Sick and Tired Enough?

April 22nd, 2009

sickandtiredSimple question: What will it take for you to start living the life you know you deserve? You know, it’s funny to me to see some of the people that contact me regarding my business, because when their circumstance, their job or their business is not going smoothly, they are eager to make a change. But just as soon as their job has one good day, they are willing to throw it all away and stay in their comfort zone. Even if it has had a past experience of going south frequently. It just doesn’t matter any more because everything is fine now. Forget about what will most likely happen again probably in the very near future, they’re fine right now. Where’s the vision in that? Where’s the fulfillment in living a life that you despise 99.9% of the time because it is comfortable or predictable?

So what does it take for someone like that to change what they are doing and do something different? I can tell you this much, I can’t make people change their lives. I can’t take their call, hear how poorly things are going, tell them to change it and have them do exactly as I say. To tell you the truth, I won’t do that. I am not here to live their life for them.

The only way that someone will change, is when they are not only sick and tired of what they are going through, but when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. That’d the breaking point. From that point, there is no choice, because the only option for that person now is to change. So they take initiative, nearly being compelled by the natural order of things.

Now, true success and sense of accomplishment comes when someone decides to change before they get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Why? By the time that person reaches the point of having no choice, of being sick and tired, their ability to think positively is far gone. Their ability to be proactive has been forced upon them. Their financial resources are in the negative. All of these things are now acting against them along side the thing that made their lives so miserable in the first place. It becomes nearly impossible to move forward with any kind of momentum at that point. Then again, if that person is a fighter, when backed into a corner may lash out with all the energy and ambition in the world. But most people, will just submit and accept their failure to act by staying sick and tired.

So act before it gets too late to act. Act when you are first prompted to do so. Don’t sit around waiting for things to get worse, because you know they will, especially  if they have already. Part of taking control of your life is doing it while you still have a choice!

Take Control of Your Life

April 6th, 2009

Take control of your lifeWhat do you think it means when you see or hear the phrase, “Take Control of Your Life?” First off, does it resonate with you at all? Are you inspired to make it happen, to take control?

Well, either it does or it doesn’t. Either you completely understand or you don’t at all. There is no in between on this one. And if you don’t understand, that’s alright. I am here to educate you, to open your eyes a little and to show you the life you should be living, but have simply not yet chosen to.

Take Control of Your Life

So what does “Take Control” truly mean?  Taking control involves actually getting off your butt and doing something about your situation. It entails going where you want, creating what you want, making sure you get what you want and having the foresight to even see what you want before you create it in reality. That is control and any variance if it puts you in in a situation where you are being controlled by something else.

For instance, someone might decide to take control in their own life by going out and making it happen by finding the job or their dreams. Now, what have they just done? They took control, went up to another person/company and handed them the reins and said, “I would like you to control my life for “x” amount of dollars!” Taking control is not going to a job so that someone else can tell you how to live your life. Taking control involves you making the big decisions, not someone else.

How do you know if you are in control? What did you do today? Were you in control of your time, your money, your life, or was it a boss or punch clock at work. Think about it. What have you given control to? Did any of your action and decisions today move you closer to your ultimate lifestyle, or did it just move your closer to paying the bills knowing that it starts all over again tomorrow?

The good news is…’s temporary. It can be changed.

Quick story: This is how we finally decided to take control. At first, I thought taking control was getting my dream job, because that is how I was raised. I soon learned, through my training in the military, my dream job was going to give me absolutely zero control over my life. I wanted to be a helicopter pilot. So, we started this business after a long lesson from the Army. We initially spent around $1500 to get started. That was a big deal to us, but not really, now that I look back. $1500 is not a lot of money! If you think it is, you have not yet decided to take control of your financial life. I knew what income I wanted, and at this stage, it would take another $20,000 to reach it.

So here Amy and I were. We were at a crossroad. We didn’t have $20,000 in the bank to invest. We had two options: We could allow our circumstance to dictate us, which was a lack of money, or we could continue to move forward and stay in front of the steering wheel. Now, I could see very clearly what my life would be like if I could just get to that next level. To do that, I had to find the $20,000. Yet, I was still in my situation. I didn’t have the money, but what did I do? Did I hang my head and droop my shoulders and give up the control? No!! I figured it out and found the money! I took control of my own life and did something about it. I made sure my life went in the direction I wanted it to. I paved the road with my own two hands and then I walked! I took action. I made sure it would happen! I did! Not someone else. I did.

