How Far Can You See?

February 1st, 2010

How good is your vision? I mean, how far can you really see? Well, the answer to those questions depend on your vision, right? The stronger your eyes, the better you see. It’s a fact. So if I asked you how far you could see, depending on where you are standing the answer would vary. If you were standing in a building, your answer you be “to that wall over there.” If you were standing on the edge of a cliff or a mountain peak, you could literally see for miles and only the curvature of the earth could keep you from seeing farther.

Now most of us can see pretty good with our physical eyes, some better than others. They are what we use to see all that is happening in the here and now. They show us present events. The things right in front of us. Depending on the health of these eyes, these present objects and events can be completely blurry, kind of fuzzy or completely clear. Using glasses, contacts and corrective surgery, we can improve our vision and see more clearly. These eyes have a purpose.

Now, if you plan on making any progress in life or creating any degree of success, you must learn how to use your physical eyes as well as your “other” eyes! We have many different eyes…the eyes of the past are our memories. We can always gaze into our past just as far as we can remember….and there’s a purpose for that. Through these eyes we learn from our mistakes. Hind sight is always 20/20.

The third set of eyes are more abstract. These are the eyes that sense, feel, dream and create. These are the eyes upon which all progress lies. Through these eyes, we can see further than the curvature of the earth or the farthest Galaxy. Through these eyes we can see things that have yet to be created or which don’t even exist. These are the eyes that know, regardless of physical sight, who we are going to become tomorrow, or a year from now. It has always worked that way.

So many people have it backwards. What you see right in front of you should NEVER, and I say NEVER, influence what you have already envisioned to for yourself. So many people live their lives being influenced solely by the present. They move from one job to the next, making zero progress in their lives, and have not learned to use their “other” eyes. They just haven’t exercised them enough to know how to use them. So they keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, because they can’t see farther than that. They can only see as far as their circumstances allow them to. It’s like being in a building, only being able to see to the wall in front, not knowing about the endless universes outside. If these “other” eyes of ours aren’t ever used….they’re going to be blurry.

Just as we can nurture and strengthen our physical eyes to see better in the present, we can also nurture and strengthen our other eyes, and I say “other” because I don’t know any single word that can define their purpose. That exercise is self education, personal development and self mastery. We must realize our true potential and it is then and only then will we realize how far we can really see. It’s an amazing thing and the boundaries are endless.

The power of the human mind is beyond comprehension, if we but learn how to use it. It is the greatest tool on the earth today with the most potential….and combined with the soul, is beyond this world. We were created for a purpose and that purpose is to realize our full potential and to fulfill the measure of that creation to is greatest.

All I can say is think bigger. If you have an idea, see how far you can take it. Push it until you think you have reached your limitations…..and once there, push it just a little farther. You’ll be completely surprised and also extremely impressed with how things turn out. You have an endless amount of potential within you. All you have to do is open your eyes and have the vision to see it. It’s right there and it always has been. You just have to open your “other” eyes a bit more in order to see it. So don’t just think big…..think much, much bigger.

Describe Your Life in One Word

January 29th, 2010

Describe your life in one word

Facebook is such a great resource for positive people. I absolutely love being surrounded by such optimistic, ambitious people. It makes my journey in life so much easier, as I am sure most of you can agree. Here recently I asked “Which one word would you use to describe your life right now?” and I received some great responses. Honestly, I wasn’t sure of the answers I would get to that question. I thought the majority of the answers would have been average answers, such as, “crappy, monotonous, stagnant, interesting, lame…etc,” I think you get the point. But I was positively surprised  at the response. As you can see to the right, most of the words are positive and motivating.

In fact, most of the people that responded to my question are Entrepreneurs in some way, shape or form. I have worked with many of them. I have seen their lifestyle and they speak truth in their “one word.”

