Have you ever had a desire to assist other people in their Entrepreneurial ideas but never really knew how to do it? While surfing the net for Entrepreneurship communities, I stumbled across a site call Kiva.org. It is a social site that allows anyone to sign up and ask for or give loans of any size to specific individuals from all around the world.
The slogan for this website is “Kiva – Loans that change lives!”
Starting at the top left, you can click on “Lend” and are able to surf through thousands of people from around the globe who are looking for funding for their Entrepreneurial ideas. It tells you the amount they are attempting to raise and how much of it they have raised so far. Very cool! People are raising funds for call centers, cattle businesses, motorcycle transportation, retail, grocery stores and all kinds of things.
So if you have always wanted to contribute to the spirit of the Entrepreneur globally, this is a way to give. It doesn’t matter how much you give. Give what you want and give to those who you specifically choose. That’s the beauty of it.
Check it out sometime! Kiva.org