Taking control of your life may be, and most likely will be, uncomfortable. It’s uncomfortable because it involves change. Changes, out of ambition, that you make to your own life are always good, regardless of how uncomfortable it gets. You should get comfortable doing the uncomfortable.

Think about what you truly want. Make a plan to get there. Then take MASSIVE action and ensure that it happens. You are the only one that can, and the only one willing to do it! Make it happen. It’s your life. You’ve only got one!

Do Business Like A Rhino!

March 19th, 2009

Do Business Like a RhinoAllow me to define something for you to preface this post. Those who operate their business, their life or their actions by what others say you can or cannot do, will always be like the others and will never excel. Now, if your actions are governed by your own rules, you will be whoever you want to create.

Don’t ever live your life by what others tell you that you can or cannot do. Living by everyone else’s rules will land you right where everyone else is. There is always someone out there that is going to try to dictate what you do. That person can be a relative, a friend, a colleague or even a complete stranger. Who appointed that person to the status that would give them authority to rule your life. Nobody has that status other than you. You dictate you. Most rules in this world are just made up, unwritten, unenforced or not even enforceable by law!

Example: In your home based business you decide to do some marketing by putting fliers on cars throughout a mall parking lot. Up comes a security guard that tells you it cannot be done and tells you to go and pick them all back up. What do you do?

Answer: Whatever the heck you want to do! Is he going to call the police? Is he going to beat you up? Is he going to yell at you? What can he do to you? The answer….nothing.

Do Business like a Rhino

A Rhino doesn’t stop and ask everyone else around if he can run through their area, he  just does it. Cattle, or the ones that live by everyone else’s rules, are the ones that would be deterred. Be a Rhino, not a cow in the midst of the heard of cattle! The cattle are the ones that are afraid to test the integrity of the little bit of wire or the sticks that keep them corralled. Take a look at the picture of the Rhino. Do you think a little bit of wire or a few boards are going to stop him? No! Then don’t let a few comments, a silly so called “rule” or anything else deter you from your goals of success! Be the Rhino!

“Because” is an Excuse!

March 11th, 2009

noexcusesAs I study different people and look at the results they are having in their life I notice that a lot of their success or failure stems from their language. You may not think so but by adjusting your language, in your mind and that which comes out of your mouth, can make a huge difference in your results. I know you have all heard of the phrase, “Do as I say not as I do!” That is the dumbest phrase! If those words have come out of your mouth before, your life may not be going as smoothly as it could, and you know what? It’s all your fault.

The correct phrase is “Do as I do!” Surprisingly, most people do as they say and you can see a pattern in people’s speech that will determine what they do. There are so many words that can be switched around or not used at all. For this post, I am going to call attention to the word “because.”

“Because” most of the time, is an excuse word. I can’t go to the store because……

Quick story: I assist people is creating wealth from home right? Well, occasionally I will speak with people who have huge income goals. They want to make millions and want it to happen right now. I present to them a business that has 7 figure income potential. The cost to get started is very minimal compared to the income they will make. Now tell me if you have ever heard this line: “I can’t get started because…..I have no money, I am living paycheck to paycheck, all my income goes to bills, I can’t afford to!” It all starts with “I can’t because.” Having no money is just an excuse. If they really wanted to get started and if they really wanted their millions, a small start up fee would not deter them in any way.

By using “because” in a negative way just means that you have only made a choice. You have chosen to be a victim of your circumstance and are allowing something else effect your choices. Money issues, sickness, schedules, school, friends, family, time, etc…they are all the same. Anything can get in the way of you achieving success. My goals include my family and friends because I allow them to be included in a certain way and still have control over that. The same applies to everything else.

Take a look at your vocabulary. Do you use the word “because” a lot? Is is being used as an excuse or is it empowering?

Empowering: “I am successful because I chose to be, or I did this or I did that.” That is positive and is used in a way that I can control. It’s not used selfishly if you are deserving. Credit is due.

Not Empowering: “I am successful because the stock market turned for the better, or luck came my way, or I won the lottery.” Those are all things you have no control over.

Excuse: “We lost the game because John missed that shot. I can’t make millions because I can’t afford to start a business. I am broke and unemployed because of the economy. I can’t market on the internet because I don’t know how!” All of these are ways “because” can aid in your excuses.