Describe your life in one word

In the past I have asked that same question to people and could tell they were lying through their teeth as they told me their life was wonderful. That’s the worst thing anyone could do. It’s not the fact that they lied to me….the true damage is that they actually only lied to themselves. If your life is a wreck, admit it. Accept the truth…and after you do, set course to change it. One of my mentors, Jim Rohn, spoke about affirmations being a joke. It doesn’t do anyone any good to tell yourself that you are “Skinny and beautiful” when you are 600 lbs and can’t remember the last time you took a shower or brushed your teeth. There must be action behind the belief. To say your life is “Fantastic” when it is truly in shambles is more damaging then not.

Now what you can do is affirm the actions you are taking. That’s a true affirmation. As you are exercising, eating healthy, practicing regular hygiene and learning how to put on make-up, you can definitely affirm that you are “becoming thinner and more beautiful.”

As the common phrase puts it,”Keep it Real!”…..and as Shakespeare put it, just a bit more elegantly, “To thine own self be true.”

Never Stop Fighting!

January 25th, 2010

Question: Does it ever feel like no matter what you do, everything seems to be trying to pull you or keep you doing the same thing everyone else is doing? At times do you feel like the herd is calling you, begging you to come back and trying everything in its power to make sure you do come back? Eventually, most do. Everyday for me…and every time I think of what my life would be like should I choose to submit, I just want to start “mooooing.” That’s the role I would play.

I read a quote the other day that would motivate anyone with a true entrepreneur spirit:

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight; and never
stop fighting.”  – E.E. Cummings

Just by being an entrepreneur, you are at war. This isn’t a violent war or a war that is even noticed by most, but is in the here and the now. It’s imminent and you are the Brigadier General. Your thoughts, your ambitions, your individuality, your goals and everything you desire in life is the “cause” you are fighting for.

It’s seems that every corner I turn, there’s a loved one, a stranger or a friend encouraging me to fit back into the mold of what the world has taught them to be normal. My life isn’t in alignment with theirs and it’s difficult for them to understand why. It’s not their fault. That’s just the way they were taught, and they accepted that. I didn’t. I’ve never been the guy who wants to hang out with the crowd or do what everyone else is doing. It never got me excited. I always did my own thing, no matter what, and was I always successful in that? No….but at least it was my idea, my choice.

For those of you who love the popular “mold,” none of this may make any sense to you.

Life is way too short to waste it wishing instead of just doing. It takes guts. It takes ambition….but is so dang rewarding. It’s liberating, exciting and extremely fulfilling to know that you have your own compass and are charting your own course by doing something that nobody else on the planet has done.

So yes, in order to do just this, it’s a constant battle against all that is common and normally accepted. To be the best YOU possible, you must declare war, make your strategy and then…..STRIKE!! I’m with you and support you. Don’t wait. Timing is everything….and the time is NOW!

Become a Marketing Expert

January 22nd, 2010

Recently I have had many thoughts and conversations and what it truly takes to create success in a home based business. If we were to look at the statistics of successful home business owners versus unsuccessful ones, I am pretty sure the majority of the numbers would point towards those who have failed, given up or have not yet experienced the success they had expected. In fact, if we look at any business or industry, not singling out just network marketing, the statistics would be in favor of the unsuccessful.

It’s a sad thing, I know…..but in my industry, network marketing, there’s a significant difference between those who succeed and those who don’t. That difference is contained in the word “Expert!” That’s the secret. In order to truly succeed in your home business, you MUST become an expert in your field. There’s no way around it.

Now, I know there are success stories of people who have zero experience that come into a home business and make a ton of money really quickly…..but where’s the rest of the story? Someone can make a quarter million dollars with a good home business opportunity simply by pursuing their warm market….the people they know. But what happens when that warm market is all spent. They are stuck in the mud without  four wheel drive and the momentum they had once before because they have run out of people to talk to about their amazing home business. And guys, I’m not making this up! I have seen it happen over and over again. They come, they have an awesome first year, they halt in income, and they check out. This is one of the reasons you see people doing what we call “Opportunity Jumping.”

