Marketing Guide: How to Promote Your Business on Pinterest

March 5th, 2012

Pinterest Marketing GuideCurrently, Pinterest is the fastest growing social bookmarking site on the web today. My wife joined Pinterest not long ago because of how quickly she could share and discover her creative decorating and craft ideas. In fact, I think it was a bit too easy because it nearly consumed every second of her day for about two weeks, no exaggeration. She loved it.

In the beginning days of Pinterest, women were and still are the primary users, discovering and sharing their favorite crafts, clothes and styles. Imagine if your business was offering a product or service to the “stay at home Mom” or “work at home Mom” crowd. Pinterest would be and is a gold mine, and for more than just stay at home Mom’s. It’s a great marketing avenue for many types of business, internet based and ‘brick and mortar’ alike.

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Add Popups or Don’t Add Popups

August 31st, 2011

In the world of network marketing, lead generation is the life blood of your business. Without leads, your business is dead in the water. It’s call lead poverty.

So naturally, home based business owners will try almost everything under the sun to generate quality leads. One method commonly used is a popup contact form on their website or blog. We’ve all heard both positive and negative feedback about popups. We’ve been to the sites which have so many popups that you can’t even access the content you’re looking for and are forced to leave the site. And by leaving the site, you get another popup saying, “Wait! Don’t leave. Blah, Blah, Blah.” It can be extremely annoying. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Remove or RipOffReport from the Search Results

August 24th, 2011

Remove RipOffReport.comIf you are someone that has created a decent degree of success in your home based business, then you’ve probably also created a bit of a reputation online along with it. And as you know, the more successful you become, the larger the target on your back becomes. Read the rest of this entry »

How To Promote Your Business with Bandit Signs

August 16th, 2011

What’s a Bandit Sign?

I wonder why they even call it a Bandit sign in the first place, but it’s a pre-printed or handwritten sign about 1 ft by 2ft that one can place on the side of the road. They can be used for just about anything, from yard sale signs and home based business ads to real estate sales. Bandit signs are an inexpensive but very effective way to promote your home based business as well as your traditional business.

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Why Use StumbleUpon?

August 1st, 2011

stumbleuponHave you ever heard of a website called “StumbleUpon?” That’s great if you have…but are you using it?

If you have a website that you would like others to find and use, you should be using StumbleUpon.

StumbleUpon is simply a way to find content you’re interested in. It’s also a great way to share your content to targeted readers. It’s a social bookmarking site that allows you to search for content relevant to your niche or industry, follow other Stumblers and network. It’s a great way to build links to your site and also a great way to find content ideas for your site.

Enough about what StumbleUpon is and on to what it can do for you. If you’ve ever wondered how other website can get ten, fifty or even a hundred thousand visits in a day, StumbleUpon is one of the ways we do it.

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Avoid My Second Biggest Mistake

October 7th, 2010

Entreprenuer MistakeOne of the biggest selling points of a home based business is the System! S-Y-S-T-E-M, Save Yourself Time, Energy and Money. It’s already in place to ensure your success, or at least make it a bit easier for you to succeed. It brings in the all too familiar term, “turnkey.” It’s all about duplication and making things easier for the newest person in the company to get into profit quickly, or duplicate their Enrollers results.

Parts of the system includes scripts, lead generation and pre-built websites, so that when somebody finds your turnkey website, pre-populated with content and pictures, they can submit their contact information. That information then goes into a lead management system that sends out pre-written auto-responders that drip bits and pieces of motivational information about their decision to start a home business.

MY SECOND BIGGEST MISTAKE…..I didn’t build my list and USE it properly.

For the first few years as a network marketer I used their turnkey websites and systems to generate my leads and I allowed those leads to go into their pre-built lead management systems. I took on the belief that once I called that lead and introduced the business to them, whether they got started with me or not, that their information was then useless. The lead was then dropped and I paid it no more attention, at least when it came to continued marketing.

I might as well have been throwing twenty dollar bills down the toilet!!

Although I made my profit from the sale, I missed out on continued, residual profits that can and will come from building your email list. I let tens of thousands of email addresses go to waste….Email addresses for people who were desperate for information on how to make money from home!

A huge part of creating an online presence(Part of my first mistake) is setting yourself up to win regardless. Having a contact form on your site that sends the information captured(email, phone number etc..) into an auto-responder system of YOUR OWN, is where it’s at. You wonder how people can make millions of dollars online with a blog and how network marketers can have continued success regardless of the opportunity they are part of. It’s because the real money, the real income comes from continually marketing to your list of subscribers….people that have opted into YOU and what you have to offer them. And if what you have to offer them is of value…..well….that equals income for you.

Right now, I use AWeber for building my list. In my opinion, it is the best one out there. I did a post a while back on starting an email marketing campaign comparing a few other services. Feel free to check it out.

And feel free to subscribe to my emails to see how I do things. You’ll find the form on the left side of this blog.

So I think my point was made. Do it right the first time. Build the list!

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