedom a home based business offers in a traditional type business. So, the trick is to find a business that will provide two things, profit and time to enjoy it. For those who have had a traditional business have basically purchased themselves or created for themselves a job, of 60+ hours a week. You are married to your business. Plus, there is very little support, which is a huge key in success. For all out massive success, find a mentor, someone who has been where you want to go. In this business, you will learn directly from those who have succeeded.

For those who have even done any research on finding a home based business that is profitable, you know that there are just a ton of opportunities to choose from. I mean, in a google search, for the keyword “Home Based Business,” you will find over 500 million listings, not including the sponsored listings. The Network Marketing industry is huge! More and more individuals are starting a home based business because they undertand the power of it all. Now, you will find a few types of home based businesses – MLM and Direct Sales. I will tell you right now, unless you get involved in an MLM right when it starts, then it is very difficult to make any money. You will work your tail off and make nothing. Now, Direct Sales has created more self-made millionaires, I believe, than any other single industry out there. That is because it is so lucrative. There will be around one million self-made millionaires created in the next decade with a home based business and I am aiding in that process.

So, to recap some of the benefits of becoming involved in a Direct Sales Home Based Business:

1. Very profitable! Turn your annual salary into a montly income.

2. Work your business around your schedule. Work from home or on the beach in Cancun. With a computer, a phone and the internet, you are making money. It is always in this order, live your life, then work. You work so you can live your life, not live your life so you can work. People just have that a little mixed up. Enjoy your life and your family.

3. Be personally mentored to success. People have already done it, just listen and learn. Always seek wisdom from those who are offering it. I mean, have you ever dreamed of the moment when a millionaire would hand you his business card and offer to teach you how he made his millions? This would be that moment. Take advantage of it.

4. This home based business has a system. That means, there is very little guesswork involved. Plug into the system, follow the steps, and watch the money roll in and you will find yourself wondering how it all happended.

There is really no other business that compares to this one. Take the time to research it!

Become a millioniare!

April 9th, 2007 | No Comments |

Become a self-made millionaire through a business that creates millionaires and allows you the time freedom to really enjoy your rich lifestyle. There are only a few things keeping most people from living the life of their dreams in luxury and abundance: Lack of commitment towards their goals and a vehicle to take them there. If you have had the ambition, have the ambition now, or will have the ambition to become a millionaire, then I have an opportunity that can provide you with the vehicle to success.

What would life be like as a millionaire? For most of you reading this your answer would be, “completely different!” I used to work a job. I made 36k a year as a glass man. I was in the military at one point in time. I had no time to do much of anything. Making $30-50k per year doesn’t provide the income necessary to be able to do so. Even if you are making 150k right now, you still have no idea that I am talking about when it comes to complete and utter freedom. You have yet to live your life. I promise you this. There are those you make 6 figure incomes and then there are those who have gone up and beyond and there, will you find your freedom – both time and financial. In two years I have been to Cancun twice, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Disney World, Disney Land, Vegas, and Australia in June this year. These are vacations. Not including the 20 hour work week. Life is good and rich. What is life to you?

Before you can become a millioniare, you must first obtain the mindset of a millioniare. And after you think like the person you desire to become, then you must find a business that can act as a vehicle to success. I have that vehicle. This business has created many, many self-made millioniares in the past 6 years and is continuing to do so. We have combined two of the fastest growing industries into a business that allows you to leverage your time. The two industries are Personal Development and Direct Sales. Join and elite team of entrepreneurs who are all achieving the same goals of complete time and financial freedom.

Footsteps in the hallway!

April 7th, 2007 | 1 Comment |

What would your life be like of you only worked 4 hours a day, four days a week and could adjust your schedule to fit around your day? Oh, and by the way, add about 8 vacations a year to that schedule, to places like Cancun, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Australia, and South Africa. Most people work a minimum of 50 hours a week and may get 2 weeks out of a year for vacation. You might as well give your life away.

Back in the day when I had a job, I would wake up at 5 or 6 am depending on where I had to go. I would be gone all day long, out of town, and would return close to 6 or 7 pm. So did I get anything accomplished? Sure I did! I downed a whopper, large fries, and large drink. I made my boss a ton of cash and got paid just enough to provide a roof over my families head and food on the table. The thing that really gets to me is that I chose to be there. I placed myself in that situation and gave my life away to another person. I was a modern day slave. Working for peanuts and was sacrificing my time, my freedom, and my ultimate potential.

