Inspirational Movie Quotes from “The Day The Earth Stood Still”

May 13th, 2009

the day the earth stood stillThe other day my wife and I watched “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” It was an okay movie. It was a little out there but I thought that it was well put together. I was wanting a little more action than what the movie had, but that’s just me I guess. I’m and action kind of guy.

Out of this entire movie, one word stuck out to me. I had heard the word before but never really knew exactly what it meant. It is the word, “Precipice.” In the movie, Keanu Reeves was an extraterrestrial being who came to earth to save it from the human race. In order to do that, his solution was to exterminate them. Well, through the entire movie, the woman who is with him is trying to convince him not to do it. She took him to a Professors home who gave him this line:

Professor Barnhardt: But it’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don’t take it from us, we are close to an answer.

Only at our precipice do we choose to change.

I looked up the definition online and this is what it came up with:

1. a cliff with a vertical, nearly vertical, or overhanging face.
2. a situation of great peril: on the precipice of war.

So basically, only when times are at their worst do people find the will to change. In most cases, they find the will to change because they really have no other choice. It’s either find the will or perish and most people will find the will.

Isn’t this so true. Don’t most people wait until things are nearly unbearable before they decide to make a move and change it. As you all know, I teach people how to create a lifestyle of wealth and time freedom while working from home. I speak with hundreds of people every month who really, really want to become wealthy, or really want to have more time for their families, but will never take action. I think it’s because they aren’t at their precipice yet. They’re not staring down the edge of the cliff yet because they haven’t quite arrived there. Things aren’t bad enough and honestly, when they are bad enough, it may be too late. They may not have the resources available to them to make a significant change. But it is in those moments, the moments of peril, standing at the precipice, are leaders born. This is where people are given the opportunity to become great and will accomplish great things.

In your own life, if it is a life of wealth and freedom you seek, don’t wait until your precipice, or moment of peril before you evolve into the person you wish to be. Take the action now that will move you towards the things you know you deserve in your life. Have the vision to see where your life is headed if you don’t take that action. Operate from there, knowing that the precipice is coming, and avoid it. It’s just a choice.

Inspirational Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean

April 15th, 2009

piratecompassWhat is it that you desire the most in your life? I know, it’s a loaded question right? Do you even know what it is that you desire most? Maybe it’s not just one main thing, and that’s alright! But can you at least point out one thing, place, situation, person or status that you feel the strongest about? Now that you have that in your mind, how do you get there? Where is the compass or the instruction manual?

I made mention of the compass used by Jack Sparrow in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean and how it constantly points the way to the thing that Jack, or whoever holds the compass, desires the most. There is no set direction or true north. It only points one way, and that way can change, depending on your thoughts and desires. Notice that the compass stops working when Jack is torn between two desires. The course or direction isn’t as clear as before, as the compass is now sporadic. The compass will only point the way to a certain desire, or the strongest desire.

The same is true for you and I. Our thoughts are our compass and our actions steer us in the direction of our truest desires. When our concentration is focused on obtaining that desire, our actions fall into accordance and achieve that desire. When our focus is on multiple desires, one not being more important than the other, our thoughts and actions are split, scattered and not as concentrated as they should be. What happens then? One or more of our desires is not getting enough attention and will not come to fruition. As an example, when I hear of people that have multiple businesses as they strive to produce multiple streams of income, I have to think of this scenario. Either one or all of those businesses is lacking attention and will suffer. For those of you who have more than one child, you know what if feels like when they are all at your heels trying to get your attention. Your mind just wants to shut down. The same applies to these businesses, you just can’t give them all the attention they all deserve. The sure path is not as clear. The compass is sporadic as it is pointing back and forth from one business to the next. Thought energy is spread so thin that it can never be as concentrated as it should. Concentrated thought and action towards one business will produce 10 times the results than 10 times the businesses with partial concentration and attention.

jack_compassSo, if you have figured out your greatest desire, write it down, get more clear on what it is you desire, and then make it happen. Don’t lose your focus with distractions, make sure your compass constantly points in its direction. You really do have more control than you think, you just have to think it so. Just as Jack, when you look out across the distance, you should be able to see what it is that you want. It should be clear as day to you. Though others might think you are crazy and a dreamer, maintain that focus and you will get what it is that you desire!

Once again, control your thoughts, control your world!

Inspirational Quotes from Transformers

April 3rd, 2009

Inspirational Quotes from TransformersNow I don’t care what anybody thinks, Transformers was one of the coolest movies ever, especially to a guy who used to own all of them as a kid and at times, believed himself to be one. I was a huge Transformers fan. Good against evil, you know, it was good stuff.

Inspirational Quotes from Transformers

Now, once again, I love the lines they feed us in some of these movies. If you pay attention and listen closely, nearly every movie uses a principle of personal development or inspiration for their punch lines. Here is an example of  inspirational quotes from Transformers:

Sam Witwicky(Shia LaBeouf): “No sacrifice, no victory.”

Simple yet profound right? Basically, victory requires effort. Believe it or not, regardless of what home based business you choose to pursue, this is the biggest reason for failure. People think they can get something for nothing. You must give before you get. Give effort, consistently, then you get consistently.

Now, the the punch line of the movie that inspired me the most, was towards the beginning, when they were faced with the choice of getting into the car/transformer:

Sam Witwicky: “He wants us to get in the car.”
Mikaela(Megan Fox): [laughing nervously] “And go where?”
Sam Witwicky: “Fifty years from now, when you’re looking back at your life, don’t you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?”