Take an inventory on your vocabulary and use words to empower yourself and I promise you that you will see a tremendous difference in your life.

Stop settling and start living! No excuses!

You Deserve What You Want!

March 9th, 2009

Now before I get into this post I want you all to think of what you want the absolute most in your life. Really think about it now, don’t just make something up. Get vivid about it. Get so clear that you can actually picture yourself in possession of that thing. How does it feel? Are you already in possession of the things you want the most or are they something you have yet to obtain? Maybe you are already in possession of a few things you want but not all of them.

One of the biggest road blocks between a person and their ultimate desires is deservability and directly connected to that is self worth. Most people, even though they desire something so greatly, still don’t really believe they will ever be in possession of it. The reasons may vary but the biggest one is the fact that they feel undeserving or unworthy of that object. Let’s use money as an example. Most people who feel undeserving of money have the impression that others are more deserving of it than they are. “Donald Trump deserves all of his money because, just look at him. He has everything together. He is a man of power and deserves his wealth.” Hogwash!

They only reason Donald Trump has more money than any of you right now is because he deserves it. Why does he deserve that money? He deserves every penny of what he has earned because he was willing to stick his neck out on the line and take huge risks when others were not! He deserves all that he has because he took the action to create it instead of sitting around thinking that others were more deserving than he was. It’s not a selfish thing, it’s an ambitious thing. He’s not trying to take all the money away from everyone else. He understands that there is enough money for everyone to have a ton of it and knows that every penny he will ever make is currently in the hands of someone else or has not yet been made and unless he takes action, it will remain in their hands.

He deserves it just as much as you deserve it and are worth receiving it. If you are dirt poor, sit around on the couch all day, are unemployed, never miss a showing of CSI, never pick a book to read or never take the intitiative to change your situation, you deserve your poor state. Accept the fact that you have created your reality because you deserve what you accept. It is all simply because you either didn’t take action or are taking the wrong action.  The only thing that seperates the rich from the poor is mindset. Change your thoughts, change your world. Truly believe that you deserve all that you desire in this life because you do, if you will but take the risks and the actions to achieve them!

Top 10 Limiting Beliefs of Prosperity

March 4th, 2009

beliefThere are certain limiting beliefs that we all have grown to learn, whether forced to learn or picked up along our journey in life that act as a wall, or a block to success. These beliefs might have come from our parents while in our childhood. They could have been ingrained because of something that happened to or around us. These beliefs may have even been learned by watching TV or going to school. Wherever they may have originated they are limiting, restrictive and extremely harmful to excelling and experiencing a life of pure freedom.

I have compiled a list of ten of the top limiting beliefs that have plagued the minds of people around the globe and have limited their abilities. Now, since I teach people how to create wealth in a Home Business, these are limiting beliefs that would block success and prosperity.

  1. The belief that you don’t deserve wealth, abundance and prosperity, or a good life, or all that you have wanted.
  2. The belief that you are not worth the amount of wealth or success you desire.
  3. The belief that you have to choose between two of your wants or goals and that you can’t have it all.
  4. The belief that the way to get ahead is “by the sweat of your brow.” This is an old timer belief. Hard work doesn’t necessarily include long hours. It means focus and leverage!
  5. The belief that you can only make good money in a good economy or in the perfect conditions.
  6. The belief that someone else who has the results you want is any different or any more deserving than you. The only difference is time and knowledge. Wealth and success is not for everyone else, it is for you! You deserve to be rich and successful just as much as the David Allreds, the Donald Trumps and the Michael Jordans of this world.
  7. The belief that bad things always happen to you or that nothing good or spectacular will ever happen to you.
  8. The belief that the way your parents created success is the way you are going to create your success. Sometimes the way to get ahead in life is to get a good education, find a good job and work until retirement. This is not always the right choice. Just ask the door greeter at Walmart! Most pensions and retirement plans are not worth twenty or thirty years of your life!
  9. The belief that your circumstance or background dictates who you are. Just because your parents are poor, their parents were poor, and their parents’ parents were poor does not mean that you will be. Your stars are never permanent. They can be created or changed to your liking!
  10. The belief that there is only so much money in the world and the poor are poor because the wealthy people have all the money.

There you have it. My top ten. If there are any others you feel I missed, I would like to hear about them. Also, expect me to elaborate over the next week or two on each of these and why they are so harmful to your successful mindset!

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