The secret to true, prolonged consistent success in a home business, is to become an Expert. And what I mean by that, is to become really, really good at whatever it is you do. To give you an example: You can obviously see my blog, since you are reading it at this very moment. I have some decent traffic coming into this site through the marketing I have done for it. I rank first page on Google, Yahoo and Bing for some of the most competitive keyphrases in my industry. I have a presence on the internet and have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars because of it. Now, a year and a half after starting this business, I had no clue about marketing. I was having someone else do it all for me and was paying them to do it. I distinctly remember not even knowing what a URL was or that it needed an http://. I was clueless.

But you know what happened? The paid marketing fell through and I was forced to learn it all. I studied, I Googled,  I did everything I needed to do to learn how to market. I became and expert in my field. I became really good at what I do and in order to create prolonged success, that’s what it takes. Sure, you may make money by paying someone else to do it all for you, but what happens when that falls through? What happens when your new distributor gets started and your marketing guy can’t take any more clients? Then what? You must become a marketing expert! It’s all about duplication…..and that is able to be duplicated.

When all the smoke and mirrors are gone, the excitement of starting that new business wears off and your warm market is exhausted, your success really teeters on how good you really are in your niche. If you are actively engaged in your self education, you’ll excel and create the success that you deserve…..and you’ll keep it going for a really long time. Become an expert marketer and success will follow you like it has never done before. I promise you that!

Financial – The Fourth Category of Success

January 14th, 2010

The Fourth Category of Success - FinancialNext up to bat in the 5 Categories of Success is the fourth and most sought after category, Financial! I don’t really know anyone, anywhere, that would say “no” to making a little more money. Some pursue money as if it is the very thing they depend on to sustain life, money being the very air they breathe. Success to many means having lots and lots of money and plenty of time to spend and enjoy having all that money. It’s all about being the P.I.M.P. with the 20 inch rims, the huge mansion and money all over the place. It’s amazing to see someone rise to the top and become wealthier than they have ever been, become the high roller they had always wanted to be, spend all of their money, and end up broke, depressed and out of luck.

The Fourth Category of Success – Financial

Having a mansion, cars, boats, ATV’s, planes, maids, employees, nice clothes and all that can dress up your appearance is NOT financial success. Financial success is about having assets. An asset is something of value, or something that can bring your more income…consistent income. The only thing in the list I just mentioned that may be an asset is the mansion. Everything else is a depreciating deficit…..things that cost you more money. Having the cars, boats, atv’s, planes, maids and nice clothes are results of having assets, if you so choose to accumulate those things.

Now, I know many people think that once they achieve financial success that all the other categories will fall into place. They will then have the time and money to improve themselves, their families and their spirituality. To most people, the money fixes everything and makes everything possible. Not the case! If you were a broke, miserable person before falling into financial success, you will eventually become a broke, miserable person again unless you change you! The financial success comes and STAYS because of who you are being. If you have not become the millionaire in your mind first, then you will not remain a millionaire for long, because your money thermostat is set much, much lower than that. To learn more about how to reset your thermostat, read “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Ecker. Great read!

Now, financial success to me, is after all of my expenses (ie bills, groceries, mortgage etc) I still have plenty of money to put a portion away for savings, donate a portion for a good cause, invest some back into strengthening my assets and to live an abundant lifestyle. That’s financial success. It’s not about having  just enough to get by. That’s three months away from homeless should tragedy strike. It’s true. How many people have lost homes because they were making just enough to get by and tragedy struck, they lost their job? Too many! I apologize, but I have to recommend another book here. It’s “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason. That short, little book will teach you a bit more about what to do with the money you make.

The portal to creating financial success is Entrepreneurship. You must become an entrepreneur. By doing so, you are in control of how much or how little you earn, and the cool thing about entrepreneurship, is you can make a lot of money doing exactly what you love to do. If that is eating donuts all day, you can own a donut shop. If you enjoy teaching kids how to play basketball, you can organize basketball camps and three on three tournaments. If you enjoy it, chances are, you will do well. It’s about finding a way to make it happen. Most likely, things won’t be laid out perfectly for you with ABC instructions on how to create success. To me, that’s the exciting part of it all. You get to take ALL the credit for what you create!

