3 Ways To Make Money Online Outside of Your Home Based Business

August 29th, 2011

One of the biggest mistakes any home based business entrepreneur can make is to put all your eggs into one basket. What I mean by that, is only having one source of income. My intention isn’t to scare you into thinking that the opportunity you are with is going to shut down tomorrow, but what if? It’s better to be prepared than not.

Without taking too much focus and attention away from your main business, there are ways to make money online outside of your primary home based business choice.

I’ve compiled a list of three ways to make money in addition to your home based business. Some are links, some aren’t. Enjoy and feel free to suggest more ideas to add to the list. Read the rest of this entry »

50 Home Based Business or Work at Home Ideas (Non-Network Marketing)

August 26th, 2011

Most people connect the words, “Home Based Business” with the Network Marketing industry, when really all it means is a business based out of a home office.

If you’ve read a recent blog post of mine, “Does a Home Based Business have to be in Network Marketing,” and have determined that Network Marketing isn’t for you, here’s a list of home based business ideas outside of the network marketing industry: Read the rest of this entry »

How to Remove Scam.com or RipOffReport from the Search Results

August 24th, 2011

Remove RipOffReport.comIf you are someone that has created a decent degree of success in your home based business, then you’ve probably also created a bit of a reputation online along with it. And as you know, the more successful you become, the larger the target on your back becomes. Read the rest of this entry »

Does a Home Based Business have to be in Network Marketing?

August 23rd, 2011

When I write the words, “Home Based Business,” you might automatically assume I am writing about a Network Marketing opportunity or some type of an MLM. When all it really means is exactly what it reads, a home based business, or a business based at home. Since the words “home based business” have been tagged to the network marketing industry, the non-network marketing businesses have been tagged as “work at home jobs” or “work at home businesses.” Read the rest of this entry »

How To Promote Your Business with Bandit Signs

August 16th, 2011

What’s a Bandit Sign?

I wonder why they even call it a Bandit sign in the first place, but it’s a pre-printed or handwritten sign about 1 ft by 2ft that one can place on the side of the road. They can be used for just about anything, from yard sale signs and home based business ads to real estate sales. Bandit signs are an inexpensive but very effective way to promote your home based business as well as your traditional business.

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Why Use StumbleUpon?

August 1st, 2011

stumbleuponHave you ever heard of a website called “StumbleUpon?” That’s great if you have…but are you using it?

If you have a website that you would like others to find and use, you should be using StumbleUpon.

StumbleUpon is simply a way to find content you’re interested in. It’s also a great way to share your content to targeted readers. It’s a social bookmarking site that allows you to search for content relevant to your niche or industry, follow other Stumblers and network. It’s a great way to build links to your site and also a great way to find content ideas for your site.

Enough about what StumbleUpon is and on to what it can do for you. If you’ve ever wondered how other website can get ten, fifty or even a hundred thousand visits in a day, StumbleUpon is one of the ways we do it.

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