I had the privilege today to attend my eight year old daughters classroom Halloween party. Both my wife and I volunteer quite a bit, teaching P.E. classes and throwing parties. It’s awesome to be able to be so present in the lives of my children.
Happy Halloween
As I walked the hallways of the Thatcher Elementary school, I felt like I was in a Harry Potter movie. The hallways were filled with Halloween decor and kids were coming and going, occasionally stopping to take a poke at my baby boy. Everyone was extremely happy. I don’t think I saw a single child with a frown on their face today. Every class I walked by was having a Halloween party. What kid wouldn’t be happy on a day like that, right?
Earlier this morning, I had planned on working until it was time to take the kids to our local trunk-or-treat, but due to the party, I decided to drop everything and take the day off.
Why not? Can I tell you how much I love being able to do that? There was a time in my life that I had to do what my employer wanted me to do that day. I had no say in what I actually wanted to do. Since that time, besides my wife, not a sole on this planet can dictate my day.
Don’t get me wrong, working from home takes discipline and hard work, but what doesn’t, right?
I want you to have that freedom. I want you to be able to choose your schedule, dictate when you work and who you work with. The small things are what matter most to your kids, even just a silly little Halloween party. My daughters will always know that I was there for them.
So, off I go to my Trunk-or-Treat. I’m not even sure what I am going to dress up as. My wife dictates that part of my life usually! Happy Halloween!