If I can give you a few tips of advice in creating your financial success, it would be this:

  1. Know what you want. Get very clear. Be creative with your ideas. Be different.
  2. Mastermind with those people who have the results you desire to have.
  3. Persist without exception until you get what you want. Learn that “The Buck Stops Here!” To learn more about that you can read “The Travelers Gift” by Andy Andrews.
  4. Burn your boats, meaning, leave no escape routes or back doors. Play with all out MASSIVE action. Play small, get small results. Play big, get big results.
  5. Be extremely consistent.

Anyone and everyone that has a desire to succeed and the willpower to pursue their dreams has to potential to achieve them. One of the most important concepts that I have learned on the path of financial success, is to simply “Enjoy the Journey!” Life is good and because of you, it will become better and better. Money isn’t everything. Money is a tool, or a gateway to achieving greater things in life. Use it to bless your life, the life of your family and the lives of others in a positive way…….and guys, there’s plenty to go around!

Self – The First Category of Success

January 7th, 2010

The First Category of Success - SelfBefore the holiday season crept up on me I wrote a post called “The 5 Categories of Success,” in which I promised to expound a bit more on each separate category. So, as “Self” is the first category, I would not be in integrity if I were to break that promise to you and to myself. But isn’t that truly where it starts? Trusting yourself and knowing that if you make a commitment, you will keep it. It’s so much easier to do, but is the most damaging in effect, when we break self promises.

Now before I get off on a tangent, allow me to break self success into a few subcategories for ease of reading. Now I don’t pretend to know everything there is about everything and am not a self proclaimed Guru. I just know that I have learned some things in my life that can assist anyone who is willing to integrate them into their own.

Self – The First Category of Success

  • Integrity – I can’t tell you how much your level of achievement in this life is based on how well you stick to your core values. If you have no core values then you may be in a bit of trouble in the near or distant future. Being a religious guy, you have to wonder why the scriptures speak of how difficult it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven. It’s because people have a tendency to lose themselves in the pursuit of money. If you achieve all the success in the world but lose your integrity , you have gained nothing. Integrity consists of honesty, dependability, respect, virtue, truth, sound, grounded, bold and stalwart. A couple of phrases that comes to mind are “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” and “Do the right thing, even and especially when no one is watching!” The person you truly are is revealed by the things you do when no one else is around. Part of integrity is the ability to keep promises, especially to yourself.
  • Physical Health – Take pride in everything of who you are. This includes your physical appearance and your body’s health. I don’t know how many of you have ever heard of this saying, “Your body is a temple?” It has been in my life since I had my first memory. Meaning, don’t desecrate it. Take care of it. Keep it clean and fine tuned. Exercise regularly and eat healthy. Think of your body as the outward expression of who you are inside. Maybe this is the wrong way to put it, but if you are fat, lazy and hairy on the inside, you’ll be fat, lazy and hairy on the outside. If the real you can’t find it’s way to the outside because of poor physical health and fitness, you may never reach your full potential. And I know, we can play the blame game. It’s a thyroid problem or genetic. All I have to say about that is don’t settle for that! Treat your body as a fine tuned earthly machine that is being operated by a more powerful and intelligent soul….because we all are heavenly beings having a human, earthly experience.
  • Self Education – I once heard a quote from the late Jim Rohn that said, “Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune. …. Don’t let school interfere with your education.” Go to college, read books and gain knowledge and wisdom from anywhere you can. Not just any knowledge, but knowledge that is praiseworthy and of good report….the kind of knowledge that compels to action by simply occupying space in your head.

These are just a few, but I think you get the point. For those of you who know what the Be-Do-Have principle is, “becoming” is the first step to any level of success. You must first be, then do, then get. It doesn’t work in any other order. Never forget that.

Success is truly an individual matter. After mastermind groups, seminars, books, lectures, college and business, it all comes down to you. Do you want it bad enough to become the person you want to become? You are the one. No one will do it for you. It’s an individual matter. It all starts with you and ends with you, but never really is about you. It’s about helping others, and finding yourself along the way!

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