Now, as an entrepreneur, I do work around 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, and make a ton of money doing it. I have had so many memories that are so special to me that I would have missed out on if I had remained on the path I was headed down. Something that may seem small to you but is sweet to me is the sight of the wet footprints of my kids going down the hallway after their bath. I love waking up in the morning to my kids jumping on the bed. Every morning I have breakfast, at our kitchen table with my family, every day of the week, unless is just happens to be breakfast in Cancun. Gee, wouldn’t that be a bummer.

And you know what, I chose this for myself. I created this! This is how I pictured my life and I am living it to the fullest. I have myself to thank for that for making a simple choice, as well as the business I am involved in. This business creates millionaires and allows you to truly live the life of your dreams. I am a living, walking testimony of that.

Your relationship with money!

April 4th, 2007 | No Comments |

How do you view money? When you see money laying around, what feelings do you have or what thoughts run through your head? The way you feel and react towards money may determine whether or not you will ever see more of it. It is widely known that in order to change your life from being poor to being rich, you must first change the way you think. Part of this change involves the way you think, feel, and respond to money.

We were at a restaurant the other day and noticed a waitress acting a little different. She would hover around the tables of guests who were leaving. As she would walk by the table that had not yet been cleared, she would look around as if to see who was watching, and with lightning speed she would snag up the tip that was on the table and shove it into her pocket. As she started to walk off she noticed some change underneath the few bucks she had snagged, and just as quickly as before, snagged that and left the area without cleaning the table off. Now, she obviously is in need of money or feels that she does not get enough of it.

If you get a negative feeling at the site of money than you have a huge problem with allowing more money to come your way. Money is a form of energy. It touches so many hands and is a tool used for the creation of so many things. But it is no more than a bunch of ore or stacks rectangular of paper. Yet it has value and when something has value, then it can be used to create. It is meant to be in flow. The man who keeps his output of money steady, will get a steady return. A man who keeps his money in flow will be richer than the man who doesn’t. Action and reaction. When you have figured out how to establish a flow of income, it will keep coming if you keep it moving. Think of it as a river. In order to really harness the strength of a river you must build a dam. Now, to create electricity you must keep the water flowing through the dam. If you don’t, the damn will  be overrun, it will break and you will lose it all. Harness the power and energy of money by allowing a steady incoming and outgoing flow of it.

Money is a great tool in the creation of your dreams. Think of it as a tool used to build whatever you desire. It is a positive thing to have money. Most people want it out of neediness, not ambition or creativity. Determine your reason for obtaining money and if it is to pay your bills, then that is all you will ever do. But if it is to create, then you will find that it will come easier than ever before. 

The top 9 principles to applying the Law of Attraction!

April 2nd, 2007 | 2 Comments |

1 - Identify your desires

In order to attract your desires, you must have a very strong desire and become passionate about that desire. The Law of Attraction knows if you are truly serious about your goals. If you are just testing it out to see if it works, you have skepticism and the law responds to that. You must have true intentions tied to true feelings in regards to your desires. If you really desire something, you will do what is necessary to obtain it. Get clear on your desire!

2 – Set Goals

Setting goals is necessary to maintain your focus and urgency. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Goals are directly tied to your desires. Whether your goals are materialistic, lifestyle, realationship oriented, they must have a time set in which they will be obtained. Now I know that the Law of Attraction has no time restraints on when it will manisfest itself, but as your focus towards your goal or desire increases, so will your output of energy towards that given goal. Set goals and then set a time by which you will achieve that goal. As you approach the end of your time limit, your focus and energy towards your goal gets more intense. There must be acountability.

3 – Have a goal board/goal cards/written goals.

Get your goal out of your head and put it into reality through picture or writing. Create a goal board and post all the things that relate to your goal right there in front of you. If you desire a mansion, post a picture of the exact mansion you desire where you see it all day long. This will keep it constantly in your mind. Get some cards and write your goals on them and stick them in your wallet or purse. Put a “goal stone” in your pocket. Everytime you reach in your pocket and feel that stone, it will remind you of your desires to achieve your goals.

4 – Set yourself up for deliberate attraction.