Needless to say, they got into the car and chose to take part in something greater than themselves. By doing so, they had a shot, one opportunity, to be great themselves.

How many times will you be faced with that one shot to make something happen in your life? How many opportunities does one person get to become great?

When faced with that decision, don’t treat it lightly. Successful people make decisions quickly and seldom change those decisions. Sometimes those decisions can come and go before you realize what happened. When your shot comes, act on it out of ambition instead of fear, and become great! Fifty years from now, you can look back on your life with full regret or no regret. It doesn’t take a lifetime of passing up opportunity after opportunity to be full of regret. It just takes one time, because it will haunt you for eternity.

To answer Mikaela’s question, “And go where?” Wherever you decide. The Sky Is The Limit!

Inspirational Movie Wall-E

March 17th, 2009

wall-eI have become a sucker for animated films and for all of you who have children, you know what I mean. I catch myself saying things that normally a man wouldn’t say, such as, “I’ve got to go potty!” So now I am addicted to animated movies, Wii, and several other activities that pertain to having three little girls.

I just barely found the opportunity to watch the movie Wall-E. What a great flick with some great messages about companionship and responsibility. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, I may ruin it for you. The earth becomes very polluted and the population was given the option to leave earth on a spaceship while it was being cleaned up. Well, Wall-E was one of the robots created to clean the earth and over time, ended up being the only one left.

He ends up finding his way to the spaceship that contained all the children’s children’s children’s children of the ones who left the earth so many years before while following a robot sent to earth to discover signs of life. Well, over the years the people on this ship had become so robot and technology dependent that they grew fat, very fat. None of them even walked and they all floated around on these hovering chairs all the time with a TV screen in front of their faces. They were all so fat and so consumed with what was right in front of their face that everything else around them was non-existent. Once this screen was turned off, by Wall-E of course, they could see a universe of possibilities and then starting to truly enjoy life. They started walking and taking action.

The best line of the entire movie, at least for me, came from the captain of this spaceship. Back in the beginning years of this spaceship, the man in charge put the ship on autopilot and programmed it to keep all the inhabitants of the earth in space indefinitely because the earth was unsuitable to sustain life. Well, Wall-E’s little robot friend discovered life on earth and in order to return to earth, the captain had to put this plant into a sensor that would activate the ships return sequence. Well, the captain and this Auto Pilot robot ended up into an argument. The robots job was to make sure the humans survived. That was its mission.

The captain then said the line, “I don’t want to survive. I want to live!”

T0 just survive would be a waste of life. To truly live and experience all that life has to offer is our true nature. Take some time today and think of what “Living your Life” truly means to you. Where are you at? What are you doing? Who are you with? If you are not currently doing it, what in the heck are you waiting for?

Life is short. Very short! Enjoy the journey. Don’t end up at the end of it wishing you would have!

Inspirational Quotes from Braveheart

March 12th, 2009

Quotes from BraveheartAs you all know I am a huge movie watcher. I don’t really care for TV shows but love the movies. BraveHeart! What a great movie with a great message. Yeah, I know that a ton of people had to die to get this great message across, but even past all the blood and gore in the movie, it had a great plot. The plot of freedom. It shows how average people become great and accomplish great things. Where there is a will, there is a way and where there is passion, many will follow.

Inspirational Quotes from Braveheart

How many of you who are in your current job would like to tell your boss or employer something like this: “Before we let you leave, your commander must cross that field, present himself before this army, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse.” -William Wallace

I was once told by an well respected colleague of mine that most people only really get one shot, maybe two, to make something great of themselves. When facing that one opportunity, and having turned it down, you may never get another chance. William Wallace says it best, “Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!”

Don’t be caught years from now wishing that you would have taken that one chance to do something great with your life. Don’t wait to live. Living is for now, not for later. Don’t just sit around on the couch with a false sense of security just because you have a job or a steady paycheck. I once read that most people die at age 30 and are dead men walking for the other 60. “Every man dies, not every man really lives.” -William Wallace

When you think about freedom, what does that mean? Does it mean living in America and being able to go here and there, from state to state, worship as you may, have the right to bear arms and the freedom of speech? I love and enjoy those freedoms, but still, Dad’s are away from home ten to 12 hours a day just to kiss their kids goodnight and in some cases, the mother also. Their children are being raised by someone else that is paid to just watch them instead of nurturing them and teaching them how to be great. In trade for food and shelter they sacrifice their family time and their freedom! There is so much to live for, to enjoy and to experience and working my life away for someone else is not my idea of freedom.

“It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom.” -William Wallace

The Foundation for a Better Life

February 14th, 2009

persistenceI was up late last night watching some college basketball, ASU vs Oregon if you were wondering. Usually I just mute the TV during commercials as they are usually way too loud and most of the time are very annoying! I spaced out during this particular commercial break and saw a commercial that was very inspirational. It had a great message to it. There was no “Buy this now!” or ” We are the best in the world!” It was just a good and inspirational message.

It started out showing a couple sitting at a concert. Well, they suddenly realized he wasn’t with them and they both frantically started looking around a bit until they heard the piano playing on stage only to see their son playing a childhood song. Well, the guy they all came to watch came out on stage, snuck up behind the boy and whispered “Keep Playing” in his ear. He then reached around him a did his thing around the little boys playing and it turned out great. They both finished and then took a bow to the applauding audience.

It ended with the word across the screen, INSPIRATION!

It was a commercial by “The Foundation for a Better Life.” This is definitely a site to check out. Watch a few of their videos and subscribe to their daily quotes. It’s a great find!

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