This part seems so minor but is essential to keeping your focus and frame of mind in a positive state. For example, if you look in your wallet, and your desire is to create wealth, and you don’t have any money inside, what feelings or thoughts do you get? The Law of Attraction responds to the energy you put out. Now, thoughts are energy and feelings are a reaction from the thoughts you have. If you look into your wallet and see no money, what feeling does that give you? It makes you feel broke! What then are you going to get from the Law of Attraction? More of that feeling. The goal to deliberate attraction is to stay in control of the way you feel and to keep those feelings parallel or correspondent to the what your desire is.

5 – Well what do you want?

When going throughout your day and something happens that you do not like or want in your world, sway your attention away from it and think of what you would like. It is just as simple as that. When you come across something you don’t want or like, ask yourself what you do want or like and your attention, energy and focus will do an immediate shift.

6 – Visualization

Creating the emotions and feelings of already having what you desire is the real key to applying the Law of Attraction. I reference the Law of Attraction to the Be-Do-Have principle quite often. Be the person you want to be first, then you will do the things that person does, and then have the things that person has. A huge part of the “Be” is how you feel. When you acquire the ability to create the feeling of being rich, you will then act as if you are rich. It is the feelings you get that create action towards your desires. Not just mediocre action but strong persistent action. Take the time every day to sit and visualize what you desire. Get clear and specific to the point at which you can feel yourself there. Then, will it come.

7 – Always be in a state of gratitude.

As you start the day in gratitude, you will find that you will get, into your life, more and more to be grateful for. As you appreciate what you have been blessed with and are thankful and grateful for that, you will get more. Just, as in the Bible, those who used their talents instead of hiding them up, were given more. Be grateful for what you have. Notice abundance in everything around you.  

8 – Be an allowing person.

Don’t resist. Allow the Law to work for you. It is a law and is governed by a set of principles. If you do this…..then it, in return, does this. If you fulfill your part then it, in return, fulfills what it has been predicated to do. It has no choice. When you fulfill your part then it happens, but you must be willing and allowing. If it is wealth you desire, you must be willing to accept large somes of money from people over and over again. Allow it. Do away with the poverty mindset and concentrate on wealth. Money comes to you naturally. You are a money magnet. Allow it and it will come.

9 – Always be a person of action.

The Law of Attraction may present itself to you in the form of an opportunity. When you see an opportunity, choose to go forward without fear or doubt. You must have your eyes open. Things do not fall into your lap. The Law of Attraction has the word “action” in it. You must be willing to make choices, and take action towards your desire. Things come to the ones who are moving towards it, not to the sluggish. The wide-receiver that gets the touch-down pass in the one that is moving.

Just remember that what you give your focus and attention to is what you get. Be sure to plan ahead, you are the creator of your life. Design your day to focus on what you desire and you will find that mastering the Law of Attraction will become a habit and you will find yourself in the midst of your dreams.

The third decision for success: I am a person of action!

March 28th, 2007 | No Comments |

“When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act.” Andy Andrews is the author of this phrase. In his book, “The Travelers Gift,” his third decision for success is to be a person of action. Wealth and abundance hide form the people who are sluggish but follow those who take action and move quickly. There is no such thing as standing still in success. The failure to make a decision is failure act, and thus, failure. There is no gray area in the world of riches and abundance. It is either black or white. Poor or rich. Either you are moving forward or you are not moving at all, which means you are getting further and further behind.

“Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.” The key to this quote is to trust in your own intuition. Do you feel confident in your decision making abilities? Most lack confidence and thus will never see their dreams in reality because of that very reason. Success all comes down to one thing, and that is your ability to decide. Decide today to act towards your future. You have the power within you to be great through your decisions. Be confident and be accountable. Fear should not have a place in your mind, as that is all it is, a frame of mind. There is no room for fear in the life of someone who is successful. Fear of choice, fear of criticism, fear of failure is all rubbish. Fear is such a minor thing. Leave it behind.

Become the Leader that others will follow. “Leading is doing. To lead, I must move forward. Many people move out of the way for a person on the run…” Within the true leader, you have the ability to inspire and lead others to greatness. Be the person others will follow, and you will have success. Never settle for mediocraty. Seize the moment. Choose to decide.

I am a person of action!

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